《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 17


Around 2 pm,

Nandini was resting; Manik was sitting with his laptop beside her; Navya insisted on helping to prepare lunch; Kabir, Manish and Raj were still at work; Alia, Mukti, Abhimanyu and Dhruv were busy studying as their exams were to start from coming Monday.

Nandini woke up....

Nandini - (saw Manik)What are you doing here?

Manik - (came to Nandini and poured her a glass of water) So.., how are you feeling now?

Nandini - A bit better. (blinked)

Manik - So..., how will this bit will become a lot? hmm?

Nandini - mmm.... Give me a hug and it will become a lot... lot... lot better.

Manik smiled and hugged Nandini.

Nandini - What do we have for lunch?

Manik - Vegetable soup for us and.... (after thinking hard) Don't know about others!

Nandini - (held Manik's hand) Why do you eat the same as me? Why punishing yourself?

Manik - (held Nandini's other hand) Who says it's a punishment and also to accompany you in anything is not a punishment! Silly! (pulled her cheeks) Come.., it's almost lunch time. Let's go!

Nandini - Okay.

Manik helped Nandini to go out and they sat on the dining, their soup was ready while other's was just left to bring out. Navya called them all. They all were sitting on dining.

Kabir came...

Navya - Kabir! (rushed to him and smiled while Kabir didn't respond)

Kabir - (to a helper, handing a file) Keep this in my study! (to Navya) I will go and get changed. (went upstairs in his room)

Navya - Ka..... (she got tensed then loudly) Lunch is ready! Come fast! (she got upset)

Everyone was surprised to see Kabir in such a mood. It was their first time to see him like this.

Nandini - (to Manik) What's wrong with him?

Manik - Maybe..... he lost the deal....

Nandini - No! He never behaves like this whenever he loses a deal. (after deep thought) There can be two possibilities only. First, he is acting... second, there's something else eating him up. Wait, lemme go check. (getting up)

Manik - (held her hand) But you....

Nandini - Don't worry. I am all fine. (she went upstairs and knocked at Kabir's door) (no response) (knocked again still no response) Kabir...., it's me, Nandini!

Kabir - Come in. (opened the door)

Nandini - (went in) What's the matter?

Kabir - What matter? (coldly)


Nandini - What's with your behaviour? (started him for minutes) Come on, Kabir! You really think you can act in front of me? huh? Stop this before I hit you! (showing punch)

Kabir - (sighed) How can you get if I am putting an act or not? You always catch me.

Nandini - Mr. Kabir Dhawan, I am your sister. Come, let's go.

Nandini and Kabir went down. Nandini winked at Manik and no one noticed and Manik winked back. They were standing near the dining. Navya brought a glass of water for Kabir.

Suddenly, Kabir picked up Navya and started turning around. They all started laughing.

Navya -Put me down! put me down! Kabir...

Kabir put her down.

Kabir - Girl, I was just putting on an act.

Navya - so, you can even put on acts now. (twisting his ear)

Kabir - (shouting) ouch..... ouch... ouch..... sorry... sorry Navya. I am so sorry. Please leave.

Navya - (left his ear) Sit and eat quietly!

Kabir sat down on chair and Navya served him the food. All were still laughing.

Kabir - (touching ear) Can you..... feed me? My hands are busy!

Navya - Where?

Kabir - Holding my ear. (rubbing his ear gently)

Navya - (sighed and smiled)No problem. Come, let me hold your ear!

Kabir - No.... no... no... no! I am fine. I can eat. My hands are free.

Navya also sat to eat.

They all were eating, when Manish and Raj came. Nandini was getting up...

Manish - (pointing her) Sit back! we are coming there.

After washing up, Manish and Raj joined them for lunch.

Manish - Kabir, how was your deal?

Kabir - It was great Mamu. I got the bid (winked and snapped)

Manish - Good.

After around 10 minutes....,

Mukti - Uncle, Nandini, Thank you for letting us stay here for these days. It was really nice. We will have to leave by evening.

Manish - Why so soon? Stay for few more days!

Alia - We can't uncle. Our exams will start from Monday and it's already Wednesday. We need to report in campus.

Nandini - What! Exams! My goodness..... I forgot about it. I haven't started revision yet.

Manik - Oh madam! Calm down. Okay! No need for revisions. just write whatever you have read till now. Got it? And also, your condition on that day will decide if you are giving exams or not.


Nandini - But.....

Manish and Raj - But what!

Raj - Nandini, you are not in the condition of appearing for exams. okay! You should be satisfied that you can give exams.

Manish - Raj is right. If..., you will say anything, you are not going to give exams.

Nandini sighed.

By 5 pm, Alia, Dhruv, Abhimanyu, Mukti and Navya left. Navya was to stay first but she got a call from her dad to meet him. Kabir sent his car to drop Navya.

Manik, Dhruv, Alia, Mukti and Abhimanyu had their exam on Monday while Nandini, Navya and Kabir had their exam on Tuesday. Next one was on same day for all just different timings. And the last one was again on same day and same time.

On Monday, Manik went to the college while Navya and Kabir stayed with Nandini.

Manik came back by 2 pm, he was relaxed as his exam went well. Now, Nandini was preparing for her exam the next day. Navya was helping her revise it. Only Kabir was tension free.

Navya - How can you be so carefree? huh? It's your exam also tomorrow.

Kabir - (sighed) Navya, I have already studied whatever is written in these books and already has my degree from a renowned university. So..., I can easily write tomorrow's exam. Don't worry.

Navya - Fine.

The next day...,

Manik, Kabir, Navya and Nandini left for college.

Within an hour, they reached there. Manik helped Nandini to go to the exam hall. He was holding on Nandini while all were looking at them.

Their photos were taken and uploaded on the Campus intranet, captioned " Nandini showed up after weeks like this" Some were showing their care for Nandini in comments while a few were saying it as fake public affection.

Manik made Nandini sit inside exam hall and left the hall. He stayed outside. Fortunately, Nandini and Navya had the same exam hall.

Exam started, the time limit was 3 hours. Manik was standing outside the hall keeping eye on the door and was tensed.

After two and half hours, Navya came out.

Manik - (rushed to her) Navya, Nandini.

Navya - She is still writing. But she is looking weak Manik.

Manik - What! (tensed) I am going to take her...

Navya - Manik! It's just about 30 minutes. If you will go now what will the examiners think and there are four of them. Don't worry, she will be fine.

Manik and Navya kept standing there. As the time was passing, students were leaving the hall.

Just 5 minutes were left and Nandini came out. She was looking very weak and tired.

Manik - (Rushed to her and checking her) You okay?

Nandini - I am fine. Let's go. (weakly)

Manik held Nandini and they left the building. Outside the building, Kabir was standing. Nandini was getting more and more weak, Manik was holding her tighter. Kabir rushed to them.

Kabir - You...you okay? huh? (he was tensed and checked Nandini)

Nandini - (slight smile) I am great... (she fainted)

Manik, Kabir, Navya - Nandini.... Nandini... Nandini. (trying to wake her up)

Manik - Kabir, go get the car at entrance. I will bring her.

Kabir - Hmm.. Be careful. (Manik nodded and Kabir left)

Manik picked Nandini up in arms and Manik and Navya rushed to the entrance.

Whole college got stunned with Nandini's sudden fainting. They all kept on looking at them.

Manik made Nandini sit inside and himself sat beside her rubbing her hand constantly. Manik, Navya, Manik all took Nandini to hospital. Manik informed Dr. Batra. Dr. Batra was already waiting and when they reached he examined her asked the nurses to take her inside. Dr. Batra did a thorough check up of Nandini and after half an hour came out.

Manik - (tensed)What happened to her? How's she now? Is she fin.....

Dr. Batra - Manik... Manik... Manik.... Calm down! Calm down. Nandini is fine now. She fainted because of weakness and I think that's caused due to stress. What was she doing?

Manik - She just wrote her exam.

Dr. Batra - Okay. No problem. There's nothing to worry now. Just take care for the next exam let her work according to her, the more you will stop her the more she will insist on doing that thing and if she will not do that she will definitely take more stress. At last, you know her and her personality more..... (patted him) You all can meet her after three hours you can take her back! hmm?

Manik - Okay.

Manik, Kabir, Navya went in to see Nandini. Manik informed Manish.

After three hours, they took Nandini back home after informing Dr. Batra.

It ends here.

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