《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 16


Abhimanyu - (got up and started dancing in happiness) I got it! I got it! Yes! Yes! Yes! (shaking Dhruv to wake him) Dhruv, Dhruv! Hey! wake up. Wake up, I got it.....

Dhruv - (shouted) WHAT!

Abhimanyu - (turned his face to Dhruv) You remember the photo of a women we saw on?

Dhruv - (sleepily) Hmm..

Abhimanyu - (turned his face other side and then dramatically) I just remembered she's MS. KEREN, the most famous hacker. (then seriously) But Nandini said the lady in picture is her mother. (clapped his hand) Woahhh. It means Nandini is Ms. Keren's daughter. (patting himself) Great, I solved the mystery about who is Nandini's mother. I am a genius. Right Dhruv? (turned to Dhruv and became angry as Dhruv was already asleep) You....You.... (Put a clip on Dhruv's nose and slept)

Dhruv - (having problem in breathing, woke up, noticed clip and removed and took a deep breath) Abhimanyu, You..(about to punch him but stopped himself and slept)

Manish and Raj woke up at 6 am and got ready as Manish had an important meeting at 9 am and Raj had to go to supervise a surgery. So they got ready, Had their breakfast and left by 8 am. Kabir already knew about this, so he woke up at 7 am and send them off.

Then, Manik woke up by 8:15 am. He directly went to see Nandini. He entered her room and Nandini was still asleep.

Manik - (went to Nandini) (checked her temperature by his hand and smiled brightly as she was all fine) You look more beautiful when sleeping as you are quite but I like the awake one as she talks, speaks a lot and enjoy every moment of life. (kissed her forehead)

Nandini - Me too...(opened her eyes) I also like the Manik who talks a lot, smiles brightly and enjoys his life. (they both smiled and kept on looking at each other.....)

Rest of them woke up by 9 am.

They all gathered for breakfast at dining by 10. They all were more lively after resting properly. Kabir was in a formal attire.

Nandini - Kabir, you have any meeting?

Kabir - Yeah. I am going to grab order of textiles. That will be our biggest order till now.

Nandini - Great. All the best. I believe in you.

Kabir - Thank you.

Navya - All the best, Kabir. Do well.

Kabir - Sure, Thank you. Ms. Navya.


Kabir - Thank you.

Kabir got a call. He answered it.

Kabir -Ya, Riya?

Riya - Sir, the investment file is ready.

Kabir - Great, where are you?

Riya - I am outside Ahluwalia's Residence.

Kabir - That's great. Bring the file inside.

Riya - Okay sir.

Kabir hung up the call.

Mukti - (in teasing manner) Who is this Riya?

Navya - Kabir's secretary.

Mukti - Oh.. okay.

Riya came in with a file in her hand. She handed file to Kabir. Kabir checked the file.

Nandini - Riya come, join us for breakfast.

Riya - No, No. Ms. Nandini, I have already had my breakfast.

Nandini - Fine then, Tea, Coffee, Juice, anything?

Riya - No, no. I am full.

Nandini - Fine. (asked the servant to bring juice for Riya)

Riya - But...

Kabir - (eyes in file) Riya, if she is forcing you why not take it. It's just juice.

Riya - Fine.

Kabir was done with his breakfast. Riya was served with juice. Nandini asked her to sit with them. While Kabir was still busy in reading the file.


Kabir - (after reading, closed the file, sighed) Manik, here you go. (putting forward the file)

Manik - What's this?

Kabir - The official papers for my investment in your company.

Manik - You already done with the paper work? (took the file)

Kabir - Yup.

Manik - That's great. (smiled brightly and looked at the file)

Kabir - Read the papers thoroughly and inform me if any changes are required. If everything is right, sign the papers, Then I will sign too (got up) Riya, when you are done call me, I am arranging files.

Navya - Kabir, let me help you.

Kabir - Fine.

Kabir and Navya moved to Kabir's study. After few minutes, Riya went there too. Kabir collected his stuff and Kabir and Riya left.

All were done with their breakfast and moved to the living area.

Abhimanyu - (stood up) Nandini, you are Ms. Keren's daughter?

Alia - Abhimanyu, should we call this overthinking? How is this even possible?

Nandini - Abhimanyu, You are right! (blinked in approval)

Alia, Dhruv, Mukti, Abhimanyu - WHAT!!! Are you kidding us?

Nandini - Come on guys. You are over reacting.

Mukti - (while standing up) What you have told us just now requires such a reaction.....(all were confused)

Alia, Mukti, Abhimanyu, Dhruv were still confused and were giving it a deep thought when Nandini received a call from an unknown number. Nandini was looking at her phone and she rejected the call. The person called for second time, she rejected again. When the phone rang for the third time, Manik asked her to answer as it might be something important. Nandini answered the call.....

Nandini - Hello?

Caller - Ms. Ahluwalia, it's me, Daksh.

Nandini - Oh... It's you, Daksh. Say, what happened?

Daksh - Ms. Ahluwalia, Mr. Rai, the famous news editor and blogger, he is writing an article about your accident. He has collected all the information. I am afraid it may anyhow affect the business. Mr. Ahluwalia cancelled an important meeting to go see you. If the shareholder and investors get to know this..... anything can happen...

Nandini - What!!.. (she got tensed) Okay fine. I will do something. Thanks for telling. Also, can you find by what time he will post the news blog ?

Daksh - Yah, I forgot to tell you. He is planning to post it by 6pm today. It's 11 am now. We still have time.

Nandini - Great. I will manage it. You just keep me updated. Thank you. Bye.

Daksh - Bye.

She hung up the call.

Manik - What happened Nandini? You are looking tensed! (he became tensed too)

Nandini - Manik, everything has messed up. wait, lemme call dad.

Nandini called Manish. He answered the call.

Manish - Hello Nandini? It's a great news. We seized the deal.(he was happy)

Nandini - That's amazing dad. (she got happy too) But dad.... I actually called to ask which meeting you cancelled to come see me at hospital on the day of accident?

Manish - Who told you this ?

Nandini - That's not important dad. Firstly answer me.

Manish - You don't need to know this!

Nandini - Dad, tell me right now (a bit loudly that everyone kept looking at her). Try to understand. please...

Manish - There was a meeting for finalising the design of Paradise (hotel). But I cancelled it because I had to go see you... and never contacted Prachi Sethi again...

Nandini - (shockingly) Pa...Par... Paradise? Dad, are you serious? Each and every builder is after that contract and we were able to seize it but you let it go after coming this far with the project... (frustratingly) Why dad?


.... Come on. Kabir, Manik, Raj uncle, Batra uncle and all my friends were there to look after me, you should have gone to the meeting. What if the investors of this project get to know this?? What will we answer them (sighs) Okay..... Fine. I will talk to Prachi Sethi (owner of Paradise). Bye. (hung up and sighs)

Manik - Nandini, please stop getting tensed. It will affect your head injury and your health.

Nandini - Manik, you are not getting it. Dad, let go of the Paradise project. The Paradise project, you know... That's the biggest constructing project of the whole state (region, province) No, I can't take this.

Manik - But he was caring about you, Nandini.....

Nandini - I know dad was caring about me but he could have called Ms. Prachi at least once or could have postponed the meeting..... But he directly cancelled the meeting without even a short notice. I am sorry.., NO.. I can't let this project go like this. (picked her mobile and called Prachi Sethi)

Manik and their friends were also getting tensed seeing Nandini like that. Prachi Sethi was not answering the call but Nandini kept calling. She finally answered the 6th call.

Prachi - Hello? Yes, Nandini.

Nandini - Glad to know, you still recognise me. By the way, I am sorry. I am so...so...so sorry for that day....

Prachi - You are calling me now, Nandini? huh? You know, it's been more than a week.

Nandini - I know, and I am extremely sorry for that.

Prachi - (sighed and calmly) Nandini, what can your apologies do? You say, why your dad has to cancel the meeting if he was stuck somewhere, he could have just postponed the meeting. Or even if he had to cancel it, he should have informed earlier....

Nandini - I understand, what you are saying.... But it was really something serious.

Prachi - I can understand because I trust you but what about the investors... Also, your dad never contacted any of us after that... (miserably) I trust you guys that's why I gave you that project without a second thought...

Nandini - I know Ms. Prachi, but there was some personal issues.... I will explain them to you later. Can we do something now?

Prachi - Nandini, it's a bit late. The investors had already pressurised me to look for some other builders and I was about to put official notice when you called me. What can we do now? You tell me.(after silence for minutes) Come on girl, you are full of ideas. Give me an idea, fast!

Nandini - (snapped) Um.. How about this? I will make some changes with the design. And see if there's any problem in the design or material or anything and will fix it.... okay! Even if there will not be any problem I will make some changes for sure. You tell investors, that we found some problem and favourable changes to be made to the design at the very last moment that's why we had to cancel the meeting urgently. And regarding the postponement, we had no idea by when those problems could be fixed so we found it more convenient to just cancel the meeting. What say? (Prachi Nandini's friends and Manik also started clapping with an astonished look) (Nandini smiled) Thank you.

Prachi - What an idea, girl.... Okay, let me contact the investors. But make sure to complete the design by tomorrow evening.

Nandini - No problem (winked) Bye.

Prachi - Bye.

They hung up the call.

Nandini was happy now, seeing her happy, Manik started smiling too.

Manik - Great girl. (thumbs up)

Nandini - Thank you (slight bow)

Mukti - Nandini, what was that? And that Prachi, she trusts you this much?

Nandini - Mukti, for me business is all about give and take. Ms. Prachi and we trust each other that's why we have been doing business from past 5 years. She is not just the owner of "Paradise" but also many other famous hotels. We have already constructed around 8 - 10 buildings for her. And this "PARADISE" is the biggest construction project. Getting this project is like hitting the jackpot in builders field...

All - Great. (thumbs up)

Nandini - Thank you.... um.. wait lemme call dad.

Nandini called Manish. Manish answered the call.

Manish - hello?

Nandini - Sorry dad. (innocent way) I was quite rude last time.

Manish - It's okay. It was my fault too. Just don't do this again.

Nandini - okay

Manish - So, how did it go?

Nandini - Yah, Dad, please recheck Paradise's design again and again and see if there's any problem, any little problem in design. if there is then fix it please. And if there's not any, make some major changes in the design. I will also look if I can do the same. That's the only way to get the project back and we have to be ready with the updated one by tomorrow evening.

Manish - As you say, but be careful about your health.

Nandini - As you say.

Manish - hmm.. Bye.

Nandini - Bye.

Nandini took a sigh of relief.

Nandini - Thank god.

Manik - Since you are done, go and rest now. You have already passed one and a half hour on this mess. Go..

Nandini - Wait Manik, there's still one person to deal with! (winks)

Manik - Who?

Nandini - Wait...

Nandini called Rai, the blogger and editor.

Rai - Hello?

Nandini - Hello, Mr. Rai!

Rai - Yes? How may I help you?

Nandini - By deleting the blog and news report you are going to publish about me.

Rai - Who are you?

Nandini - (smirks) If you will do as I said, then I'm your friend. If not, then an enemy...

Rai - (shocked) Nandini?

Nandini - Wow.. You can actually recognize me.

Rai - You...you are trying... to threaten me?

Nandini - (sighs and calmly) See, Mr. Rai. Threatening someone is really not my style. It's better if you stop messing around with me, my dad, and my brother. I know, you are a news blogger and editor that's why always curious about some spicy news...... But you say, if I was really this badly injured how am I even able to talk to you like this right now. And if you publish those articles you could be held guilty for spreading fake news..... Okay, lemme come to the point, if because of you, me or my family will face any problem, I will make everything a problem for you. Goodbye. (hung up)

Rai - hello? hello? hello, Nandini? hello?

Everyone sitting around Nandini except Manik was shocked.

Alia - (gulping) You can be like this also?

Dhruv - Whoa.. I am getting goosebumps.

Mukti - Yeah.. The bad girl vibes...

Nandini - Done? (everyone nods) Good.

Nandini receives a call from Daksh..

Nandini - Hello, Yah Daksh?

Daksh - Ms. Ahluwalia, Mr. Rai has ordered to not publish the article in newspaper and he is also not going to publish the blog! Great work.

Nandini - Thank you. I knew it. But you still need to keep me updated.

Daksh - Hmm.... Bye.

Nandini - bye. (hung up) Never thought, this Rai would be so easy to deal with.. (calls Rai)

Rai - Hello? What is it now?

Nandini - Thank you for understanding. (smiles and hung up)

Rai - (to himself) What is she? Just now she was threatening me and now thanking me!!(confusingly) Is she really this polite? (shakes his head)

Nandini was finally relieved now. She lied on the couch.

Manik - I hope you are done with everything now.

Nandini - (hugged Manik from side) yup. It was really tiring. Uff.

Manik - Now, go and rest. (make Nandini to get up)

Nandini - Okay, okay. (as soon as she got up she felt dizzy)

Manik - You okay?

Nandini - hmm.. I think that's because of work.

Manik - (scolding) That's why I was asking you to not take this much stress. Now...

Nandini - Fine...Fine.. I am going to rest. Bye....bye.

It ends here.

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enjoy reading.

Your writer,


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