《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter19


The next day,

Manik was sitting in library researching on his laptop. Nandini, Navya and Kabir were busy in their classes. The rest were sitting in garden area busy in their projects.

Soha came to Manik.

Soha - Excuse me! (Manik looked at her) Manik, I want to ask again, can you please help me with the project?

Manik - Fine, sit!

Soha got happy and sat opposite to Manik. They started the discussion and Manik kept on giving her advices and suggestions.

This time, their photos were uploaded on the campus intranet keeping title "Soha trying to get Manik" It became the hot topic in the whole campus. Nandini and Navya got out of their classroom, they were unaware of the thing. Everyone was looking at Nandini. Nandini and Navya were confused.

An hour later, they all met at cafeteria for lunch. Nandini, Navya, Kabir and Manik were still unaware of the news post on Intranet.

They all settled on a table. Dhruv took out his phone and...

Dhruv - (reading) Headline - Soha trying to get Manik. (read whole article for others) - What about Nandini? It means I have a chance with Nandini.

I think Manik and Soha look better than Manik and Nandini.

Manik and Soha look so cute together.

- This Manik! He always gets the most beautiful girl in freshers. First Nandini, now Soha...

Manik and Nandini weren't bothered at all. They were enjoying their meal: eating, talking and laughing.

Mukti - (calling Nandini) Any comments on what Dhruv read now?

Nandini - (looked carefully) oh.... Yah, what a busybody!

Dhruv - Me? How can I be a busybody?

Nandini - (hiss) Not you, man! The one who wrote this rubbish and those who are writing more rubbish(comments) on that.

Alia - It means there's no problem?

Nandini - There should be?

Alia - of course, What if this Soha is really trying to get Manik?

Nandini - Then let her try. Because Manik is mine and no one can get him and can keep trying ONLY! (smirks)

Alia - But Nandi......

Manik - If Nandini said no one else can get me, it means NO ONE ELSE CAN GET ME! I belong to her and she belongs to me!


Nandini turned to Manik, smiled and both kept looking at each other with smiles.

Next day,

Manik was busy attending lectures so he didn't went to library. Soha sat there alone and did some research. She soon lost interest in researching and was just looking for Manik.

After the lectures, Manik went to cafeteria for lunch. He received message from others as they will be 15 minutes late. He got his meal and sat on the chair. He didn't start. Soha came to him with her meal and sat opposite to him.

Manik - (got up and loudly) That seat is taken.

Soha - But there's no one and there's no bag also.

She sat and Manik got a bit angry but controlled his anger. Nandini and others came there and saw Manik and Soha there. Everyone got angry but Nandini was still unbothered. Kabir stepped forward but Nandini held his hand and pulled him back. She went to take her meal.

Nandini - You guys take other table, we will join you later.

All - Okay.

Kabir - Control your man.

Nandini - Don't worry. He knows what he is doing and is under control. Go!

Nandini went to Manik and Soha. She smiled brightly, Manik smiled back but Soha didn't notice Manik as she was looking at Nandini.

Since, she never saw her before, she didn't recognize that's Nandini.

Nandini - Manik....

Soha - I am already working with him for project! He can't help you!

Nandini - No problem. (she went forward and was about to pull chair beside Manik)

Soha - Don't you get it!! Leave!

Nandini sighed and turned to leave and blinked at Manik. Manik was full of anger.

She went to her friends and sat down. She was still smiling while her friends were angry.

Alia - You should have smacked her face and you didn't bother to say even a single word.

Navya - I can't believe, you actually tolerated that!

Mukti - You should have pulled Manik here.

Abhimanyu - I can't believe, Manik is still sitting there.

Dhruv - Scum bug!

Mukti - Aren't you feeling insecure? jealous?


Dhruv - Why should she feel that! That Manik!

Nandini - (after everyone got quiet, to Kabir) You don't want to speak or pass any comment? huh?

Kabir - Seeing you smiling and unbothered, I get one thing that you know he is going to do something.

Nandini - (smiled) That's like a good bro. And Mukti, I am not feeling insecure for anything, and why should I, relationship stays on trust. And I and Manik trust each other a lot and we know no one will ever cheat other one. Regarding jealousy, I am proud instead because I have the man which everyone wants.(smiles and winks) And... most probably, this chapter named Soha will end today. (held her can and moved in way of cheers) Let's enjoy the show!

Manik was done with his lunch. Soha was in middle. He got up to leave, Soha held his hand. Mukti, Abhimanyu, Dhruv, Alia nd Navya got shocjed and looked at Nandini. Nandini didn't respond so they turned faces back to Manik and Soha.

Soha - I want to talk, please sit.

Manik - (full of anger) Leave! I said, leave the hand! (Soha let go his hand and he sat down) Say it!

Nandini's friends again turned to Nandini and turned back after getting no response.

Soha - I... I.... I like you.

Their friends repeated the same thing,

Nandini - (irritated) Listen to him! (everyone got serious)

Manik - I have a girlfriend!

Soha - I know! But I am better than her! And how will you know who suits you more until you will try me out.

Manik - (laughs) Are you an object that i can try out because my girlfriend is not and I don't think any girl is.. Also, how do you know that you are better than her? Have you seen her, met her or have talked to her.

No! Let me tell you. She is the sweetest girl in this wor, one who knows how to respect others in limit even though they disrespect you. She is intelligent in every aspect. She has a good understanding and bonding with me. She loves to spend time with me and she gives me privacy. And most importantly, she is the one because of whom you are talking to me today. (sighs) I have helped you a lot. Let's close this here. Don't bother me again! (went to Nandini and others after keeping utensils)

Nandini was smiling at him and looking at him with eyes full of love. Everyone was adoring them.

Nandini - Come, sit!

Manik sat beside her.

Mukti - I really admire you two. Your relationship is the best.

Manik and Nandini - Thank you.

Mukti - So Manik, did you got info about M.K. We have to submit projects the day after tomorrow.

Manik - It's getting harder and tiring.

Alia - Of course, it will be hard. After all, M.K. is the best one in this field. How can we get her info so easily?

Nandini - (angry) What best? I don't even know who this M.K. is and you are calling him or her whatever best. My mom was the best! This M.K. is nothing in front of her.

Manik - Calm down. Calm down.

Nandini - okay.

Nandini received a call from her dad.

Nandini - Hello, ya dad?

Manish - This coming Monday, there's a meeting for a great deal. You have to handle it.

Nandini - Why!

Manish - What why? You have to! You are also the part of company board..

Nandini - Why can't you attend it?

Manish - I have other work.

Nandini - I also have a seminar that day!

Kabir - (loudly) But you said, you will not attend the seminar! (Nandini twisted his ear) Ah...ah...ouch...

Manish - What seminar?

Nandini - (thinking hard)Enterprenuring.... skills..... tips and all.

Manish - You don't need to attend it. Just take care of the company! Monday, 4 pm sharp. That's it! (hung up)

Nandini - Hello.... hello.... hello.... dad.. dad... ( put down mobile and sighed)

It ends here.

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