《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 7


Now, only a month was left for the 2nd semester to end. They got their date sheet and all started to work hard. They would spend their days studying. But Manik was looking a bit insecure.

Nandini and Manik got a lot of proposals from many. They were now fed up from it. They are the common crush of the whole campus. Their friends kept on teasing them but were also supporting them. They have always kept the cold shoulder to all those who had proposed them.

Meanwhile, Manik's dorm actually started to play a game which Manik and Nandini have been playing for the years. They don't know about Nandini playing this game. The game was named 'OUR REIGN'. It was like a family game with full of emotions and was very common among the youngsters and college students. They need to create friends, can chat privately as well as globally and fight monsters to pass levels. Nandini and Manik were together in the game. The only place where they are openly together and were the best players on their server. The game was developed by a famous game and software developing company- Pace Technologies.

Although they were playing games, they studied very hard to prepare for their exams.

The exams arrived. They were fully prepared for them. Both dorm's exams last for a week. And after exams, they all got free once again. They went to their dorm and rest.

Meanwhile Manik was too angry. He dragged Kabir out of the dorm, took him to his car and then drove to a café. They sat their, Kabir could sense Manik's anger very well but didn't know the reason behind it. He was totally confused.

Kabir - Manik, What happened? Why are you looking angry? (while hesitating) Why you brought me here?

Kabir's phone rang. It was Navya. Manik saw it too. Suddenly, Manik started sulking. Seeing this, Kabir didn't answered the call and just left a message that he's busy.


Kabir - Manik, what's wrong? Why are you sulking? huh? Someone wronged you? Tell me, I will beat him up? But I don't think anyone has the guts to trouble you!!!

Manik - You wronged me!! Now, beat yourself up.

Kabir - What!!!!!!

Manik - Ya, Come on. With my countdown, start beating yourself. Okay, so 1...2...

Kabir - Wait!!!!! How did I wronged you? I neither took your money, nor your car. Then??

Manik - Mr. Kabir. Remember, you said by the end of this semester Nandini herself would ask me to open up. Remember???

Kabir - Ohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember. What can I do? I and Nandini didn't met for years and now I don't understand her much. So pity!!!!

Manik - You think I am a fool? huh?

Kabir - Manik, Now. what can I do? huh?

Manik - Forget it. I can find my own way.

Kabir - That's good too. Okay. so let's go back. They would be waiting for us. Come.

They went back to the dorms and rest.

It was the last day before third semester would start. Both the dorms planned a lunch together.

In morning, all got up late and got ready. They were about to leave when Nandini's phone rang. She answered the call in hurry, Took her purse and was at reached the door.

Nandini - Ya, I am going outside. I will join you guys if I would be left with time. Bye.

Navya - But what about your lunch.

Nandini - I would have my lunch there if I would not return(she left)

Mukti - Not again man.

Alia - She shouldn't have gone today.

Mukti - What can we do? She says that's important too.

Alia - Right. Let's go then.

They all went to the restaurant and settled.

Kabir - Where's Nandini?


Navya - She went out.

Abhimanyu - But we decided to have lunch together but she received a call and left immediately.

Kabir - Whose call?

Navya - We don't know.

Kabir - OK

Dhruv - I don't know why? But I feel like Nandini's in a secret relationship!!! What you guys think?

Kabir choked his food, Navya gave him some water. Meanwhile,

Alia - Exactly, why I didn't think about it? You got the point.

Kabir - What!!! What are you guys talking about? Do you even know?

Mukti - No, But there is possibility of it.

Kabir - Oh, come on. I know her very well. She could never be in any secret relationship.

Now, Manik choked on his drink and started staring Kabir with his head down. Kabir got shut.

Just then,

Nandini - I heard everything.

She was standing at a distance and they all stared at her and screamed Nandini!!! She came to the table and took her seat.

Nandini - You guys want to know where I was? That was dad's call. He called me but I came back because on my half way he said he got other urgent work so he will meet me some other day. Now, say what you all were saying?

All - We trust you.

Nandini started laughing and then they all. She ordered and started to eat.

Dhruv - Ya, by the way, Nandini. Who's your dad. Atleast, tell his name.

Alia - Even the three of us don't know. Why would she tell you.

Nandini - Exactly, you will get it by the time.

Dhruv - OH come on. Fine, Kabir you say.

Kabir - If she is refusing, I can't say too. Sorry.

Dhruv - (with sarcastic laugh) What a brother-sister duo!!!

They enjoyed their day and went back to dorm to rest.

The third semester began. But even the first day was so troublesome for Nandini. Some proposed her by writing on class board, before she entered. She saw it and became pissed but controlled herself and sat down. After the lecture was over, she moved out and Navya followed her. On her way to cafeteria, she got three proposals.

In cafeteria, One more boy proposed her while sitting on his knees when she was eating and Navya kept on gulping while watching it.

The boy - I just want to express my feelings. I don't want anything similar happen to me just like my friend who was in love for Navya.

Nandini kept on ignoring him and eating. Then, she went to her dorm with Navya.

Nandini - What's wrong with all now? I don't understand. Oh come on. It's just first day of this semester. What will happen by the end?

Navya - You would no longer be single.(in low voice)

Nandini - What??

Navya - Nothing. nothing.

After some time, Alia and Mukti came to dorm. They already knew it as the whole intranet is full of this news. But they decided not to talk about it as it could piss off Nandini.

There was somewhat similar scene with Manik but it was quite less as compared to Nandini.

Neither of the dorms brought up this topic but it kept on going like this. And the two kept on ignoring as that's the only thing they could do.

Meanwhile, the dates for basketball match was announced. Manik and his dorm started practicing for it and got busy.

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