《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 6


Nandini, Manik, Mukti, Abhimanyu, Alia and Dhruv all surprised Kabir and Navya. They took seats and suddenly started to stare Kabir and Navya while the two kept their heads down.

Nandini - Hey, you guys are reacting like you are thieves and we are police.

Mukti - Exactly. Come on guys. Relax.

Dhruv - So, when are you two going to treat us?

Alia - Hey, we are at restaurant. Soooooo, what about right now?

Kabir - Sure, why not?

They all burst into laughter. The waiter came and took their order. They all were enjoying as the six of them were continuously teasing Kabir and Navya.

The waiter got all the order. They started to eat.

Suddenly, Nandini started to search around her. She checked all her pockets and her bag pack.

Mukti - Nandini, what happened? What are you searching for?

Nandini - Actually, I just noticed my mobile is not here. I think I forgot it at dorm.

Alia - Oh, If you need it now, you can borrow mine.

Nandini - No, No. I was just searching for it.

They again got busy in eating and suddenly Kabir's mobile rang while Kabir went to wash his hand and the mobile was on table. Navya saw it, the Number was saved as Mamu(it's Manish). Kabir came back and Navya told him about the call. He was about to call back when Manish called him again. He answered the call. Nandini and Manik got attentive.

Manish - What took you so long to pick the call? I am already tensed and you gave me more tension? Are you free? Can you check where's Nandini? That girl is not answering my call? I am very tensed? Please!!! Search for her!!

Kabir - Mamu, Mamu, Mamuuuu, Stop it. It's okay. She must be busy that's why she would not be answering.

Manish - No, Kabir. She would always answer my third call. But I have already called her More than 10 times. She is not answering.

Kabir - Mamu, trust me. She is fine. It's just that she would be busy.

Manish - Tell me, Are you free?

Kabir - I am, buttttt...

Manish - But what? She is my daughter, I know her. She would answer my call. I am sure something's wrong with her.


Kabir - Of course Mamu, She is your daughter. You know her but she is my sister too. I also care about her. Don't worry. Trust me.

Everyone started staring at Kabir while Nandini kept her head down. Manish was not ready to hung up the call and Kabir was not hanging up as it would be rude.


Nandini snatched mobile from Kabir's hand. Kabir and other's got stunned.

Kabir - Nandinii!!!!

Nandini talked to Manish.

Nandini - Dad, What's wrong?

Manish - Nandini, Thank god. You are fine, girl. I was really tensed.

Nandini - Dad, what make you call me that much and now Kabir?

Manish - Firstly tell me, Why weren't you answering?

Nandini - Dad, we all are out and I left my mobile at dorm.

Manish - OH, you scared me to death.

Nandini - Dad, what's the issue?

Manish - Actually, you didn't replied to my message yesterday?

Nandini - Message, which message?

Manish - You didn't read that? okay, I tell you now. You need to come to office for one meeting. It especially requires you. You are temporary vice CEO and you would be 20 soon. And become the permanent CEO.....

Nandini - Dad!!!! I will talk to you later. Bye Bye.

She hang up the call, became quite flustered and returned Kabir's Mobile.

Alia, Dhruv, Abhimanyu, Mukti and Navya kept on staring Nandini and Kabir, while she kept on being flustered.

Alia - You two are cousins!!!

Navya - It's almost an year and we are getting to know about this just now because of your dad. And if your dad wouldn't have called up today for how long were you two going to keep this secret from us? huh?

Abhimanyu - Exactly.

Mukti - Now, speak up. For what are you two silent?

Kabir - Stop!! Can you hear us out first? Nandini, you say.

Nandini - Okay, Actually my father and Kabir's mother are siblings. When Kabir was about 12, his parents died in a car accident. From that time, we lived together. His parents had a whole great company and now it's under Kabir. At 16, he went abroad to study business management and handled his company. And now, after 5 years, he is back. Actually during first semester, even we didn't recognised each other and finally just before second semester, we got to know about each other. I too lost my mother when I was 14 and Kabir had to leave me at that time. That's also the reason, we two are quite possessive about each other. So, that's the story. I hope you guys understand.


Navya - Come on, we are not stone hearted. We understand.

They all became quite emotional.

Kabir - okay, No need to become so emotional.

Nandini - Exactly, let's enjoy and talk casually.

Abhimanyu - Kabir, you have a whole big company under you?

Kabir - Ah..b, yes!

Mukti - But I still didn't get one thing. Kabir, if you have already studied business management abroad then why are you still studying the sane thing here?

Alia - She got the point.

Kabir - Nandini told you such a long story, and you still asking?

Nandini - Let me. Actually, he came here for me but now is staying here for Navya.

They all started to laugh.

They enjoyed food and then planned to go to park. Kabir paid the bill and they all got into cars and went to a park.

They sat in a circle and started dicussing about playing games. They finalized to play Truth or Dare. Nandini and Manik were firstly denying to play but finally agreed. They started to play. Dhruv spinned the bottle and it stopped at Mukti. They all started hooting.

Alia - Okay, Mukti. Truth or dare.

Mukti - None of you could be trusted so dare!!

Alia - But we really can't be trusted. You will still regret.

Nandini - Okay, I will give. Guys, we are in park right? So, Ms. Mukti Vardhan go and take any three kids slides.

Mukti - Whatttttt!!!!!!!!! Nandini, people will call me idiot. Some will scold me too.

Navya - We don't know. You chose dare. Go, do it.

Mukti went to slide, started climbing while the people around started laughing after seeing her. Kids gathered there and made fun of her. She took three slides and came back to continue the game quite embarrassingly while her all friends were laughing.

They continued the game and this time the bottle stopped at Navya. She too chose dare.

Mukti - I will give. Navya, call the fifth contact in your favourites list and yell at him/her. Tell him/her you hate that person and insult him/her for 30 seconds and then say sorry and immediately hang up. And yes don't do if the person is your elder.

Navya - But it could effect my relation with that person.

Mukti - I don't care. Call, scold and insult. That's it.

Navya - okay.

Navya took her phone, Nandini and Alia were keeping an eye if she is following or not. When Navya opened the list, Nandini, Navya and Alia started laughing. Everyone asked what's wrong but they said nothing.

Navya dialed the number and Mukti's phone rang. Everyone was startled except the three. Mukti checked her phone and screamed irritatingly.

Mukti - What the hell man? It's truly your day guys. Even when other is getting dare, still I am being hurt. Let's drop this.

Manik - Sorry Mukti, But dare has to be done.

Navya - Hello? You idiot. What you think you are? huh? any princess. Listen, you are no princess okay. Have you seen yourself, how skinny you are? Sometimes it feels like you will be blown away by the wind. Come on. Gain some wait, girl. (Nandini signalled that 30 seconds are over). SORRY!!

Dhruv - Navya, did you mean those words?

Mukti - Shut up. I know you guys are teasing me. She don't mean it.

They started laughing. Navya came to Mukti and hugged her. The game continued for about two hours and ended only teasing Mukti.

Abhimanyu - I must say, we are incredible. No one of us chose truth. Next time, we should play truth or truth.

No one laughed. Instead they all were staring him. He made an innocent, cute face and everyone laughed.

It got late in evening so they all drove back to campus. They went to their dormitories and slept. Everyone enjoyed the day and were happy as well as shocked because of Nandini and Kabir. Meanwhile, Manik, while lying in bed was thinking when he will move around with Nandini just like now his three friends/dormmates do.

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