《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 5


On Sunday,

Navya, Nandini, Mukti and Alia all woke up at 8. They fresh up and ate their breakfast.

It was about 10 now. They started to get ready as they were having a lunch outside. They all were very happy. Suddenly, Mukti started to feel unwell, but didn't said anything to anyone. She directly went to washroom while placing her hand on her stomach. Nandini noticed and asked Alia if there's something wrong with Mukti. But Alia also didn't know anything.

Mukti came out and was looking very pale. All three girls rushed to her and made her sit on a chair.

Nandini - Mukti, are you okay?

Alia - What's wrong Mukti?

Mukti - I think I have a diarrhea.

Navya - What? But we also ate the same thing as you in breakfast. We are fine. Hey, you went out with Abhimanyu yesterday for dinner, what did you two ate?

Mukti - We just went to a restaurant and then ate some fast food at stalls.

Nandini - What? But why didn't you two ate at restaurant only.

Mukti - Ahhh(while touching her stomach)

Nandini - So, now you will not even answer me.

Alia - Nandini, Let's take her to infirmary first. Then you two can fight.

Navya - But, college infirmary has a really bad repo.

Nandini - Then, let's take her to the nearby hospital.

They took her to the hospital. Doctor checked and Mukti got admitted to hospital. She was having severe diarrhea. All the arrangements were made as she has to be there for a whole day. Mukti laid down on bed and the three girls also sat there. It was a one bed ward. Mukti fell asleep while her phone rang, it was Abhimanyu. Nandini picked it up.

Abhimanyu - Sorry, I am disturbing you at the moment. I know you are out with your dormmates but I am alone at dorm so I thought I should call you!!

Nandini - Are you done?

Abhimanyu - Mukti!!!! What happened to your voice? huh? Do you have a sore throat? Listen, my mom has a lot of remedies. I will call....

Nandini - Shut up!!!!


Nandini shouted angrily and Abhimanyu jumped in his seat.

Abhimanyu - Who are you? Tell me! Did you kidnap my Mukti?

Nandini - (she turned to Navya, Alia and was giving crazy reactions) What's wrong with this man. (to Abhimanyu) Abhimanyu, it's me, Nandini!!

Abhimanyu - Nandini! Why are you answering? Where's Mukti?

Nandini - We are at hospital. Mukti is having diarrhea and is sleeping right now.

Abhimanyu - What? Diarrhea? Tell me which hospital, I will be there, right now.

Nandini - Wait, you don't need to come. Just tell me are you fine? What did you two ate yesterday that she got like this. You are sounding fine but why she is like this?

Abhimanyu - I told her not to eat much, but she didn't listened to me.

Nandini - Eat much? What did she ate?

Abhimanyu- Actually, we were almost full after the dinner but on our way back she insisted on eating a burger. I didn't ate that but she did.

Nandini - OK, And don't worry. She will be fine. We are here with her. She will be discharged tomorrow.

Abhimanyu - Nandini, please tell me which hospital. Or I can't be fine. Please.

Nandini - Okay, okay. We are at the city hospital.

Abhimanyu - OK.

Nandini hung up and kept the phone at the table and sat on sofa.

It was about 1 pm, Mukti woke up.

Mukti - Sorry, I spoiled the mood. If it was not me, we all would be eating lunch in a good hotel.

Alia - It's okay. Your health is first.

Navya - Alia is right.

Mukti - Our dorm is the best one. I am glad to meet you three. I promise if I would have a chance to pay you guys back, I would not let it go.

Nandini - Fine, Then just pay for our next outing.

They all burst into laughter and started having fun. They were teasing each other and were laughing loudly. Suddenly,

Nurse - Keep quite!! You guys are in hospital not in your dorm.

Nurse left and they started to laugh again but not loudly this time. Suddenly, Abhimanyu came there. He also brought lunch for all. He directly went to Mukti.


Navya - You two talk, we are going out.

Alia, Nandini - Thanks for the lunch.

After some time, the girls made Abhimanyu leave. After having dinner, they all slept.

The next morning, after a check up, Mukti got discharged. Abhimanyu was there to pick them up. He brought his own car and everyone was shocked to see it. They got in and drove.

Alia - (after getting Nandini and Navya's attention by elbowing them) Hey, Abhimanyu, is it really your own car?

Abhimanyu - I know you want to have fun and you are teasing me. Actually, my parents visited me yesterday. They gifted me this car.

Alia, Navya, Nandini - ohhhhhhhhhhhh. (they all started laughing)

Abhimanyu - By the way, Ms. Alia, Dhruv's parents also gifted him a car today.

Alia - I know already.

Navya, Nandini, Mukti, Abhimanyu - Ohhhhhhhhhhhh..

They reached college and went to their dorms and slept.

The second semester started like this and went on. Nandini still rushes out without telling other girls and comes late. But still no one knows where she goes. And still no one was able to know about Nandini and Manik.

Nandini and her friends were like best friends now. But there was just one thing about Nandini, that Navya, Alia and Mukti didn't liked and that was she would never go to watch any game. There has been a lot of basketball matches, but she didn't watch even a single one.

Manik, Abhimanyu, Dhruv and Kabir, all had joined the basketball team. They are in same team, as there are not much players from Business Management and Architecture department, so the team is combined. But this one is the strongest team. Although, they are freshers but they haven't lost even a single match. Alia, Mukti and Navya would always go to basketball court on match day and support these boys.

One thing Nandini, Alia and Mukti noticed was Navya's behaviour has a change. She would always be out. She don't join them for the meals.

Two months were left for second semester to end.

Today, Navya went out and it was Sunday. Neither of the girls enquired her. After she left, the three gathered on the table in centre of room.

Alia - I can guarantee this, Navya has also found her better half.

Mukti - Ms. Alia, Navya has got "lovestruck" written aaallll over her face.

Nandini - (While laughing) Exactly.

Mukti - Hey, what are you laughing for? When will you find one?

Nandini - Forget about me. Focus on Navya!!

Alia - Exactly, think who could he be?

Mukti - Ah, Kabirrrrrr.

Alia - Possible. Hey, let me call Dhruv and ask him. If Kabir is in dorm or not.

She called Dhruv and enquired about Kabir. Now, both the dorms were eager to find this. They just wanted to know the place, the two went.

After trying everything, they gave up cause they were not able to find about the two.

Suddenly, Nandini gathered all and

Nandini - I have an idea, to know where they are?

Alia, Mukti - Say it!!!

Nandini - You guys are from computer science department. right?

Alia, Mukti - Yes

Nandini - Then track the phone number, girls.

Alia - Why didn't I thought of this?

Mukti - But Navya's phone GPS should be on.

Nandini - It's on. She never turns the GPS off. Go.

Mukti pulled out her laptop and started. After half an hour, she finally traced the number. Alia called Dhruv and told them location and asked them to get ready, bring the car and pic them up. They all went, it was a restaurant. They first searched for the two. Finally, Manik noticed them. They were actually there. The six of them, sat on a big table and ordered food. They noticed them eating desert.

Alia - See, they are having desert, it means they could leave at any time. I think we should go.

Dhruv - Fine, let's go.

They all got up and moved in a way that they could not be noticed, directly went to the table and

Alia, Dhruv, Mukti, Abhimanyu, Manik and Nandini - SURPRISEEEEE!!!!!!!

Navya and Kabir got shocked after seeing them.

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