《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 7




Kurt - I'm so bored

Ram - How bout we go into the forest and strip down to our socks!

Kurt - Stop trying to make Hamilton references Ram.

Ram - I was being serious!

Kurt - Really? I mean, I guess. We could just play around and stuff right?

Ram - Well ya! I'm not able to do the dirty with you Kurt even though I know that you want it!

Kurt - Shut up!

Veronica POV

Veronica - Who....who's Heath?

HeatherC - Nobody! That's not a real person! Shut up Heather! She's lying guys I swear!

HeatherD - HEATHERS A BOY!!!


Silence filled the night as Heather McNamara and I gasped. The demon queen of high school has been a boy this whole time. Well, no, she's been a girl. She is a girl, but she hasn't been a girl her whole life.

Heather Chandler is transgender

HeatherM - Are...are you transgender Heather?

HeatherD - Yes! She's a fucking boy!

HeatherC - I'm not a boy! I'm a girl! Even though I wasn't born a girl, I am one, and I've always felt that I was. I know I'm a girl!

HeatherD - Slut!


HeatherD - But...

HeatherM - We don't need you Heather! Go back to Martha Dunnstock!

HeatherD - Dumptruck?! She a fucking bitch! Total pig!

HeatherM - Well you're not gonna be around us anymore if you're just gonna make everyone sad!

Heather Duke scowled and flipped her hair as she floated away. I really questioned how she wasn't in hell yet. I sighed and turned to see Heather McNamara comforting Heather Chandler. She was crying. I've never seen Heather cry before, or show any signs of having a soul.

Veronica - You know that's it okay to be transgender Heather. We'll except you anyway, no matter who you are.

HeatherC - Thanks, just, don't tell anyone okay? I haven't really come out and I don't know how to or if I'm even going to do it at all.


Veronica - Hey, let's just go to the 7/11 and get a slushee. Just us girls.

HeatherC - Yeah....girls.

Kurt POV

Kurt - This is stupid!

Ram - Stupid is our middle name! And it's not like anyone's gonna be around here to see us. And even if they were, they would be given a blessing of seeing your hot body in your underwear.

Kurt - Please, you are way more hot than me.

Ram - Lies! Plus, you can't have sex with a ghost Kurt!

Ram and I laughed our butts off. I held onto Rams arm and hugged him. I noticed that Ram didn't even hug back. He didn't even seem to move at all. He was just frozen there. Like he had seen something terrifying.

Kurt - Ram? Ram are you okay? Why didn't you hug me back?

Ram - KURT RUN!!!

Kurt - Wha....

I heard a gunshot and I sprinted away. I don't think anything hit me but there was definitely someone around me. And they wanted to kill me.

I ran all through out the forest and I prayed to God that they would let me go. I didn't know where to go and I felt as if I was just going in circles. I turned my head and pulled my hair back to see a dark chain fence. If I climbed over this, maybe I could make a run for it and find someone to help me. Who ever this dick was, he was going to be locked up in a dark cell.

I grabbed the fence and put my foot in the small holes. I tried to hoist my body up, but my hands were sweating and it made it hard for me to climb or even grab a hold of the fence.

I heard Ram screaming at me and I saw him pass through the fence. He stood on the other side and held out his arms to me. He looked terrified but I knew hat he wanted me to jump into his arms.


I panicked and I couldn't get over the tall fence. I cried and screamed through the forest. There was where I could go and I was just being an idiot. I was standing in the middle of a forest in my underwear, trying to get into the arms of my dead husband, and waiting for death to reach me. How did I get myself into this mess?

Kurt - Ram...Ram I can't do it.


Kurt - I want to see you Ram.

Ram - KURT NO!!!

Kurt - And I'm going to see you.


I turned my body around and I came face to face with the an that was trying to shoot me. The man that was going to take my life from me.

Kurt - Hello JD.

JD - Greeting and salutations Kurt Kelly.

We stood in that position with our eyes locked. None of us wanted to move. I knew that we were both terrified for what was going to happen next.

Kurt - I thought you were a good guy JD. You killed Heather Chandler, McNamara, and you would've killed Duke. You even stuck a knife into my husbands heart!!

Kurt - And I know that you were the one that really killed Martha.

JD - Guilty. That was one of my only kills I did on purpose. Now I can add another to the list.

Kurt - Why? Everything you do I complete chaos.

JD - Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs. Chaos is what killed the Heathers! Chaos is what killed everyone!

Kurt - Chaos is what will kill you!

JD - I could say the same to you Kurt Kelly.

I felt the bullet hit my chest and I heard Ram scream. I turned and smiled at him. I let a tear slip out of my eyes and I held out my arm too him.

Kurt - I'll see you soon my love.

Ram - KURT!!!

Kurt - Corn nuts....

I fell off of the fence and I hit the ground with a thud. JD smirked and put the gun into his jacket pocket. He just walked away from my body without even caring what he had done.

Ram - Kurt....

I looked down at myself and I saw a blue figure. I was a ghost. I could see my body and I could float around. But most importantly, I could kiss Ram.

I jumped on top of him and I kissed him with so much passion. He grabbed the back of me head and kissed back. We laughed and smiled between the kisses. I didn't even care that I was dead, I was just happy to be with Ram.

Heather C, Heather D, Heather M, Veronica, Martha - Kurt.....

I turned my head to be faced with four ghosts and my sister. They all loooked horrified that they were seeing me like this.

Veronica - Kurt what the fuck happened?! What are you doing out here?!

Kurt - We got bored. We came out here in our underwear to have fun, but then, JD and a gun, and he just.....he killed me.

Veronica - Jason fucking Dean!

Veronica started crying and I knelt down beside her and rubbed her back. It hurt me to see my sister in so much pain.

Kurt - It's going to be okay Veronica.

Veronica - No it's not! JD has killed all of the Heathers, you, Ram, Sky,

Martha - Me

Veronica - What?

Martha - Ya, did I never tell you that JD was the one who shot me.

Veronica - NO!!!

Martha - Oh sorry!

Veronica - JD has killed too many people and he's going to kill more.

Kurt - Veronica....

Somebody has to stop JD

Before it's too late.

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