《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》IMPORTANT STUFF


So basically, I deleted Always There. Lots of people seemed to like it, but as it went on, I rly didn't feel like doing anything with it and it became more of work than a hobby. I just didn't know where to go with it.

I'm still into Hamilton and Lams still. So maybe, after I finish my Heathers book, I'll start another Hamilton book if u want?

There's also gonna be a Yuri On Ice movie or something like that and I'm dying of happiness.

But what I recently rly got into Voltron. The new anime version.

Basically, my OTP is Klance/Keith x Lance Lance is brown haired tan one. Keith is the white trash black haired guy.

It's basically like Lams I guess. Keith is totally gay like John, and Lance is totally bi like Alex.

I don't know if anyone here watches Voltron but I just wanted to know if anyone would hate me if I wrote it?

If I do, it's gonna be an AU, I don't know what yet, I just know that.

So would anyone read it if I wrote Klance/Voltron? ITS RLY GOOD I SWEAR!!!!


Balls are blue

Squares are yellow

Applesauce is mushy

That's it I guess.

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