《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 8



I paced around the kitchen, deciding what to eat. Yes I had broken in to the house hat Veronica acted like it was hers now, but that doesn't matter. I took a glance at the knife and shivered at the memories. It almost seemed to be calling me but I pushed it away. I couldn't become like this.

But it was to late.

I had already killed too many people whether I like it or not.

HeatherM - You want to take another victim huh?

Ram - Take that gun.

Martha - Take that gun.

HeatherC - Take some more drain cleaner.

Kurt - Or pretend that someone committed suicide.

HeatherD - Pretend that none of it was your fault.


The voices in my head kept shouting at me when I didn't know where to go. The ghosts of those people I've killed. I've killed nearly every single one of them, except for Heather Duke, she's just a bitch that deserved to die.

The door opened and I saw the dirty and angered face of Veronica. She stared at me, knowing that it was causing me pain and that the guilt was eating me alive inside.

JD - What...what are you doing Veronica?

Veronica sighed and pulled out a gun. The gun faced right at me. I tried to back up and I was held against a wall. The ghosts grabbed me and held me towards Veronica. I screamed and tried to break out of their grip, but they held onto me tight, their fingers, digging into my skin.

JD - Veronica please! We can be happy together! You don't need to do this!

Veronica - You killed the three biggest mean girls of high school, my brother, my brother in law, my best friend, and who knows what else you're going to do.


JD - Most of them were accidents!

HeatherC - Here Heather! Have some drain cleaner to cure your hangover! Oops! Youre dead? Let's just cover it up and make it look like a suicide note so that I can walk away with no blood on my hands.

JD - I...I'm sorry Veronica.

Veronica - Sorry isn't gonna cover it this time babe.

JD - Our love is God....

Ghosts - Say hi to God!

Veronica - You know what I want babe?

JD - What?

Veronica - Guys like you out of my life!

Everything went black.

I opened my eyes and I was back where I was. Except, I could see my body. I turned around and I was faced with the ghosts of Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Ram Kelly, Kurt Sweeney, and Martha Dunnstock.

HeatherD - Feels good? Doesn't it Jason Dean?

I stood by the side of Veronica. She laid a small note on top of my body that read "Life Sucks" in messy handwriting.

Veronica - I'm sorry JD, but you know it had to be done.

JD - Todd was right, I really had went insane.

HeatherM - Go out Veronica. Get some ice cream and reassure yourself that this asshole is out of you life!

Veronica smiled as she left the room. She looked back at me and waved. The door closed with a slam. All of the others that were behind me had disappeared and I was left alone in the dark house that I had once lived in, smiled in, laughed in, and loved Veronica in.

The days when I wasn't insane

The days when I wasn't a psycho killer.

But maybe.....

Maybe Veronica will forgive me.

Maybe the others will forgive me and I can live in the afterlife, happy. We can all be happy together.

Veronica can start making YouTube videos and never mention my name again.

Or maybe....just maybe

She'll let me do a





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