《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 5




I dragged Heathers body into her home. She sat on the floor, lifeless. No one could know that I killed her. I had already destroyed the knife and cleaned up all of her blood. I put on gloves and grabbed one of the knifes from her kitchen. I stuck it into her already open wound and got more blood on it.

I set the knife in her cold and dead hand. I slid around the corner to her room. I looked around and found a pencil and a notebook. Veronica had said that she had thoughts of suicide. It would be believable enough.

I opened the notebook and tried to write as girly and cursively as possible. If you ask me, I did pretty good at impersonating Heather McNamara.

JD - Think JD, long and hard, what would she say, what's her final statement to a cold uncaring planet?!

Dear World,

Believe it or not, I knew about fear, I knew the way loneliness stung. I hid behind smiles and crazy hot clothes, I learned to kiss boys with my tounge. But oh the world it held me down. It weighed like a concrete prom queen crown.

No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings. No one gets her insecurities. I am more than shoulder pads and makeup. No one sees the me inside of me.

They couldn't see past, my rock star mystique, they wouldn't dare look in my eyes. But just underneath was a terrified girl, who clings to her pillow and cries. My looks were just like prison bars, they've left me a myriad of scars.

No one thinks a pretty girl has substance, that's the curse of popularity. I am more than just a source of hand jobs. No one sees the me inside of me.

Box up my clothing for goodwill, and give the poor my Nordic track. Donate my car to crippled kids, or to those ghetto moms on crack. Give them my hats and my CDs, my pumps, my flats, and my three TVs.

Sincerely Me.

I laid the note on top of Heathers dead and terrifying corpse. I knelt down by end na douses the hair out of her face.


JD - I'm sorry Heather, but I can't go to jail, not again.

HeatherC - Dang dang dignity dang a dang

HeatherD - Dang dang dignity dang a

HeatherM - Dang.


HeatherM - What are you doing?! Making it look like a suicide! For once, I almost thought you were a good person! You don't deserve someone as kind and Veronica. I can't believe she actually cares about you.

HeatherD - Were gonna get you Bo Diddly.

JD - Try me!

HeatherC - You know what the good thing about being a ghost is? We can tell when someone is going to join us soon.

HeatherM - You're really horrible you know.

HeatherD - It's only a matter of time jerk!

The ghosts of the Heathers slowly disappeared in front of me. I scoffed and ran out of Heathers door. Yeah right, I'm not going insane. What do they know! Heather doesn't even know how to spell myriad!

I ran as fast as I could back to the theatre. Veronica was at the door looking very worried. When she saw me, she smiled and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and put my hand in her soft hair.

Veronica - Where were you?! I was getting really worried! You were gone for like, a few hours.

JD - I've been gone that long? Oh, sorry, I just, talking some fresh air!

Veronica - For that long? Okay....and hey, do you know where Heather is? I haven't seen her since you came out here.

JD - Heather? Oh, I think she went home. She was really tired so she asked me to drive her home. That's mainly why I was gone so long!

Veronica - Oh, well I hope she's not getting sick. I would hate for my Zoe Murphy to get sick.


JD - Haha!!! YEAH......

I walked back inside and I saw a giant party going on inside. There were lights and people dancing around to the music that was blaring through the speakers.

Veronica - We had this party while you were gone. Everyone's been getting so drunk!


Veronica POV

Ram - VERONICA!!! You are looking good tonight!!

Veronica - Ram, you're drunk.


Ram looked around and spotted Kurt walking around. Kurt looked not nearly as drunk as Ram. Ya, he probably had a few drinks, but Ram was totally WASTED!!!

Ram - Damn bitch, you looking fine!!

Kurt - Thanks baby.

Ram - I would sure love to be dating you!

Kurt - Ram, were married.


Kurt - You're adorable Ram.


I stood over by the punch bowl. I held a knife in my hand and I scraped some of the peanut butter off the container and onto my plate. What can I say?! I really really REALLY like peanut butter!

Jerk 520 - Hey Jason Dean!!

JD - Who the hell are you?

Jerk 520 - You're next boyfriend!

JD - Dude, I'm married and I'm no way, any where near to being gay.

Jerk 520 - Aww cmon, I can tell a homo when I see one!


I felt my hand with the knife in it soar backwards. I was still gripping the knife, but I found, it could no longer go anywhere else. I heard gasps come from people around me. My eyes widened and I prayed to God that I didn't do something that I'd regret. But it's to late for prayers now.

I turned my head and saw the horrified expression of someone. My knife was stabbed into their chest. They looked terrified and they were frozen in pain. A tear fell from their eyes as they let out their final breathe....and final word.


The body fell out the ground. People screamed and ran out of the doors. People were horrified of me. I had become insane and a psychopath in one night. Todd was right, I really was going insane.

I looked through the crowds of rushing people to see Veronica. She had a look of horror on her face. Kurt was crying into her shoulder and she held onto his back with her hands as she gave him a side hug. She was protecting her brother, from me. I was a danger to society and even my own wife and brother-in-law were scared of me.

JD - Veronica, I know you're scared, I've been there. I can set you free.


Veronica grabbed Kurt and followed the crowds of people out of the building. I sat there, alone, in total silence. One minute, everyone was happy and having fun. Then a knife was put into my hands and it all went wrong.

The police were going to arrive any second and Todd would tell me that he told me so. He told me I was going to go insane and kill people like the old JD did. I'm becoming my old self again. My old self that would kill every thing that he saw for sport. The old self that thought life wasn't worth anything, that it was just a phase in the entire universe.

Every time I killed someone today, it was all an accident. But, it's not like anyone would ever believe that. I killed to people whether I meant to or not. To take someone's life, that is something you can't shake.

I decided to rush out of the building, it wouldn't be the best thing to do, but I had to find somewhere to hide. I can't go to jail again. I took the knife and stuck it in my bag. I turned around one last time to see that dead body one the floor. Their eyes were wide open, staring at me. Reminding me of the guilt I had with everything that I do. A tear escaped my eyes before I rushed out of the building and into the darkness of the cool night. All I had every thought about for the past hour or so was how I have killed Heather McNamara. Now, there was only one thought that burned into the back of my mind.

I had killed

Ram Sweeney.

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