《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 4


Veronica POV


Ram - Cmon Kurt, everyone knows you're gay as balls.

Kurt - Bro, its our line.

Ram - Bro I'm sorry.

Kurt - Don't worry bro.

Ram - Thanks bro. Love you bro.

Kurt - You too bro.

HeatherC - Would it kill you two to be less gay?

Kurt - I've almost died several times because I was gay! I would like to be my gayest while I can!

HeatherC - Well fuck you!

Veronica - Okay guys, opening night is tonight!! We are going to have so many people in here! Everything is booked and just....IM SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!!! GROUP HUG!!!

I hugged my friends and crew. They all smiled because they were all proud of themselves for their amazing work. I can't believe I've actually made a musical and that people actually want to see it!!

We were going to plan to put a spotlight and attention on JD and have balloons, confetti, and candy sprinkle over the crown. We also had slushees that people could have! I hope that JD will be happy. I planned to go get him at our house and bring him here with a blindfold over his eyes. Once he got in here, I would take it off and he could enjoy his birthday!

A few hours later

I saw people rushing into the theater. All of these people came here to see MY work. They had actually paid money to see what I had made.

I ran out of the theater and into our apartment. JD was watching some cartoon on the TV. I grabbed the cloth from out of my pocket and tied it around JDs face. He screamed and yelled my name.

Veronica - It's me JD! Don't worry! I'm gonna take you out for your birthday! I have a really big surprise for you.


JD - You....you know that you didn't have to do anything. My birthday is nothing special.

Veronica - JD, you are special. I wanted to celebrate. Please, I know that you're going to love it!

JD - What ever you say!

I pushed JD into the theater and took off his cloth. He looked around with wide open eyes and mouth.

JD - What are we doing here? WHY IS RAM ON THE STAGE?!!

Veronica - Let's just say that I made a little thing for you!

JD - You....you made a musical. For my birthday?

Veronica - Just shut up and enjoy your birthday show.

I placed JD in a special VIP chair in the front row. I ran backstage and met the eyes of all of my friends. They all looked extremely nervous but excited and happy at the same time.

HeatherM - Is he here?!

JD - Right in the front row. Okay people, this is going to be the first performance of Dear Evan Hansen. And let's make it the bets thing we've ever done!

I put my hand out and everyone else placed their hands on top of mine.

Veronica - FOR JD!!!

Everyone - FOR JD!!!

A few hours later and we all took our final bows on stage. I smiled wide and looked to the side of the stage to see Kurt with a microphone in his hand.

Kurt - Okay everyone, you might now know who he is, but this entire show was made for a special someone's birthday. JASON DEAN EVERYONE!!!

A spotlight shown on JD. I could see him look at me with wide eyes and a smile. Confetti and balloons raced through the theater and people cheered and shouted JDs name. A leaped off the stage and JD pulled me into a hug. I kissed him and looked into his beautiful brown eyes.


JD - Thank you Veronica. This is the best birthday ever. I love you so much.

Veronica - I love you too JD. I'm happy you liked it.

I sat out in the empty back room with a slushee in my hand. I was the happiest person ever. Especially since I was sticking my hand in a bowl of candy. I looked around at the dirty dishes and I decided I would help Veronica out. I grabbed a cloth and took some of the forks, spoons, and knifes. I know that she would,don't want me to be doing work on my birthday, but I just felt like I needed to repay her for all of the work that she put into this musical. Especially since she did it all for me. It's not like anyone has actually cared about my birthday before.

HeatherM - CANDY!!!

I quickly turned around and I heard a bloodcurdling scream. I looked down to see Heather McNamara laying in a pool of her own blood. She looked terrified and had a deep red cut through her stomach. I put my left hand up to my face and covered my mouth.

She was definitely dead.

I looked down at my right hand and I saw it. I was cleaning a knife. The knife, my hand, and my jacket were covered in blood. Fricking frick!!! I DIDNT MEAN TO DO THIS!!!!

JD - Shit, I gotta hide the body!

HeatherM POV

I opened my eyes and I was in a white place. I stood up and looked around. I was a white figure. I still had my same clothes and look with me. I looked to my side and I saw a deep scar. A deep scar that was left by a sharp knife.


I walked deeper into this white kingdom of clouds. This place really was beautiful. Somewhere that God probably lived. There were white people just like me flying around, smiling, laughing. How could dead people be so happy?

HeatherC - HEATHER!!!!

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked to see Heather Chandler in my arms. I smiled and hugged back. I knew where I was. I felt another pair of arms on my back. Heather Duke. They were both here. They were both with me.

I was definitely in heaven.

I was dead.

HeatherD - How did you get here?!

HeatherM - I was running to get candy and then JD turned around with a knife in my hand. I got this deep scar in my side. I guess that's how I died.

HeatherC - Another victim to JD....he's defeated all of the Heathers!! We have to get him up here to! I mean, for all that he's done, he deserves to be in hell. But he definitely doesn't deserve to be all happy on earth!

HeatherD - I like where this is going!

HeatherM - I don't know guys....

HeatherD - Heather, he KILLED YOU!!! You have to be at least a little bit mad at him.

HeatherM - I guess.

HeatherC - And what do you do when someone does something bad too you?

HeatherM - You tear up their lawn.

HeatherC - Well, yes....but you know what's even better than that?

HeatherM - What?


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