《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 3


Veronica POV

I've been working on my own musical forever now. I want to tell JD, but at the same time, I want it to be a surprise. I know the he'll be so proud of me. I love him so much and I think it's time that I do this. I think it will be the perfect thing to show him for his birthday! He'll be front row seat on opening night!

I ran into my studio and I saw my actors and studio members on the stage. They all waved at me and came up to talk to me. I smiled and ran back stage to see Kurt looking down. He looked like he was mumbling something to himself.

Veronica - Kurt? Are you okay?

Kurt - Huh?! Oh, yeah.

Veronica - Good! I can't have my Connor Murphy getting sad!

I was going to make Connor aka Kurt die in my musical die and just have a gay reference with Evan aka Ram. To think, I was going o have him hook up with Zoe aka Heather McNamara! No, I was going to make this thing fucking gay because there was no way I could do that to Ram and Kurt.

Veronica - You didn't tell JD about any of this? Right?

Kurt - No, but, speaking of JD. He... he is in jail.

Veronica - WHAT?!! Why didn't you tell me! This is horrible! What happened?!

Kurt - I was there. Some guy put a gun to his head and JD beat him up and took the gun in his hand. The police thought that he had shot the shooter. I tried to get them to stop but JD told me that he's done it before and he can do it again.

Veronica - So what did you do?!

Kurt - Well I had tacos.

Veronica - I....shit. I got in my car and drove towards the local jail. I passed a candy store that I knew McNamaras family ran. They always gave me free candy there. Everything there was freaking amazing!

I got there about 20 minutes later and I ran into the jail. I ran to some fat guy who was sat at the front desk. He was looking at memes on his computer and didn't have the slightest clue that I was here.



Guy - Jason Dean?! Why would you want him?! He's as bad as they get out here!

Veronica - He's my husband.

Guy - You're insane!

Veronica - Atleast I actually do something with my life instead of just sitting on my fat ass and thinking about donuts!

Guy - Fine, I'll go get him.


JD - Why didn't you pick up last night?

Veronica had gotten me out of jail and sat me in our car. Todd had told me that I was going to go insane soon but I just couldn't. I don't want to be some weird creepo like him.

Veronica - Heather was trying to commit suicide! I didn't know you were in jail. I would've helped you if I would've known. I'm sorry.

JD - Whatever.

Kurt POV

Ram - AND THERE HE GOES!!! RACING TOWARDS THE TALLEST TREE!!! FROM FAR ACROSS A YELLOW FEILD I HEAR HIM CALLING FOLLOW ME!!! There we go wondering how the world might look from so high. One foot after the other. One branch then to another. I climb higher and higher. I climb till the entire sky shines on my face!!! And I suddenly feel the branch give way. I'm on the ground. My arm goes numb. I look around. And I see him come to get me. He's come to get me. And everything is okay.

Kurt - All we see is sky for forever. We let the world pass by forever. Buddy you and I for forever! The way! This way!

Both - ALL WE SEE IS LIGHT!!! CAUSE THE SUN BURNS BRIGHT!!! WE COULD BE ALRIGHT FOR FOREVER!!! THIS WAY!!! Two friends, true friends, one a perfect ddddaaaaaayyyyyy.

HeatherM - WHOOOO!!!!

Veronica - That was amazing guys!

Kurt - R...really?!

Nerd boy - Get out of the way! We gotta do Sincerely Me!

Veronica POV

I smiled at my amazing work that I had done. I can't wait for JD to see it. I hope he likes it. I can't wait for everyone to see it!

JD - Veronica?! Whoa, what's going on here?

Veronica - JD?!! Wh....what are you doing here?!


JD - Well I just got your location and tracked everywhere that you have gone today :D.

Veronica - Why?

JD - Because I wuv you! What is this place anyway? And hey are you here? Oh god, what is Kurt and Ram wearing. Fashion police where are you?

HeatherD - Im right here!

HeatherC - Shut up Heather! We all know that I'm the captain?!

HeatherD - Who made you captain?!

HeatherM - Can't you guys just be a little bit nicer to each other?

HeatherC - Who do I look like?! Mother Theresa?!

Veronica - Well, we, Ram bought outfits for all of us and we decided it would be fun if we would come here and do a little fashion show.

JD - Why didn't he invite me.

HeatherM - We didn't think you would want to do something like this.

Kurt - To be fair, you only wear like the same black coat every day.

JD - I guess so! Okie, I'm gonna go to Taco Bell or something.

JD skipped out of the building and I guess to Taco Bell or some thing. I sighed a relief and turned back around to my cast and friends.

Veronica - Umm, let's just take a take five guys. We will do Sincerely Me in a few minutes.

Person - I'm hungry!

Person 2 - Let's go get Taco Bell!

Veronica - nO


I went back stage to see Katrina dancing around in the back room. I smiled and picked her up and flung her around in the air. She screamed with joy and cuddled into my shoulder. I set her down and ruffled her hair. I looked around for Robert but including see him anywhere.

Ram - Hey Kurt!

Kurt - Yeah!

Ram - Do you have Robert or know where he is?

Kurt - I...I thought you had him.




I set my food down on my table and went to go get some napkins. I came back to my seat to see the boy I had seen yesterday sat at my table. He was reaching for my food but I moved his arms away from it.

JD - Hey! Your the kid who asked me what fuck means!

Robert - I still have no idea what it means. But I like to say it.

JD - Me too kid.

JD Robert - Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Veronica POV

Veronica - Hey baby, um, can I ask you a stupid question?

JD - There are no stupid questions.

Veronica - Do you know where this kid named Robert is?

JD - Does he look like Ram and Kurt?

Veronica - Yes, he's their kid.

JD - They have a kid?!

Veronica - Two.

JD - TWO??!! Man, no body tells me anything anymore. I'm over at Taco Bell. I think he followed me here. Get Ram and Kurt and they can come and pick him up.

Veronica - Thanks JD. I love you.

JD - Love you too.

Kurt - Soooo

Veronica - Apparently he followed JD to Taco Bell and now he's over there.

Ram - Our son crossed one of the most busy highways in town, and survived.....IVE NEVER BEEN MORE PROUD!!!

Ram, Kurt, Katrina and I crossed the street over to Taco Bell. Sure enough, I saw JD waving through a window with Robert at his side.Ram and Kurt bolted in faster then I've seen anything run before. They grabbed Robert and scooped him up into their arms. They looked so overjoyed that they had found him and that he was actually alive.

Robert - FUCK!!!

Ram - If I weren't so happy right now I would tell you to not say that but WHO CARES!!!


Katrina - I wuv you Robert!

Robert - I wuv you daddy!

Kurt - I love you son.

Ram - I love you Kurt.

Kurt - I love you Ram.

Veronica - I love you JD.

"Our love is God Roni. Now let's go get a slushee!"

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