《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 2





I jumped on top of the guy and kicked him in the stomach. In his moment of weakness I grabbed him by his hair and swung him into the wall. He head butted me and I fell back. I threw my hair out of my face and kicked the man to the ground.


I stood on top of the man in the store. I had luckily defeated him. He had pulled a gun to me when I told him he couldn't buy a slushee for free. Like, WHO DOES THAT??!!

I took the gun in my hand and flung it around. There was a pound on the door and screams that came from around me. I glanced and saw that the police were around me. I realized I was standing on a knocked out guy and I was holding a gun in my hand.

JD - Ummm....I swear I didn't do this.

Police - What is it this time Dean?! Ich luge bullets?

JD - Hey! That was a one time thing!

Police - You're coming with us.

I screamed and yelled but the officers weren't listening to me. I felt something grab my arm and start to pull me. I looked back to see Kurt with a basket of taco shells, meat, and cheese in his hand. He must be having taco Tuesday or something.



JD - I'll be okay! Just take your things and go back to Ram! Go back to your family who loves you! I've done this several times before and I can do it again!


Kurt sighed and let go of my arm. I watched as he stared at me being dragged away by the officers. I could tell he wanted to help. But I didn't need him getting into my problems that I have to deal with myself. I've been through it about ten times before, I can do it once more.

Kurt POV

Kurt - Hey guys!

Ram was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. His eyes were wide open and he looked like he had been going through hell. I dropped my food off at the door and ran towards him. I shook his side and he looked up with me and he did a reassuring sigh. He pulled himself off the table and kissed me.

Kurt - What's wrong baby?

Ram - Heather. Back room. MAKE UP!!!

I walked into Katrina's room and saw her walking around with make up on her face. She looked, beautiful. But she looked beautiful even without make up. I saw Heather Chandler sitting on the chair and smiling down at Katrina.

Kurt - Heather....what the fuck are you doing here?!

HeatherC - Well hey No body in heaven will let me do makeup on them! And she wanted me to do it! You can't blame me for anything. And Duke is being a real idiot lately.

Kurt - Where is McNamara?

HeatherC - Tried to kill herself. Said something about a lifeboat or some crap. Duke was saying something about whining blah blah blah I don't listen to them that much.

Kurt - WHAT?!!

HeatherC - Well they are both pretty stupid.

Kurt - Why would Heather try to kill herself?!

HeatherC - Calm down. Veronica is at her house right now. Just go eat some tacos.

Heather McNamara POV



I flung the pills into my mouth. These 20 small pills would take away my horrible life. I heard a shout and I turned around to see Veronica charging at me. She knocked me to the ground and flung the pills out of my hand.

Veronica - What are you doing?! You can't kill yourself?!

HeatherM - Life isn't good! I haven't been happy in so long and its killing me!

Veronica - If you were happy all the time you wouldn't be human, you'd be a game show host.

I decided that there was no way that Veronica was gonna let me get away with this. I spit the pills out onto the floor and looked up at Veronica. She was smiling down at me and whispered comforting words to her. She didn't gene finish before I jumped up and hugged her. She was surprised at first, but hugged me back.

HeatherM - Thanks for coming after me.

Veronica - No problem. Do you wanna talk about it.

HeatherM - I guess so.

I felt a buzz in my pocket and I pulled out my phone to see that I had gotten a text from JD. He's probably wanting to know when I'm coming home. I decided that maybe I should stay with Heather tonight. Just to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid. I left my phone on silent and came into the living room right behind Heather.

HeatherD - What's your damage Veronica?!


Officer - That's your only phone call Dean.

JD - But...she didn't pick up! Can't I call someone else?!

Officer - To bad. You're gonna have to serve your time Jason.

I was thrown into a dark and depressing cell. This reminded me of my old days. This place is the thing that drove me insane. The place that made me want to kill everything I had my eyes. But I had Veronica now, I had her to love me and take care of me. To tell me that it will all be okay.

But how come she didn't pick up.

Todd - Well if it ain't Jason Dean....

JD - Shut up Todd, I don't wanna hear it.

Todd - Attitude huh? How come you're here again.

JD - Po thought I shot some guy.

Todd - You shot a guy?! Ha, nice job!

JD - I didn't?! I was just working and he came up and put a gun to my head just because I said he couldn't take a slushie for free!

Todd - Hmm, the old JD I knew didn't work. You used to shoot everyone that upset you. What happened?

JD - Listen Todd, I have friends now. I have a fucking wife okay! I have people who actually care for me! And I'm not gonna let this stupid place drive me insane again.

Todd - That's what they all say Jason. Some people here are guilty, Siem are innocent. But we can't control these stupid people, just like how we can't control our sanity.

JD - Go fuck yourself.

Todd - Fine! But when you go insane and start shouting everything you can see, don't come saying that I didn't warn you.

Oh God

I just what Veronica

I just want to get the fuck out of this stupid place.

I just what to Freeze My Brain.

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