《Collab {Heathers: Sequel to Subscribed}》Chapter 1


You should do a collab!

Veronica POV

I scanned through the comments. It was all about people wanting to see JD. I told everyone in the story that his birthday was coming up next months and I didn't do anything for him. He was going to be turning 30 and I wanted it to special.

I got out of my office and turned on some music from a musical I really liked. I switched on the song "Blue" mainly because Ram and Kurt were in the original version of it. I loved hearing their beautiful singing voices that they never bothered to share with me.

I heard a knock at the door and I knew exactly who it was. I ran to the door and smiled when I came face to face with my best friends.

HeatherM - HEY


HeatherD - Why am I here?!

HeatherC - Shut up Heather!

HeatherD - Sorry Heather.

Veronica - Hey guys! Come on in!

HeatherM - You're listening to Blue? Ram and Kurts song?

Veronica - Well, it's like, my favourite song! Who doesn't want to hear my brother and his husband singing about their testicles?!

HeatherC - I guess so, speaking of Ram and Kurt...


Kurt - SHOWTIME!!!

Ram and Kurt came bolting through the door and screaming out lyrics from Miranda. The suddenly stopped and listened to what was playing through out the house. The two smiled and looked at each other. Kurt giggled and booped Rams nose.

Kurt - I can't believe you're listening to our song?!

Veronica - Hey! It's like, the best song in the musical!

HeatherC - Me Inside of Me is better...or Candy Store!

HeatherM - I like Lifeboat!

HeatherD - Shine a Light reprise!

Ram Kurt - Blue! My dead gay son! Big Fun! Our love is God! WE DONT KNOW!!!

Veronica - I like Beautiful, I'm pretty sure that JD likes Freeze Your Brain the best.

HeatherD - Well duh!

HeatherM - Speaking of JD, we need to start planning for his party.


HeatherC - What are we gonna do?! A slushie themed party?! We can't do that!

Ram - Well what does he like?!

Robert - DINOSAURS!!!!

Katrina - NO!!! PRINCESSES!!!

Two small kids rushed into my house like lightning. They both looked fairly alike. The girl had blue eyes and brown hair that matched her brother who had brown eyes. The boy was holding about 10 plastic dinosaurs and he was dropping one with every step. The girl was holding a barbie with a pink dress and wings on. The girl hid behind Rams legs while the boy taunted her from the living room.

Ram - I thought I told you two to wait in the car.

Robert - We got bored!

Veronica - These are your kids!

Kurt - Surprise?!

Veronica - How long have you been keeping this from me! How old are they?!

Kurt - They're both 4 years. 5 in July.

Veronica - Let me get this straight. You both had twins....and you didn't tell me?!

Ram - Well you never asked!

Veronica - *slaps face*

Heather Chandler POV

While Veronica yelled at Ram and Kurt, I walked over to the young girl. I was soon followed by Heather and Heather.

Katrina - Why are two of you blue?

HeatherD - I'm green!!! Eliza Fucking Schuyler is down the street!

HeatherM - What's your name kiddo?!

Katrina - My names Katrina Kram!

HeatherD - Kram.....Kram?! ARE YOU TWO FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!

HeatherC - You know, this could be beautiful. Mascara maybe some lip gloss, and were on our way. Get this girl some blush! And Heather, I need you brush!

HeatherM - Okay!

HeatherC - This could be beautiful!

Veronica POV three hours later


Guess who's right on the block

Veronica - I love that story!

Guess who's right on the porch


Guess who's turning the lock

JD - What are all of you guys doing here?!

HeatherC - Oh hey asshole! We were just leaving anyway!


HeatherM - Bye bye!

HeatherD - I'm hungry!


Kurt - ROBERT!!!

All of my friends rushed out if the house and took all of our preparation for JDs birthday. I still didn't know what I was gonna do, I use want his birthday to be speaking.

I got off the couch and kissed JD. He smiled into it and kissed me back. I let him sit down and I cuddled into his lap.

Veronica - How was your day?!

JD - Eh, some guy pulled a gun out on me but, it was fine.

Veronica - SOME GUY SHOT YOU?!

JD - Well it was only a BB gun!

Veronica - Like that one you pulled on Ram and Kurt that one time!

JD - You still won't let that go?!

Veronica - It's funny!

JD - Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?

Veronica - You.

JD - I'm serious Veronica. I love you.

Veronica - I love you too.

I kissed JD once again and then I skipped to the kitchen. I decided just to order pizza because I didn't feel like cooking and I couldn't find anything to cook with. I opened my fridge and saw that my whole ice cream container had disappeared. But I had just bought some the other day.


Ram - I can't believe you stole Veronica's ice cream.

We bumped along in our car as we made our way back to our house. Kat laughed and stuck her hand in the ice cream container. Robert stuck his dinosaurs in it and threw one of them into our field.

Kurt - Well, at least she won't want it back.

Ram - Well I wouldn't want it considering what they're doing to it.

I parked the car and opened the door to unbuckle the kids seat belts. The two raced out of the car and went into the chicken hen. They loved playing with the chickens, dogs, cats, horses, cows, and pigs. Yeah....we had a lot of animals.

Kurt - So what do you wanna do friendo?!

Ram - I don't know husbando.

Kurt - We'll go camping.

Ram - Play some poker.

Kurt - Then we'll eat some chili fries!

Ram - Maybe prom night.

Kurt - Maybe dancing.


Kurt - YOUR EYES!!!

Kurt pulled me in and kissed me. I grabbed his waist and pulled him in. I don't even know what I would do with my life it weren't for Kurt. I probably wouldn't even want any life at all. I love him so god damn much.

Ram - Yeah, were damaged.

Kurt - Badly damaged.

Ram Kurt - But your love's too good to loose.

Ram - Hold me tighter.

Kurt - Even closer.

Ram - I'll stay if I'm what you choose.

Kurt - Of coarse your the one I choose you dork.

I saw the kids running around in the field. The sunlight shined over the AND made them look absolutely beautiful. I smiled and looked over at Kurt.

Kurt - You wanna go on the horses?

Ram - Definitely!

He took my hand and we ran up to our children. They played on their playground and played games like tag and hide and seek with us. It made me so happy to see their three beautiful smiles shining on their faces. I know it was only the musical lyric but....

They're love really is too good to loose.

We walked back into the house and Kurt sat on the couch and laughed. I sat down next to him and kissed his cheek.

Ram - What's so funny.

Kurt - I deleted Instagram, but I kid a wanted it back. So I logged into my account and it still says Kurt Kelly!

Ram - I thought you always went by Kurt Sweeney?

Kurt - Well when I got really mad at you about the "thing" I kid a changed it so I wouldn't have to look at your name.

Ram - I'm sorry baby.

Kurt - Don't apologize Ram, I wuv you. I gotta change this!


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