《Rejected? As if!》03 | Dazed and confused


| Clementine POV |

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks after Lucas said those words and I quickly covered my lips in mortification. Seeing my reaction, Lucas went to grab my arm when a sudden jolt of electricity crept through my body from his touch. I pulled my arm away and Lucas averted his gaze back to his canvas. 

"I-I didn't mean for that to be weird, sorry Clem." Lucas apologised while still facing away from me. 

Still frozen, I didn't know how to respond since I was still a bit shocked by what I just heard and also felt. This guy who teased me growing up, literally just said he couldn't stop thinking about my fucking lips and that touch... it felt amazing. I shook my head in bewilderment, absolutely lost for words. 

Mrs Hales' presence broke the silence in the air and thank god she did because I haven't moved an inch from where I was standing. She clasped her jaw with her hands in delight and started fawning over Lucas' artwork. That was the distraction I needed so I could slip out of the classroom before he could say anything to me. I didn't even get an opportunity to grab the rest of my stuff since I just wanted to be out of there and out of his sight. I

I navigated around the people in the hallway stealthily and rushed my way towards the girls' bathroom. I headed towards the sink and twisted the tap roughly so I could splash water on my face to cool myself down. Looking up, I just stared at my beet-red face in the mirror as the water dripped down on my chin. 

"What the fuck was that?" I whispered, trying to understand why my heart was beating so quickly. 


I slapped my face multiple times to get myself together and decided to message Tom. I slid my hand inside my bag pocket and typed shakily on the screen. 

> Clem Meet at your locker, I got to talk to you ASAP!

> Tom < What's wrong? 

> Clem < Just be there! 

> Tom < Do you need tampons again, didn't your cycle end last week? 

> Clem < No wtf, just hurry pls! 

After I texted Tom, I patted my face dry with a paper towel and peeked outside the bathroom door, checking if the coast was clear of Lucas. I sighed in relief when I didn't see him out there and sneakily ran out of the bathroom to meet Tom. 

The walk to Tom's locker felt like forever as my anxiety started to creep up on me. I caught Tom's worried face as he towered over everyone in the hallway. I ran up to him and pushed his massive body inside an empty classroom, the adrenaline somehow giving me the strength to tackle this absolute unit of a guy. 

"Is everything alright, Clem?" Tom asked, the concern present in his voice.

"Tomtom, something weird just happened to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Lucas... he was being odd in class and it freaked me out."

Sensing my concern, Tom furrowed his eyebrows and sat down on the chair so he was at my eye level. I told him everything that happened even what Lucas said about my lips. Tom's eyes suddenly widened in realisation and he instantaneously stood up to face me. 

"Shit. Was he sniffing the air, did his touch feel like a spark or were his eyes all glazed over when he was talking to you?" Tom asked inquisitively. 


I nodded, remembering how he kept inhaling deeply and how his touch literally made me feel weak. Recollecting all those weird quirks, I finally reached the same realisation Tom was thinking about. 

"Lucas is my mate!? That's not possible, I mean aren't we meant to find out tonight as soon as the full moon is at its peak?" I iterated in a panic as I clenched a fist full of my hair. 

"Clem he's the Alpha remember? The pull of their mate is stronger before the peak since their mate is meant to be the Luna. You're a fucking Luna Clementine Finch!"

"The fuck I am not! I can't even open jar lids and I'm a fucking Luna, let alone Lucas' mate. I think the Moon Goddess got this one wrong, right that's it!"

"The Moon Goddess is never wrong you idiot! You'll find out tonight anyway, but all those signs really point towards Lucas being your mate."

Knocked back by Tom's comforting words, I looked at him with tears in my eyes and started bawling at this insane situation. He pulled me towards his chest to comfort me as my tears stained his shirt. 

"Tom what will I do now? I can't be a Luna, I still got so many things I want to do in my life, like go to university and be a successful lawyer. The stupid mate bond and the responsibility of being a Luna is going to force me to give up on those dreams!" I sobbed harder in his arms. 

Tom tightened his grip around me and let out a long sigh. He loosened his hold and placed his hands on my shoulders as he bent down slightly to look at me. 

"Clem, I know how much those dreams meant to you. Hell, you've been very vocal about it since we were kids. I know you hated the idea of being a Luna but it's Lucas we're talking about here. He's a tough Alpha but he's a good guy. I know that he'll be very supportive if you want to pursue those dreams."

Even though Tom was right about Lucas being supportive, that wasn't what I was worried about. It was the idea of mates and the bond that ties you with a person you didn't get to have a say in. If the circumstances were different, Lucas would have been an ideal mate but he isn't. He has a girlfriend and I didn't want to be his second choice. I wanted to fight for real love that would allow me to learn how to trust, be hurt and be free. Mate bond isn't love at all, it's a curse. 

I closed my eyes in defeat as the last of my tears trickled down my face. A soothing touch grazed under my eyes as Tom wiped my tears and cupped his hand on my cheek.

"Everything will be okay Clem, I'm sure of it. Trust the bond and give Lucas a chance. He'll be the perfect mate for you and I know he will cherish you." Tom reassured warmly. 

But maybe Tom is right? Maybe I should welcome the bond and let Lucas in my heart. But for some reason, I could feel that something bad is about to happen tonight. 

===End of chapter===

Uh-oh, looks like Clem is resisting the mate bond. But dreams before dicks amirite? 

And I love that Tom knows her period cycle and probably knows what brand of tampons she uses. Bless, he's a true bestie hahaha

Hope you enjoyed this one! 

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