《Rejected? As if!》02 | Ok I like it, Picasso


| Clementine POV |

After lunch, Tom and I walked our way to our respective classes. His is Biology because he's an absolute nerd and mine is Art. My least favourite subject.

I'm not really gifted with any artistic talent nor do I have any interest in it. The closest thing to art I can do is stick figures and dick doodles because I have the maturity level of a 12-year-old boy.

I followed Tom to his locker to stall for time so I don't have to witness Mrs Hales' cringy art memes of the week slides. I banged my forehead in frustration on the locker next to Tom's and let out a big sigh which made Tom laugh.

"Clem, it's just art. You could literally just draw a dot on a paper and call it a masterpiece." Tom quipped while patting my head.

"Ugh, a future lawyer doesn't need art though Tom. Like I'm not going to rip into someone in court if they don't know colour theory."

"I don't know, you're petty enough to do something like that."

I stomped on his foot in response and bolted off to the dreaded class, as I hear Tom's colourful vocabulary behind me. As I reached the door, it quickly swung open and I'm welcomed by Mrs Hales' cheery smile.

"Hello, hello my darling Clementine". Mrs Hales crooned as I entered the class and I half-smiled back in embarrassment.

As I looked around, I saw that everyone is partnered up for today's lessons which got me sighing in relief but my happiness is cut short when the doors suddenly open. Standing by the door was the devil himself, Lucas.

Fuck my life.

"Ah, Lucas! I guess you're also late but that's a good thing since you'll be with Clementine for today's lesson!" Mrs Hales chirped while clapping her hands in delight.

I wanted to cut off her hands.


Lucas awkwardly made his way towards where I'm sitting and I pull up my middle finger discreetly. He shook his head in annoyance and I pull up my other finger in response.

"Very mature Clem." He responded matter of factly while grabbing some canvas and charcoal which he passed to me.

I begrudgingly took it, annoyed by his nice gesture and he smirked back. Lucas usually has no patience for my antics but he seemed quite tamed today for some reason. He didn't even put up a fight when I threw my shoe at him during lunch. Odd.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Mrs Hales' voice as she made her way to the front of the class.

"Alright kiddies, in pairs I want you to describe a distinct feature of the person in front of you and draw their portrait using the charcoal and canvas I have provided. You have an hour, enjoy!"

I groaned in exasperation, knowing that the asshole in front of me will definitely draw a mushroom instead. I adjusted my seat to face Lucas and I caught him inhaling deeply, tilting his head in confusion.

He's probably thinking of how ugly he'll make me look so I will do the same. I giggled to myself, letting my imagination run wild with ideas to make a perfect looking man, imperfect.

Lucas glanced at me and furrowed his eyebrows at my giggling. I quickly stopped when he softened his stare, his eyes gleaming as he observed me. Feeling quite self-conscious all of a sudden, I shifted back a bit and bit my lip, causing his gaze to slip down to my mouth.

"Don't do that Clem." Lucas mumbled quietly to me, catching me off guard.

"Don't do what?"

"Uh nevermind, let's just start this. What distinct feature do I have?"

Hmm, he's got a lot of distinct features because he's been carved by the Goddess but maybe I could say his piercing grey eyes, the dark flowy hair or that chiselled jaw. But I'm not here to hype up his ego.


"Um, maybe your eyebrows? Because you're always scowling like you're about to stab someone." I flatly replied back and furrowed my brows to mock him.

He laughed at my response and I couldn't help but laugh too. I wasn't sure how to capture his eyebrows with my lack of artistic skills so I just drew two squiggly lines facing downwards. He started drawing as well with a serious look on his face and it got me curious about what got him so transfixed.

"Soooo, what distinct feature do I have?" I asked inquisitively.

Lucas looked up to stare at my face and coyly smiled.

"Your mushroom hair."

"Ugh, I saw that one coming." I roared quietly and got back into drawing the ugliest version of himself.

As we quietly drew to ourselves, I couldn't help but feel his eyes staring straight into my soul ever so often. But every time I tried to catch him staring, he'd quickly look back on his canvas.

How hard is it to draw a mushroom? Not being able to take the silence any further, I slammed my charcoal on the table and cleared my throat to get his attention.

"What is it Clem?"

"Can you at least make the mushroom somewhat cute Lucas?"

"That's a hard ask, mushrooms are never cute."

"Oof, that one hurt a bit." I grasped my chest jokingly as he chuckled back. Reminded by tonight's events, I wanted to know if Lucas is as excited as Tom to find his mate.

"So, are you keen to meet your mate and future Luna tonight?"

Whatever I just said must have struck a chord since Lucas' eyes started to darken for a second as he clenched the charcoal, making it snap in two.

"It's none of your business Clem." He snapped back, making me flinch from my seat.

I bit the inside of my cheek, perplexed by his reaction but I didn't want to prod any further. He is probably worried about Alice since it would suck for her if Lucas finds his mate tonight.

Minutes quietly passed after that conversation and Mrs Hales clapped her hands in beat to get our attention.

"Alright, we've got 5 minutes left so we'll go around and see everyone's drawings." She cheerfully instructed as everyone got off their seat to roam around.

Students who passed by my artwork snickered and some were in tears from laughing at how bad it was. But as soon as they reach Lucas' canvas, they all gape in awe at his and they all stare at me as they shower his artwork with compliments. Surely they aren't being serious over a mushroom hair drawing?

With my curiosity piqued, I made my way to his artwork and my jaw almost dropped in shock.

This can't be me.

In front of my eyes is this wonderfully drawn portrait of me smiling, without the flaws I have always been so self-conscious about. How he drew my eyes twinkling to how my hair flowed behind my ears, everything about this drawing was magnificent. But my smile was the one that stood out the most from his canvas as if he took his time to draw that feature.

I stared longingly at the portrait, slightly overwhelmed by the feelings it evoked in me. Lucas stood next to me but I didn't say anything, as I tried to calm my heart from beating erratically.

"You asked me what distinct feature you have and it's the one I couldn't stop thinking about..." Lucas exclaimed as he stepped forward and pointed at his canvas.

"It's your lips".

===End of chapter===

I don't want Lucas to be your typical broody Alpha. I want him to have layers as a character since it will be hard to reject someone who is actually somewhat nice.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter

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