《Unforgettable (Peter Parker x Reader)》Secrets


The day went slowly. It was the same old boring classes which the teachers just droning on about things. 

I kept staring at the half written notes on my page as I kept thinking about other things. One in particular. I kept thinking back to what that teacher had said about Peter getting detention as well. Where had he disappeared off to causing him to be late?

Nothing made sense. From knowing him for just a week I knew Peter skipping out on class or being late was unusual.

I was brought back into reality when the bell rung. I packed up my stuff and swung one of my bags shoulder straps over my shoulder.

I only had one more period before I had to sit in detention half an hour. I sighed as I walked out the door and into the crowd of people.

Once I walked in I sat in my normal set which was next to Peter, who was already in his set. He looked up when I pulled out my chair.

He gave me a small smile and I smiled back. "So why exactly where you late Parker?" I asked him and he looked at me in shock.

"And before you ask how I know, the teacher we caught me said he caught you as well." I finished and he slumped in his set and put his arms on his desk, hiding his head.

"I uh just had to do something." He mumbled in his arms and then turn his head and looked at me.

"Where were you? I tried to call you but you didn't pick up." He asked, but it sounded like he knew the answer.

I bushed it off as me being paranoid. I turned to looked at him. I was about to say something when I was how adorable he looked.

His chocolate colored eyes where looking up at me and his hair was slightly ruffled. Half of his face was hidden behind his arms.

I felt my face start to heat up, so I quickly turned my face away and coughed. "There was a-a thing that I had to sort out." I stuttered out, still lot looking at Peter.

I herd him shift in his set. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him about to ask something when Ned sat down in his seat.

"Hey guys! I didn't see you guys this morning. Where were you?" Ned asked as he sat in his set next to Peter.

Peter turned to Ned and started to whisper something to him that I couldn't quite hear, which then caused Ned to look at me with wide eyes.

He then looked away from me and started to whisper, quite loudly, to Peter.

All I was able to make out was "you need to tell her!"

"You know, it's quite rude to talk about someone when their sitting right next to you." I said and Peter jolted in his seat.


"We-we weren't talking about you. Weren't we Ned." Peter laughed out. I just raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah! We where talking about," Ned paused and looked around the class until he blurted out "Liz!"

Peter's head whipped around and gave Ned a glare.

The girl named Liz turned around in her seat to look back at Ned. I realised the she was the girl that Peter had a crush on. 

I felt my heart stop for a second, knowing that Peter would never like me. It's only been a week that we have known each other. He had probably know Liz for years.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when the teacher walked in.


Me and Peter walked to detention in an awkward silence. Neither of us spoke, but the silence was started to bother me.

"Soooo." I said dragged out the word as I tried to think of something to talk about. The thought of Peter being late to school after I asked him to somehow contact Spider-Man. "Why where you late this morning?" I finally asked.

Peter almost tripped over his feet. "I just had to do something for Mr Stark." Was all he said before our conversation died down again.

We finally got to the room where we where meant to have detention when I saw Peter start to fidget with his bag strap before he finally spoke up. "Are you coming to Liz's party tonight?" He asked.

"I don't know. I still don't know anyone yet. If I do go, you and Ned would be the only people I know." I said as I put my hand on the door. "But I guess if you guys go, I'll go." I said with a smile and finally opened the door and walked to one the seats.

After watching another one of Steve's 'inspirational' videos, which gives me even more reason for when I see him next to tease him, we where finally free to leave.

As I was walking I herd footsteps running towards me before Peter was walking next to me. "So, do you want to meet up Liz's place or do you want to come to mine and have my aunt drop me you and Ned off?" Peter asked as we walked out the front doors.

"I don't know where Liz lives plus it'll probably take me a while to get there." I said as we stopped outside the gate.

Peter smiled. "I'll text you my address. So see you tonight?"

I smiled back. "Yeah. See you tonight." I then started to walk in the direction of where Happy would be waiting for me.

As I walked around the corner, I felt a pare of eye's on my back. I stopped and turned around to see people just walking along minding their own business. I shrugged and continued walking.

I saw the familiar black car waiting on the side of the road, so I quickly walked to the car and opened the door, the felling of being watched not going away. I shut the door with a sigh.


"Do you know know long I had to wait for you? What took you so long anyway?" Happy asked as he turned around in his seat and looked back at me.

"I uh got detention." I said and looked out the window, not seeing anything unusual. "Can we just go, I have to get some homework done before I hang out some friends tonight."

Happy just shot me a glare and started to mumble to himself and started the car.

As I got out of the car once we finally arrived back 'home' the felling of being watched came back. I quickly turned around to see a flash of red disappear behind one of the lower building.

Hoping that it wasn't who I think it was, I quickly walked inside.


Happy dropped me off outside Peter's apartment and drove away without saying anything. "Goodbye then." I mumbled as I watch his car disappear into the distance. I turned back around to the apartment block and crossed the road and up the stair to the 7th floor.

I looked down at the text Peter sent saying what the number to his apartment was. I found the numbed and took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

I herd footsteps and soon the door opened to reveal a lady with brown hair and glasses. "Hi?" She said and I smiled.

"Uh hi. I'm (Y/n), Peter's friend." I said and her eyes widened.

"You're (Y/n)! I'v herd a lot about you. I'm Peter's Aunt, you can call me May" She said and opened the door wide enough for me to enter.

I brushed off Peter talking about me as just as a friend.

"Peter! (Y/n)'s here!" May yelled. I stood in their living room awkwardly waiting for Peter and Ned to appear from where ever they where.

Not long after she yelled that I was here, there was a loud thud and one of the doors opened and Peter walked out followed by Ned.

"(Y/n), hi." He said as he stood awkwardly across the room from me. Ned then walked out with a cowboy hat and waved at me.

I waked back and soon the four of us stood in silence. Soon a loud clap brought sounded though the small apartment. We all turned to Peter aunt and she smiled at us.

"Well lets get you three to that party." She said and grabbed her keys and opened the door for us to walk out.


Soon we pulled up to a fancy house that was already full of people from school. "Aww house party in the suburbs. I remember these." Peter's aunt said as we pulled up to Liz's house. I could see people who I have never met before hanging out around the house.

"This was a mistake." Peter said as he looked away from the window and looked at May. "Can we just go home?" Peter said in a panicked voice.

"You seem so stressed out lately. Is something wrong?" May asked Peter. "Is it about," May paused and gave me a side glance. I turned and looked at Ned. He shrugged and then looked away trying to avoid my stare. 

"You know who." She 'whispered' to Peter. As soon as she said that Peter immediately started to take off hi seat belt. "I'm-I'm just going to go to the party." He said and got out of the car.

Me and Ned quickly followed him out of the car.

"Have fun!" May yelled and drove away. I watched her drive away and turned back to Peter.

"She's nice." I said as we started to walk up to the large house full of teens. As we walked up the house, Peter and Ned started to whisper to each other. Well they attempted to keep what ever they where talking about quite but they had to talk louder over the music.

I could only pick out parts such as "I don't want to do this." and "But she would know!"

"I can't believe you guys are at this lame party." I herd a voice said. I looked off to the side to see Michelle standing in the kitchen getting food.

"But you're here to." Ned said sounding confused but he wasn't the only one.

"Am I?" She said and walked away with a slice of taste. "I will never get used to her weird behaviour." I said as I watched her disappear into the crowed.

"Oh my gosh. Hey guys." I herd another voice say. I looked away from where Michelle had disappeared off to to see Liz walking towards us.

"Your here." She said and then turned to me. "And you must be the new girl. I'm Liz." She said with a smile.

"(Y/n)." I said with a small smile.

"I'm happy you guys came. There's food and drink. So enjoy the party." She said, the smile not leaving her face.

I looked to Peter and saw that he had a small smile on his face, though he looked uncomfortable that Liz had her attention on him. Which I found strange since he liked her.

Something smashed in the background. "Uh sorry guys. I have to go make sure they don't brake anything else." She said and walked away, giving one last flurty smile to Peter and walked away.

As soon as she walked away Peter and Ned started to whisper to each other again. 

"I'm gonna go find Michelle." I said and started to walk away from Peter and Ned and their private conversation.

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