《Cousin Miguel》Part 25


They offered Isaac to stay the night after calming Stiles down and he gladly accepted. "I'm gonna sleep on the couch", he announced and headed out the room to go downstairs. "No, Isaac you can sleep in my bed", Derek said. "No, I can't steel your bed. I'll take the couch. It's comfortable. I've slept in a lot less comfortable places", he explained and Stiles' heart hurt hearing that. "Isaac, please. Derek isn't even unsing his bed. Please don't sleep on the couch", Stiles pleaded his friend to sleep in a comfy place. "Where do you sleep then?", Isaac asked his alpha and Derek just looked to the bed they were currently sitting on, then back to Isaac. "Oh-", Isaac understood and nodded. "He can't sleep without me", Derek said kind of proud. "Aw that's cute", Isaac smiled. "No, you don't understand. I actually can not sleep when Derek isn't by my side. I have nightmares, terrible nightmares. I don't know why but Derek makes me forget them", Stiles explained. "What you said is even cuter", Isaac told him and Stiles smiled at Derek. They all headed into bed after that. As the sheriff would work until at least 10am they didn't need to sneak around. "I am glad he knows", Derek whispered "I didn't want him to be sad when he would find out from someone else or something". "Do you think Scott will feel rejected if I don't tell him?", Stiles asked. "I don't know. I mean I get why you're nervous and I too don't want to tell everyone but he's your best friend, don't you think he'll understand?" "Maybe, but what if he doesn't?" "Then you know and we can deal with it. But wouldn't you want to know, if you were in Scott's place?", Derek reasoned. "Of course I would", Stiles sighed in defeat. "The rest of the pack doesn't need to know", Derek reassured him. "Someday they'll find out anyway. Until then I can pretend that everyone will act the same when they know", Stiles mumbled. "You should rest now. Good night", Derek kissed the top of Stiles' head. "G'night", Stiles said half asleep already and Derek grinned.


Stiles was awoken by kisses on his neck. He smiled brightly and turned around in Derek's arms to properly kiss him. "That's the best way to wake up, ever", he mumbled into the kiss and Derek smiled. They heard a knock on the door and a silent "are you awake, guys?" coming from Isaac on the other side of the door. "Yeah, come in", Stiles said loud enough for him to hear and the door opened slowly, showing Isaac with bed hair. "Good morning", Isaac said scratching the back of his head nervously. "Morning", Stiles greeted him "did you sleep well?" "I did", Isaac grinned at him "thanks again for giving me your bed, Derek". Derek hid his head in the crook of Stiles neck and pretended he wasn't there so he didn't need to talk. He just grumbled in response and pressed further into Stiles skin as if it would make him disappear. "Don't be so grumpy in the mornings, sourwolf", Stiles teased and poked Derek's arm. Derek didn't move, not even as Stiles' phone began ringing. "You have to move so I can pick up my phone, you know?", Stiles told him but Derek didn't care. Stiles tried to wiggle his way out of Derek's grip but there wasn't any chance. Isaac walked over to the nightstand and picked up Stiles' phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?", he asked into it waiting for any response. "Isaac?", the sheriff asked back. "Yeah, hey", Isaac was looking for words to explain. "Stiles is in the bathroom at the moment", he lied to the sheriff. "Why are you in our house at 8am?", the sheriff asked disbelieving that he casually came over at that time on a saturday. "I slept here because I fell asleep after the meeting yesterday", Isaac answered not lying this time. "Alright. Could you tell Stiles I'll be home around noon?", the sheriff asked "We just got another case in and I need to go there". "Of course", Isaac said "bye". With that he ended the call and put the phone down again. "Your dad will arrive around noon because they got a case", Isaac summarised for Stiles who was still held in a tight grip by Derek. "Thanks", Stiles smiled "how about breakfast?" Isaac nodded in approval and Derek groaned again. "You and food again. We could have slept for another two hours", Derek whined. "Oh, come on. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Plus we can be lazy today. Watch movies and cuddle, my dad will go to sleep when he gets home anyway", Stiles explained and Derek actually lifted his head at those words. "I like that", he said and then leant in to peck Stiles on the lips. "Okay, we'll continue this later, but I'll have to brush my teeth now", Stiles said and took the opportunity to get up as long as he had the chance, leaving the other two alone in the room. "Hey Derek?", Isaac spoke up. "Yeah?", Derek was hesitant, a little afraid of what was about to come. "I just want you to know that I respect you even more now. You know, because you don't try to hide your feelings from Stiles. That's true strength, to stand up for your emotions", Isaac told him. Derek smiled at his beta. He had been afraid if they might see it as a sign of weakness that he showed emotion and he was glad that Isaac didn't. "Thanks", he said and finally got up. "Now let's get us some breakfast", Stiles announced as he left the bathroom and they all went downstairs to prepare it. They just sat down when there was a knock at the front door. "It's open", Stiles yelled and soon Scott was standing in the kitchen. "I wanted to pick up Isaac", he explained himself. "Why is everyone up so early today?", Derek questioned and shook his head. "Thanks", Isaac said to Scott and already got up. "Oh, you can finish your breakfast in peace, buddy. I'll just wait", Scott smiled. Isaac nodded and sat down again to continue eating. Meanwhile Stiles took a deep breath, trying to not make his voice sound too nervous but Scott already picked up on his heartbeat. "Are you okay, bro?", he asked Stiles. Stiles let out a breath, then looked Scott in the eyes. "We need to talk, Scott".

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