《Cousin Miguel》Part 24


"You know I can protect myself, right?", Stiles said to Derek after they parted. "And you know this is not safe enough for you and I will do anything to make sure you won't get hurt, right?", Derek answered back and Stiles smiled at him. "And you both know I am here, right?", Isaac spoke up hesitantly, eyes still wide in shock. The two had been too busy with themselves to notice the boy or the sound of the door for that matter. "Since when are you standing there?", Derek asked him a little fearful. "Jeez, Derek we really need to work on your senses. How can you not notice someone going upstairs and opening the door", Stiles sassed although he was also afraid of what Isaac might say. "I'm sorry I was too concerned about your safety", Derek contered. "Aw, that's so cute of you, really. But I'm still coming with you. And you know you can't stop me. If anything goes wrong, I will forever feel guilty because I didn't even try to help. I will stay back if that makes you feel better, but I will be near to help", Stiles announced again completly forgetting that Isaac is there. "I can agree with that. But promise me to not do something stupid", Derek pleaded and Stiles made wide eyes at him. "Me? Something stupid? Come on", he said. "So you are not gonna make the promise because you can't promise to keep it?", Derek asked seeing right through him. "Yeah exactly", Stiles shrugged smiling at him. Derek shook his head smiling but his face got serious again. "If you get hurt because you went with me...", he started but was cut off by Stiles. "I won't. And if I get a few scratches or even worse wounds it will not be your fault okay?", Stiles said and lay a hand on Derek's cheek "I will protect you and you will protect me". His voice was soft and Derek smiled, ready to do anything so that Stiles wouldn't get hurt. They leant in to kiss but were interrupted by Isaac's shrieking voice. "GUYS I'M STILL HERE", he yelled and waved his hands frantically. "Oh, shit", Stiles cursed "uhm... Hi Isaac". Stiles smiled at him innocently and Derek actually laughed at the awkward situation at hand. "What is happening?", Isaac asked histerically "first you are kissing, then you are super adorable, then almost kissing again and then Derek actually lauged". "Calm down, please", Stiles said a little nervous. What if Isaac was disgusted and would run away and tell everyone? "I...we...um...", Stiles stammered and Derek and Isaac could hear his heart beating "please don't tell anyone". Stiles breathing was rapid and Derek lay his arm around his shoulder. "Shh...calm down. Everything is fine", Derek reassured him. "What if he hates us? What if he tells Scott? What if Scott hates me?", Stiles yelled in panic "I don't want to lose my best friend". "You won't. Breathe, Stiles", Derek said and took him in his arms. "Why do you think we would hate you?", Isaac sounded sad. "I-I don't know", Stiles tried to take deep breaths "because I'm with a guy, with Derek. You know how short tempered Scott can be, when it comes to protect his friends. What if he doesn't approve of us?" "We'll tell him, just not now. Take your time", Derek tried to soothe him. "Thanks", Stiles tried to smile "I'm just afraid". "I know", Derek whispered "it's okay. Tell him when you're ready". Stiles felt a panic attack creep up on him and he couldn't do anything to stop it. "What if everyone will hate me?", his breath was fast and uneven and he was crying slightly "what about my dad?" All the things he didn't need to think about while being alone with Derek and no one knowing about them came crashing down on him now. Derek brushed his hand over Stiles' back gently to get him to calm down, when he noticed a change in the room. It was the scent that went off from Isaac. It wasn't surprised anymore it was sad. He smelled of sadness. When Derek turned to look at him his beta looked broken. Seconds later Isaac was hugging Stiles too. Stiles was taken by surprise which luckily ended his panic attack. He turned around in Derek's arms hesitantly and saw the look on Isaac's face. "Isaac, what's wrong?", he asked concerned, his own fears and sorrows forgotten when it came to his friends. "Do you really think I could hate you for something that makes you happy?", he asked him looking as if he was near tears. "You can't control what you fear", Derek said and Isaac nodded understanding. "So you don't hate us?", Stiles asked hesitantly. "Of course not!", Isaac shot back at him. "And you are not disapproving of our relationship?", he asked again. "Are you kidding me?", Isaac sounded excited "this is the best thing to happen in forever. I mean with Derek as my alpha and you as our self-declared pack mom it's like having actual parents. Well, parents that are your age, but you get the idea. You're the ideal couple. You work good together, always have". Stiles sighed at the pack mom comment. "I never declared myself as anyone's pack mom", he said exhausted but turned serious again after that "So, you have no problem with us being two men?" "I couldn't care less, really. Love is love. I just saw you making Derek smile and that's what it's all about isn't it? Not gender", Isaac shrugged. Stiles jolted forward to hug the young beta and Isaac smiled into the hug. "Thank you", Stiles whispered and Derek smiled at the two boys in front of him. "Tell Scott, when you are ready to tell him. I don't think he will care about you being gay or that it's his alpha you're dating, but I get it. He's your best friend and you're afraid to lose him. But you won't", Isaac said softly. "You can't know", Stiles whispered. "I know Scott", Isaac smiled and Stiles hoped that the boy would be right.

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