《Cousin Miguel》Part 23


The first school week went by. And as promised, Derek waited at home everyday for Stiles to arrive. There were no news about the other alpha when Derek asked on monday, but Chris promised to call if something changed. Unfortunately for them he did call. It was friday evening and they were all just happy that the first school week was over. "I'm home", Stiles yelled as he opened the door. "Good", Derek sounded reliefed. "Why is that good?", Scott asked. "With Scott", Stiles added guilty. "I see", Derek said looking at his beta "Chris called. I was about to call a pack meeting". "The other alpha?", Scott asked. "Yes", Derek nodded. Soon after they had called everyone, they were on their way to Stiles.

"So, he's getting closer?", Lydia concluded what Derek and Allison had just told them about. "If he wants to come to Beacon Hills, he could be here within a few days, a week maybe", Allison informed. "I say we head in his direction and kill him before he can get into town", Aiden suggested. "What if he doesn't want to come to Beacon Hills? You would only provoce him", Stiles noted and Aiden nodded, understanding the concern. "How many pack members does he have? I mean I don't think that many would go with him rather than fight", Ethan spoke up. "Chris said he is alone. No one wanted to join his pack willingly and the ones that saw their pack die and just then decided they would rather join his pack than face the same fate, were killed by him too. He doesn't want weak wolves", Derek explained. "One wolf? Can't we take him down together?", Isaac asked. "Maybe", Derek answered honestly "we might be numerously more, but he has gained powers and got stronger with every wolf he killed, especially with every alpha he killed". "So what do we do?", Scott asked. "We fight if he threatens us", Allison explained "we don't kill him just based on things we heard". Derek nodded. "Well, well. What if someone wants to join his pack?", Peter, who had just appeared in the house, asked. "How did you sneak into my home?", Stiles asked unnerved. "I used the door like any human would", Peter said "It's not my fault you're all deaf and don't use your supernatural senses". "If anyone really wants to leave the pack I won't hold them back. If you want to join him, you are free to go. I don't want you to risk your lives to fight for me, for us, if you don't want to be a part of this pack anymore", Derek told them to everyone's surprise. "I'm impressed", Peter made that 'not-bad' face. "Shut up", Derek rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't dream of leaving this pack", Isaac suddenly spoke up "you saved me from a family that didn't want me and gave me something to live for, people who like me. You showed me what a family is supposed to be and I won't leave my family even if I might die for it". Isaac had tears in his eyes and everybody was watching him in awe. He was uncomfortable and scared that he was the only one that felt this way about the pack. He stood up embarassed, ready to leave when Stiles got up as well and took him in his arms. He relaxed at the touch and when Stiles whispered something to him the tears in his eyes started rolling down his face. "I'm so grateful I can count you as family". It was the truth, Stiles was thankful to have Isaac as a friend, as family. But mostly he was thankful that Isaac wasn't living with his dad anymore. Nobody had ever told Isaac something like this before and he smiled through his tears. "I'm not leaving as well", Scott spoke up supporting Isaac. "I wouldn't think of leaving after what you guys did for us", Ethan said and Aiden nodded, silently agreeing with his brother. "I might not be a werewolf and the alpha might not be interested in having me as a pack member, but I want you to know that I'm still staying with you", Stiles said, Isaac still in his arms. "Me too", Allison and Lydia said simultaniously. Derek smiled at the support from his pack. "Well I will hide as I am dead to the world and will not change that to a fact by showing myself and fighting for this pack", Peter spoke up. "You're not even part of this pack", Derek raised his eyebrows at his uncle. "Ouch", Peter said clutching his chest in fake pain "good luck not dying". And just like he came all of a sudden, he disappeared. Stiles sat Isaac on the sofa, who had calmed down and was about to fall asleep. "So we have to wait, huh?", Stiles asked and Derek nodded "how about a movie then?". Everyone agreed and soon they were watching pirates of the carribean. Isaac fell asleep throughout the movie. As did Lydia in Aiden's arms, who stood up at some point, said goodbye and took her home. Ethan accompanied him. Scott and Allison left when the movie was over. "Oh, don't wake him!", Stiles said to Scott when he was about to wake Isaac up "he can sleep here, I'm gonna get him a blanket". Scott smiled at him and nodded. "He was so cute today", Allison looked at the sleeping figure "he really needs a family". "He's got us", Scott said. "We're more like siblings to him", Allison mentioned. "No", Scott answered back "Stiles is pack mom". "Oh, get out already", Stiles threw a pillow at his best friend but smiled. "I think that's a good thing, it means that you care", Derek spoke up and Allison nodded. "He's glad to have you", she said while she hughed Stiles goodbye. "Thanks Allie", Stiles smiled. After they left Stiles turned to Derek. "We have to make sure he won't get hurt", Stiles told him. "What do you mean?", Derek asked. "What I mean?", Stiles said a little too loud. And to not wake Isaac up he took Derek's hand and led him upstairs. When the door to his room closed, Isaac shot awake, being reminded of the freezer door closing. "Please tell me you won't put him into danger", Stiles begged. Isaac could hear them talk upstairs. "I won't, Stiles. Of course I won't. I won't put anyone into danger, but I need their help", Derek explained. "I know, I just feel responsible for him", Stiles admitted. "Me too", Derek said. "I also don't want you in danger", Stiles added. "Oh. I can't promise I won't get hurt. But I have a reason to stay alive now", Derek sounded happy. Weird, Isaac thought. "You stay here of course", Derek said. "Oh, hell no", Stiles answered back. "I can't risk you being hurt", Derek said loudly and Isaac feared he would hurt Stiles despite saying otherwise. He went upstairs when all he heard was silence, fearing for Stiles' life. He opened the door to find Stiles and Derek kissing, which was absolutely not what he had expected.

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