《Cousin Miguel》Part 26


"Are you okay? Is your dad okay?", Scott asked histerically "what's wrong?". "Scott, calm down. Everyone is fine", Stiles said and hoped that it would stay that way. Scott let out a breath and lay his hand on his chest. "Don't scare me like that, bro", he said "so what did you wanna talk about then?" Stiles gave Derek a sideways glance and Derek could see and smell that he was afraid, as well as Isaac and Scott could. "Stiles?", Scott asked concerned. "Let's go upstairs to my room, okay?", he suggested and stood up. Derek squeezed his hand under the table quickly and Isaac smiled at him. "Okay", Scott whispered, really worrying at this point "is it that bad?" "I really don't hope you think it is", Stiles said and they went up the stairs together. In Stiles' room Scott plopped down on Stiles' bed, like he always did when he came over. "Man, it stinks like Derek in here", Scott announced and Stiles took a shaky breath. He was shaking and his eyes were teary, he was so afraid that Scott might reject him. Scott's face fell and he went over to him. "Stiles, are you okay? Is this a panic attack?", he asked concerned laying a hand on Stiles' shoulder. "No, it's just regular fear I guess", Stiles whispered. "Why are you afraid?", Scott asked. "I don't want you to hate me Scott", Stiles said silently but Scott heard him. "I would never hate you, you're my best friend", Scott meant it and Stiles took a deep breath before telling him what he wanted to get off his chest. "I'm with Derek", Stiles said looking to the ground. "I know, he is sitting in the living room and is living with you", Scott said confused why Stiles told him this again. "No, Scott. I'm in a relationship with Derek", Stiles made clear and looked up at his friend hesitantly. "You and Derek?", Scott asked loud "he is five years older than you". "I know and I don't care", Stiles defended him "I have feelings for him and he has feelings for me and that's all that matters". "So you're gay?", Scott asked. "I don't know. I've never had feelings for a guy before", Stiles shrugged. "Does he really like you or is he just using you to have a place to stay?", Scott accused. "Oh my god, Scott. He lived here way before we got together", Stiles threw his hands up. "I just don't want you to get hurt", Scott admitted "I know Derek's a good guy". "He is", Stiles said smiling to himself. "You really do like him, huh?", Scott teased smirking. "Of course I do. He is my boyfriend", Stiles said. "Boyfriend?", Scott asked "did he say that?" "Yeah, why?", Stiles was confused. "He never labeled any relationship after Kate", Scott explained. "I overheard a conversation", Scott shrugged when Stiles gave him the 'how do you know' look. Stiles smiled at that. "How long have you been together?", Scott asked. "A few days. We got together the day after paintball", Stiles explained. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?", Scott sounded hurt "you can talk to me about anything". "First of all it was so new and I was just so freaking happy and couldn't think about anything other than him", Stiles smiled, then turned a little anxious "second I was afraid you would reject me". He whispered the last sentence. "Reject you?", Scott's eyes got wide "Do you really think about me this way?" "Of course I don't. I am just confused. I never had feelings for a guy before and then Derek to top it all. He's your alpha, he's older than me and he's a man. I was afraid you wouldn't look at me the same if you knew", a tear slid down Stiles' face. "Do you remember the night in the motel?", Scott asked softly. "How could anyone forget?", Stiles asked back. "I nearly killed myself because I thought I am a monster, because I hurt the people near me. Because I nearly killed you several times and hurt you far too often, physically and emotionally", Scott explained and Stiles nodded silently. "And what did you do? You stepped into the gasoline with me to save me. Me, the monster. Because you didn't care what I did. You just wanted me safe, despite everything I had done. You said we were brothers", Scott smiled at his best friend who was crying silently. "Look at me", he said then and lifted Stiles' chin so that he was looking him in the eyes "so after everything, do you really think that something like this would change anything between us? You forgave me everything and still counted me as family. I don't even have to forgive you, cause you did nothing you'd have to apologize for. To be gay is not wrong and Derek is our friend. Stiles, I don't have anything to be mad about. I'm just sad you didn't tell me sooner", Scott ended his speech still looking Stiles in the eyes. Stiles opened his arms and just pulled his best friend into him. "Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was dumb for being afraid. Isaac was right", he mumbled into Scott's shoulder. "Isaac knew before me?", Scott sounded hurt and Stiles pulled back to look at him. "Yesterday he walked in on us....", Stiles started but was cut off by Scott. "Woah, gross dude" "...kissing", Stiles finished raising an eyebrow at Scott. "Oh, alright", he laughed "guess he was shocked" "He was at first. Then said he was happy for us and that I didn't need to worry about telling you. Derek said the same", Stiles smiled at the mention of his name. "Are you happy?", Scott asked. "More than ever", Stiles answered honestly. "I'm happy for you", Scott smiled "and for Derek. He couldn't have gotten someone better". "Thanks, Scottie", Stiles made this adorable smile. "But if he hurts you, I'm gonna kill him", Scott added dead serious. "Sounds fair", Stiles shrugged and the two boys laughed.

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