《Cousin Miguel》Part 22


It was Monday and that meant holidays were over and school started again. "Do I have to go?", Stiles pouted over breakfast. "Of course. You need your education. You're the brain of the pack, remember?", Derek tried to motivate him. "But I would rather stay here with you all day", Stiles made puppy dog eyes. "You know that I'd like that better too, but you need to go to school or your dad will kill me for sure", Derek said. "Can you even survive on your own in this house?", Stiles tried to find an excuse. "I am gonna try my best, like you will do in school", Derek smiled at his boyfriend. "Unfair", Stiles mumbled "everyone will laugh at my face anyways". "If anyone just looks at you funny you tell me and they are practically dead", Derek said dead serious. "I'll try to handle it on my own, also I have Scott and Isaac but thanks for the effort", Stiles joked. "I wasn't kidding tho", Derek said. "I know. But you can't kill all my classmates", Stiles said then added "I guess" which made Derek laugh. "Alright now go or you'll be late. I'll talk to Chris later, ask if he has new information on that alpha", Derek told him his plans for the day. "Will you be here when I come home?", Stiles asked hope in his voice. "Of course I will", Derek lay his hand on Stiles' bruise "does it hurt?" "Barely. It's just making me look like a colour palette", Stiles rolled his eyes. "You still look pretty damn good today", Derek said and inched even closer to Stiles "like any day". "You make it really hard for me to go", Stiles breathed looking up at Derek. "Sorry", Derek whispered then closed the gap between their lips and kissed his boyfriend. Derek pulled back just a second before they heard the sheriff come down the stairs. "Morning, dad", Stiles greeted. "Good morning. The police station just called i have to stay late today. Don't wait up for me for dinner", he told them "but I actually got a lot of sleep this night so I won't complain". "Alright, keep your head up. I'm off to school now, won't miss the day, would I?", he glared at Derek "Oh , Derek you told me you wanted to go to Chris, should I drop you off?". "That would be nice", Derek tried to hide his smile. "Well, come on then I don't want to be late", he teased and headed out after saying goodbye to his father. "We're early, you know that, right?", Derek asked. "Yeah but I couldn't kiss you in there, so get in the car already", Stiles hurried him. "So bossy today", Derek laughed. 15 minutes and a kissing session at the edge of the woods later, Stiles dropped Derek off at the Argents' right as Allison left the house for school. "Hey, Allie! You want a ride to school?", Stiles offered and Allison smiled at him. "Thanks", she said as she got into the car after greeting Derek. "See you later, Derek. Don't kill anyone", Stiles yelled after him and he could feel Derek rolling his eyes but smiling, although he had his back to them. Stiles drove off and Allison snickered. "What?", he asked. "Oh, nothing just...hm...how can I say that? I think Derek changed since he's living with you. He is much nicer. A few month ago he would have ripped your head off for saying something like that", she explained. "Yeah, he threatened me multiple times to rip my throat out with his teeth", Stiles agreed. "You're good for him", Allison simply said, not meaning it in a romantic way but in a friendship kind of way. Stiles smiled to himself. "How is it? Living with Derek I mean?", she asked out of curiousity. "It's actually kind of fun. And it's nice to not be alone all the time when my dad's working", he admitted "Derek isn't always the sourwolf we know. He is helping a lot. He gets along with my dad really good. And it's good to have a werewolf in your house just in case". Stiles shrugged and they both laughed. When they arrived at school Scott just walked to the entrance. "Hey", he greeted them and kissed Allison. "What about me?", Stiles joked and Scott punched him in the arm playfully. "I bet you were exited for school today", Scott said to Stiles. "Why would I?", Stiles was irritated. "So you don't have to spend your whole day with Derek again", Scott clarified. "Oh, that. Yeah, absolutely", Stiles lied but Scott seemed to buy it. Soon Isaac joined the little group. "You're looking colourful today, Stiles", Isaac told him absolutely oblivious like always. "You know, Derek threatened to kill anyone who made fun of me", Stiles raised his eyebrow challenging at his friend. "Oh, you must have misheard me. I said you looked wonder-ful today", Isaac corrected himself. "I guess so", Stiles laughed and Isaac did too. Together they went inside and into coach's class. "Stilinski! What on earth happened to your face?", he screamed as he always did. Stiles rolled his eyes. Of course coach would notice. "Scott shot me", Stiles explained and coach looked disappointed. "Where is the team spirit in this, McCall? Shoot your own team members, I can't believe this", he shook his head. "We weren't team members at the moment. We weren't even in the same team", Scott defended himself, talking about how they've been in different paint ball teams, but Stiles immediatly thought about another topic where they weren't in the same team anymore. Where he was in Danny's team, who spoke up just as coach went on about how they were team members all the time. "Are you really discussing the team member thing? And not the fact that Scott shot his best friend...in the face?", Danny asked concerned about the coach's priorities. "Well then...the topic for today: Is it okay to shoot your best friend in the face?", coach opened his class. "It was an accident", Scott groaned. Stiles laughed and they sat down to discuss coach's educational question.

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