《Cousin Miguel》Part 21


Stiles fell asleep on Scott's couch somewhere along the evening. He took some painkillers for his face that made him sleepy and because he still lacked of sleep, he was out like a light a few minutes after taking the pill. Isaac got a blanket and put it over the sleeping boy. The twins and Lydia had left a few minutes ago and Scott and Allison were sitting on the other couch while Derek sat in an arm chair. "Has your dad heard anything new about that alpha?", Derek asked Allison who shook her head. "Nope, he is still far away from Beacon Hills", she replied. "I hope it stays this way", Isaac said and Scott nodded in approval. "Yeah, we need some rest. And school starts on monday", Allison said. "Oh, don't remind me. It's gonna be our last year of high school", Scott frowned. "I hope you can finish it in peace", Derek said and Isaac huffed a laugh. "You don't really think we will ever have peace?", he had this knowing smirk on his lips. He knew that they were never this lucky but it was okay as long as they were together. "I just hope we all get out alive", he added. "I will make sure that you are", Derek looked determined. "We will all protect each other, no matter what", Scott spoke up and as if on cue Stiles shot up screaming at the top of his lungs. Derek immediatly got up and settled on the floor next to him caressing his back. "It was just a dream, Stiles. Just a dream", he made 'shh' noises to calm his boyfriend down. Stiles let his tear stained face fall down into his hands and tried to calm his breathing. "What was that?", Scott asked. "Nightmares. He's been having them ever since the three of you died", Derek told them while rubbing circles onto Stiles' back. "Are you okay?", Isaac asked Stiles actually concerned. "I am now", Stiles mumbled attempting a smile at the boy after lifting his face. "I have nightmares too", Allison spoke up "remember they are just dreams. We are stronger than them". She smiled at Stiles and reached out for his hand to pat. "Thanks, Allie", he said. "I don't have nightmares", Scott said. "Maybe because you are a werewolf?", Isaac suggested. "Possibly", Scott shrugged happy that he hadn't had as horrible dreams as his best friend but seriously concerned about him. "Maybe we should head home", Derek whispered and Stiles nodded in agreement. "Yeah, could you maybe drive?", he asked and handed Derek the keys to his precious Jeep. "Of course", he took the keys and said his goodbye. Stiles hugged all three of them before he got out. "Please tell me if it gets worse", Scott said to him before he let him out of his hug. "I will", Stiles promised and smiled at his best friend then leaving along with Derek.


"Do you want to talk about it?", Derek asked while driving. "The dream?", Stiles asked "it was my dad again. Dead and I couldn't do anything. And you were there too...". "Did I do something?", Derek asked. "You were dead", Stiles' voice was barely above a whisper and hadn't Derek been a werewolf he wouldn't have heard him. Salty tears ran down Stiles'

cheeks as he remembered the lifeless body of Derek in his nightmare. Derek pulled into the driveway and turned towards Stiles. "Listen. I am alive and I will not leave you alone. Your dad is alive and he is because of you. You saved him. You did that", he took Stiles' face into his hands carefully and smiled at him "you saved them all". Stiles' crying stopped and he nodded slowly. Derek kissed his lips softly and then got out of the car and opened Stiles' door for him. "Such a gentleman", Stiles thanked him "or gentlewolf?" Derek rolled his eyes laughing. Stiles took his hand and leant against his side. "Are you feeling better?", Derek asked concerned. "A little", Stiles replied "would you mind sleeping in my room again? I never had nightmares when I was in your arms". He looked to the ground blushing. "That sounded so sappy", Stiles groaned blushing even more. "I think it sounded adorable", Derek smiled at him and Stiles huffed a laugh of relief "and yes, I will sleep with you in your room again. I would have done that anyway". "Oh, really?", Stiles asked teasingly. "Yes, really. I want to be with you every minute I can", Derek said softly. They arrived at the door and Stiles turned towards Derek. "When have you become such a cutie wolf?", he asked poking Derek's chest. "Maybe you are a bad influence", Derek suggested leaning closer. "I wouldn't call it 'bad'", Stiles whispered, Derek's face only inches from his. Derek closed the gap between them and kissed Stiles' lips softly. Stiles immediatly kissed back slowly so he wouldn't cause his cheek to hurt again. Both of them had their eyes closed and Derek got even closer to Stiles. Stiles' back hit against the door and he jumped in surprise. "Let's get inside", Derek laughed at his reaction and put the key into the doorlock to open it. When they entered the house the sheriff sat in an armchair reading the newspaper. "Oh hey dad, what's up", Stiles greeted him hoping he hadn't heard or seen them outside. "Um... nothing?", he answered a little confused by Stiles' nervous behaviour "how's your cheek, son?" "Hurts", Stiles shrugged "but it will go away". "That's the spirit", the sheriff said. They had a little small talk and then headed upstairs to go to bed. "If you had told me that you had the night off, I would have spent the evening with you", Stiles frowned. Half of him really regret not spending time with his dad, although he didn't know he was free tonight, the other half wanted to find out if he was really free that night to know if Derek could sleep in his room without the sneaking. "I wanted you to spent time with your friends before school starts. And at least I hope I don't need to work. If they call, I have to head to the station. So if I'm not here tomorrow morning you know where to find me", the sheriff explained. "Alright dad. I hope you can have one night off. Good night", Stiles hugged his dad who hugged back careful not to hurt his son. Derek watched them from the door of his bedroom, which he hoped he didn't have to use that night. Or any night. The sheriff soon disappered into his room and Stiles into the bathroom. When he returned Derek was already in his room and under the covers of his bed. "Your father is fast asleep", he told before Stiles could say anything. Stiles smiled at him and lay down in his arms. "G'Night", Stiles mumbled before falling asleep. "Good night", Derek whispered and kissed him on the head before falling asleep himself.

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