《Cousin Miguel》Part 20


"So what are we gonna do?", Lydia asked sitting on the floor. "Now?", Scott asked confused. "No on christmas", she sassed "of course now". Stiles laughed at Lydia's answer and earned a death glare from Scott. "Hey don't death glare me, Scottie. You shot me, remember?", he glared at his best friend. "Yeah, sorry", Scott made an apologetic face. "So?", Lydia spoke up again. "How about we play a game?", Allison suggested. "What kind of game?", Isaac asked curious. "Never have I ever?", Lydia suggested and Allison nodded. Everyone agreed to the game although Stiles and Derek had mixed feelings. Who knew what was about to get to the light. "Okay everybody get something to drink", Allison said and Aiden filled some cups with lemonade, as they were all not allowed to drink alcohol, except for Derek. "Is everything okay?", Isaac whispered to Stiles "your heart sped up". "Everything's alright", Stiles smiled at him. Isaac knowing he was nervous wasn't perfect, but on the other hand it was nice to know he was concerned about him. Everyone had a filled cup in their hands now and they all sat down in a circle on the floor. "So, if it's your turn you say 'never have I ever' and then something you have or haven't done, it doesn't matter. Anyone who has done it before has to drink. Easy", Lydia grinned. "I already regret this", Derek mumbled next to Stiles making his boyfriend smile to himself. "Let's start with...Allison?", Lydia asked and Allison smiled at her best friend. "Let's start with something easy", she smiled at her friends, knowing the questions would take some secret turns later on "never have I ever stolen something". Stiles was the only one to drink a sip. Everyone's eyes were on him. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me guys. I literally saw you rip people apart and you're telling me you never stole something?", he tried to defend himself. "You, Allison stole your grandfathers keys", he accused. "I gave them back", she demanded. "Yeah but first you stole them", Stiles stated. Allison sighed and took a sip. Scott was next. "Never have I ever broken into a building", he said wiggling his eyebrows at Stiles. They clincked their cups and both drank a sip. "You have a really criminal past", Derek stated, but also drank a sip along with Ethan and Aidan. Allison, Lydia and Isaac followed suit, because they all have broken into Beacon Hills High on occassional reasons. "Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher", Isaac said "not necessarily your own teacher". "I hate you", Derek death glared him and drank. Isaac took a sip too. "Gosh, I hated Miss Blake", Stiles said annoyed and Derek could sense his jealousy. "She was hot tho", Isaac shrugged. "He's right", Scott said and earned death glares from Stiles, Derek and Allison. "You crushed on my girlfriend?", Derek asked his betas. "Your murder girlfriend", Stiles pointed out and Derek knew he was even more jealous. "Um...Stiles it's your turn", Scott said turning the attention to something else. "Never have I ever shot someone", Stiles said getting back at Scott. Scott sighed and lifted his cup, along with Allison. "What? I am a hunter", she just stated and drank. They all nodded in understanding and waited for Derek to speak up. "Never have I ever been drunk", he eventually said. Stiles was the only one to drink. "Seriously?", he asked shaking his head. "I didn't drink before I was a werwolf", Scott shrugged and Isaac, Ethan and Aiden nodded in agreement. "I have always been one so...", Derek shrugged. "I am disappointed in you", Stiles pointed at Allison and Lydia "you are bad teenagers". The girls laughed at that. "I am not", Derek said to the girls then looked at Stiles "and you shouldn't drink alcohol at all". "Don't be such a sourwolf, Derek", Stiles teased then looked at Aidan expectantly for he was the next in row. "Let's step up a bit", Aidan announced, feeling more and more comfortable around the pack "never have I ever cheated on someone". Some noises of surprise were heard and everybody looked around. Scott and Lydia hesitantly lifted their cups, because of their kiss at one of Scott's first full moons. "That kiss doesn't really count as you and Allison weren't together at that time, plus it was a full moon plus Jackson was an ass of a boyfriend", Stiles announced and both set their cups down and exhaled a breath. "Wow, all good people, awesome", Stiles said smiling. "Never have I ever had sex", Lydia suddenly said and Stiles' eyes got wide. Fuck, of course this had to happen. I am gonna be the only one not drinking. And then Derek will know I am a virgin and be weirded out by me. Awesome. Stiles mind went crazy as he saw his friends lifting their cups. As his eyes wandered to Isaac he saw the boy not drinking out of his cup. "Good thing we haven't been sacrificed", Isaac stated bluntly to make the moment less awkward for the both of them. Stiles laughed and Derek gave him a soft smile, signaling him that this was nothing to be ashamed of. "Thanks for outing us, Lyds", Stiles said sarcastically and Lydia shrugged. "Don't hate the player, hate the game", she told him her words of wisdom. "My turn", Ethan said "let's see who's with me. Never have I ever kissed a boy". Stiles froze for a second and he could feel Derek tense beside him as well. But they knew that the others would notice when they were about to lie so they really had no chance. They saw Lydia and Allison drinking along with Ethan. Scotts smile dropped when he saw that Stiles and Derek lifted their cups as well. Isaac looked at them disbelieving and finally it was Allison who asked the question everyone died for to know. "Who?", she asked coriously. "Oh... um...it was my cousin Miguel", Stiles half lied. Derek was always the only cousin Miguel so it wasn't a complete lie. Isaac made a disgusted face as it was a family member and Stiles just shrugged it off. "Oh, it's not part of the game to tell you, is it?", Derek said and bitchfaced them. Everyone grumbled but didn't say anymore. They played the game some more, but no unwanted truths got to the light. Meanwhile Isaac thought about this cousin of Stiles. Miguel. He felt like he had heard this name before, but he couldn't quite pinpoint the memory.

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