《Cousin Miguel》Part 14


The others had already changed their clothing, so they wouldn't get paint all over the car seats. When Derek and Stiles arrived Scott jumped up from his seat in the parking spot and inspected Stiles' cheek. "Shit, I am so sorry, bro", he said worry written all over his face. "That looks horrible", Isaac stated, earning a glare from each Stiles, Derek, Scott and both girls. "You are still looking good tho", Isaac let it sound more like a question, trying to get out of this situation. Stiles laughed at that. "Do you need pain killers?", Lydia asked him. The pain came back as soon as Derek had let go of him. Not as bad as before but still present. "Yeah, that would be good", he answered. "We could drive to a pharmacy on our way home or -", Scott started but Allison's laughter cut him off. Lydia already fumbled in her pocket and got a pill out and handed it to Stiles who immediatly swallowed it. "Why the hell do you have pain killers with you?", Aiden asked his girlfriend, what all the boys wanted to know. "Good lord guys, I wish you could have your period just one time. Then you would understand", she said unnerved and rolled her eyes. Stiles mouth formed an 'o' shape as he got what she said. "Now I feel bad", he said directed at the girls. "Oh, don't feel bad Stiles. You are in pain right now. Imagine having that every month. And bleeding, so much bleeding", Lydia explained. "So much blood", Allison echoed for dramatic effect. "Thank god we only have male werewolves around", Isaac said and earned death glares from the girls and Stiles, who could emphazise with their pain right now. "Dude...no", he said and made Isaac look down ashamed. "Pack mom strikes again", Scott whispered and was the next one to earn a death glare. Where as Stiles received a sideways hug from Allison and soon Lydia joined their cuddle. Stiles lay his arms around the girls who took care not to touch Stiles' face. "Thanks", Allison whispered. "For standing up for us", Lydia explained. Stiles smiled and once again noticed how happy he was that these two girls counted to his best friends. Derek secretly smiled to himself, lucky to see Stiles happy. He made sure nobody noticed his smile tho. "So...", Stiles whispered to the girls although everyone around could listen to their conversation if they wanted to "what are we gonna have for dinner, ladies?" "Oh right", Allison let go of Stiles to stand upright. "How about double cheese peperoni pizza and some curly fries", Stiles suggested. Lydia tapped her chin with her index figer, curling her lips. "And chocolate, lots of chocolate", she eventually said and Aiden frowned. "Don't worry the chocolate was for us", she gestured between Stiles, Allison and herself "and not for you wolvies". She smiled sweetly at her boyfriend. God, this woman should go into politics, she would be going places. "Also milkshakes", Allison demanded. "You are gonna drive my car and get everything we just said", Lydia threw her keys at Aiden "we are gonna drive to Stiles' home and get everything ready. So who's the fourth person to drive with us?" All the betas made wide eyes and quickly struggled to get into Lydia's car. "Looks like I am the lucky one", Derek said unamused by his betas' behaviour. "Cowards", he growled at the boys as they hastily drove off. Still he was happy to be with Stiles so he could watch out for him and see if he was okay. "You can sit in the front", Stiles offered to Lydia so she could sit next to her best friend. Also he wanted to sit next to Derek, but nobody needs to know that, right? Lydia nodded, quietly thanking him and flashing him a smile. After changing their clothes (in the restroom, by themselves) Derek and he got into the back, while the girls got into the frontseats. They soon started talking about how the boys better get what they wanted or they will be doomed. Nobody in the car doubted that they would kick ass if the boys made a mistake. "Are you in pain?", Derek asked whispering while the girls talked about something else. "A little", Stiles admitted and lay his head back against the seat, the painkillers not working yet. Derek took his hand between their seats secretly, so that the girls didn't notice it. They just kept on counting all the mistakes that the boys could make and that they "better not buy the cheap chocolate". Stiles looked at their hands then back up to Derek. He smiled at him as he felt his pain slowly fading away. "Thanks", Stiles whispered and Derek could feel him relax under his touch. "My dad's gonna get mad", Stiles said. "Why would he?", Derek asked not understanding why the sheriff would get mad at him for something that wasn't even his fault. "He always told me not to play with weapons and even more so never to give Scott one. Well, I guess he was right", Stiles laughed. "I bet he will laugh at the story", Derek said "well, after lecturing you anyway". "Seems about right", Stiles shrugged. "I look like I have been in a car crash", Stiles frowned and looked at his arms, who were also bruised from the paintball shots. "You really have fragile skin", Derek said and shook his head slightly. "Guilty", Stiles frowned. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you", Derek whispered and Stiles smiled at him. "Actually I wanted to ask you something", Stiles whispered back and Derek raised his eyebrows at him waiting for his question. "Um...Could you...um...you know...with the nightmares...and um...", Stiles stuttered not able to ask Derek to sleep next to him again. Afraid that Derek might reject and hate him. "You know, nevermind", he finally said. Derek looked at him confused but remained quiet. "We're here", Allison announced and Derek let go of Stiles' hand, so the girls wouldn't notice. "Is my dad home?", Stiles asked eyes closed. "Yep", Derek said. "Will he freak out?"



"Awesome, let's get it over with", with that Stiles opened the door and climbed out of the car, Derek following right behind, heading towards the house.

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