《Cousin Miguel》Part 13


They decided to play in teams instead each against each. Stiles being in a team with Derek, Isaac and Lydia. As expected, Allison was the best at paintball. Derek and Ethan were quite decent at shooting and Isaac and Aiden were quite good. Leaves Stiles, Scott and Lydia to be the ones most convered in colour and the ones who rarely landed a shot. Stiles already felt the bruises form all over his body. Lydia also didn't look amused about her failure, but had fun either way. Even Allison was covered in colour as the game came to an end. "That's it!We're done", Allison yelled as their time was up. They all took their helmets off. As Scott did so he didn't think about his paintball gun, which went off and landed a shot directly at Stiles' left cheek. "Jesus Christ", Stiles yelled "ouch... that hurts". He held his hand over his cheek to protect it. "Damn, Scott. The whole game you don't hit and now that the game is over you do?", Allison asked her boyfriend frustrated, who stood dumbstruck looking at his best friend in pain that he caused. "Really, Allison?", Stiles complained. She shifted her gaze from Scott to Stiles and her frustration passed for another feeling - worry. "Sorry, are you okay?", she apologized, walking over to Stiles and laying her hand on his shoulder. He tried to smile at her but was in too much pain when his cheek muscles moved. His eyes were already glassy but he refused to cry in front of everyone. Allison could see right through him and slightly smiled at him. "Isaac, Scott, Ethan and Aiden you are gonna take our equipment and hand it back. Also check us out, so we don't have to pay for another hour", Allison spoke up and the boys nodded and left after the others passed them their equipment. It was a little tricky to get Stiles out of the vest but they handled it, Stiles refusing to let go of his cheek because he didn't want them to see his bruised face before he had seen how bad it was himself. "Me and Lydia are gonna get the cars", she told Stiles "are you okay with me driving your Jeep?" Stiles nodded slowly. Allison was one of the only persons he trusted with his car. He fidgeted for his keys and gave them to her. "Derek, you are gonna go to the restroom with Stiles. We need that colour off his cheek. If there is blood -", she started but was interrupted by Stiles. "I AM BLEEDING?!", he yelled and immediatly regretted it because pain flashed through his face. "Shh...I don't know. Let Derek help you okay? We'll meet you outside", she told a very hysteric Stiles and nodded at Derek who nodded right back at her, silently agreeing to her plan. No wonder the Argent women were the ones making plans. The girls left and Derek lay an arm around Stiles' shoulders to guide him to the restroom. Stiles' breathing was fast and Derek could smell he was in pain. Luckily the restroom was very clean, so he sat Stiles down on a closed toilet lid and wettened some pieces of toilet paper. Stiles still held his hand over his cheek when Derek turned around to face him. "You have to take your hand away in order for me to clean your cheek, you know?", he told Stiles. Stiles just shook his head, looking hurt. "I just want to help you", Derek said softly and lifted his hand to Stiles' cheek "may I?" Stiles eventually nodded and Derek slowly took Stiles' hand from his cheek and lay it on his leg. It looked bad, like really bad. You could already see the blue from the bruising shine through the yellow colour. Thankfully Derek couldn't see any blood. He carefully wiped away the colour with the toilet paper. Stiles flinched at first but tried to stay still so Derek could help him. It didn't take too long to get the colour off, but his cheek was still colourful. A huge blue and purple bruise was plastered across his cheek. "You look horrible", Derek said. "Charming again", Stiles mumbled and flinched again. Derek couldn't stand seeing Stiles in so much pain. He lay his hand behind Stiles' ear so that his thumb could brush over Stiles' cheek. Stiles already relaxed at the touch, but his breathing got more even when Derek took away his pain. He let out a breath he had been holding for far too long. "Thanks", he said looking Derek in the eyes. He smiled at him and it didn't hurt anymore. He lay his hand over Derek's and lifted it from his cheek. "I am good", he said but didn't let go of his hand. "I really do look like shit", Stiles looked into the mirror and frowned. "I never said that", Derek demanded. "But you thought it, sourwolf", Stiles argued. "I liked you better when you weren't talking", Derek rolled his eyes. "Well, I just assume that this is a lie. Anyways you have to look at that horrible face of mine a lot when you take care of me and my bruises tomorrow. Honestly I can't even feel my body anymore", Stiles whined. Allison had landed way too much shots on his fragile skin. "Well I don't have a problem with looking at your face", Derek said and immediatly regretted his words. He didn't want Stiles to think that he thought he was pretty. Well he did think Stiles was pretty, but he shouldn't know that. Stiles would hate him. "Are you flirting with me, Derek Hale?", Stiles joked noticing that Derek tensed, as he was still holding his hand. Derek relaxed and rolled his eyes but smiled at the reaction from Stiles. He was thankful of how he handled the situation.


Oh my god was he actually flirting with me? Or why would he tense? Stiles thought about Derek's words. But that can't be. Derek could never like him back. Especially not looking like that anyways. Stiles frowned at himself in the mirror and finally let go of Derek's hand, to carefully brush his fingertips over the deep blue bruise. "It's not that bad", Derek tried to cheer him up. Stiles threw him a disbelieving glare, seeing right through that lie. "Nevermind, you're looking good enough for the both of us", Stiles winked at him. Derek looked like a deer in the headlights and Stiles couldn't hold back his laughter. "Look who's flirting now", Derek laughed "I guess we should get going. The others are probably already waiting in the car". Stiles stood up from his 'seat' and left the restroom with Derek to head towards the car.

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