《Cousin Miguel》Part 12


"I still don't like this idea", Stiles mumbled while turning on the coffee machine. "Oh shut up", Derek said playfully. "At least I got sleep tonight. Thanks again", Stiles smiled at Derek. "Anytime", Derek said. "I might take you up on that offer", Stiles grinned mishieviously and Derek shook his head grinning. "I'm doomed I guess", he shrugged. Stiles nodded at him with fake emphasis. Together they got the kitchen table ready for everyone to sit around. Sheriff Stilinski came back from work and greeted the two of them, then headed straight to bed. "Sleep well", Stiles yelled after him. "He didn't get a lot of sleep either the last weeks. I heard him walking through the house. Well, I guess all that information just kept him awake", he said turning around to Derek. "It's a lot to process", Derek agreed. They sat plates, glasses, juice and cups on the table. "He's sleeping", Derek suddenly announced "peaceful". "Good", Stiles smiled to himself. When Derek heard the others arrive outside he opened the door immediatly so the door bell wouldn't wake the sheriff. "Hey", Lydia smiled at him as well as Allison. "Come in. Stiles is waiting in the kitchen. Sheriff is sleeping upstairs", he told them and the girls got the message and talked quietly. A few minutes later Scott and Isaac arrived, followed by Ethan and Aiden. The twins were still a little hesitant around the others not quite sure they really belonged there. "So has anyone heard anything suspicious?", Derek asked before anyone sat down. "Nope", Scott answered shaking his head. "Why did I get up?", Stiles whined making his way to the stairs. Derek lay his arm over his chest to stop him from walking away. "You are staying", he said determined. "God, where is that smile of yours now", Stiles joked and Derek tried to surpress his smile so he didn't confuse the others who weren't used to his sudden happiness. They all sat down around the table and Scott actually didn't forget to go to the bakery so Stiles soon had a donut in his mouth to shut him up for a while. Derek got himself a cup of coffee - the way Stiles drank it with a shit ton of sugar. Isaac widened his eyes in surprise. "What the...?", he stared at Derek. "I got used to it and now I can't stop. It's good", Derek said looking like he regretted this choice "it's like a drug". "It's your own fault", Stiles said mouth full and Scott looked at him questioningly. "He always stole my coffee", Stiles explained. "Well you are hyperactive enough without it", Lydia chimed in to defend Derek. "Thank you", Derek said and threw a bitchface at Stiles who rolled his eyes. "Also too much caffeine won't let you sleep at night", Lydia stated and looked at Stiles. "Well first thank you for taking my side", Stiles sassed throwing a glare at Lydia "and second I slept pretty good". Stiles stole a sideways glance at Derek who secretly smiled into his cup. "Maybe because Derek stole your coffee", Isaac suggested and Stiles frowned at him. "Are you kidding? Is anyone on my side? Scott?", Stiles pleaded his best friend. "Wow these donuts really are delicious", Scott said chewing exaggerated. "Awesome", Stiles mumbled "all of you... bite me. Well as you are werewolves, forget that. Don't bite me". He took Derek's cup out of the alphas hands and drank a sip. The table got quiet.The girls sucked in a breath and you could practically hear Scott and Isaac swallow. The twins just stared, knowing that any other alpha they knew wouldn't tolerate something like that. But Derek wasn't any other alpha. His betas weren't slaves to him, they were family. And family shared. Although Derek knew that only Stiles could have gotten away with that. Stiles handed the cup back to Derek who rolled his eyes with a blank expression. Not because Stiles' behaviour disturbed him but because he wanted his pack to know that he wouldn't tolerate it from anyone again. "So, what are we gonna discuss?", Stiles asked still pissed that he had to get up. Mostly because he was lying in Derek's arms when he woke up. "Well, my dad told me about some alpha werewolf a few states away who wants to gain new pack members", Allison told them, breaking the silence. "And?", Isaac asked. "And if you don't follow him, he kills everyone", she finished. "Well that sucks", Isaac stated bluntly and Stiles snorted at this comment. "Sorry", Stiles said, when Lydia looked at him seriously. She shook her head. "So how far away is he?", she eventually asked Allison. "Dad says if he goes on like usual he might show up here in several weeks. Months if we are lucky", Allison says. "If he doesn't find any pack members", Derek states. "Yes", Allison agreed. "What if he gains new pack members?", Scott asked. "Either he will stop and settle down with his pack or he will continue to kill to show how powerful he is", Ethan chimed in. Aiden nodded. "That's how Deucalion did it", he said sadly. "Looks like all we can do is wait", Stiles figured and everyone nodded. "And go back to sleeeeeeeeeep", he added. "We can't sleep the whole day", Derek rolled his eyes. He purposefully used the word "we", because he was like seventy percent sure Stiles wouldn't sleep without him, at least he hoped so. Unlike everyone else in the room, Stiles noticed the choice of Derek's words and smiled at him. "Actually we could", Stiles said "cause there doesn't seem anything else to do for us". "Doesn't school start soon? Don't you have like homework to do", Derek asked into the group of teenagers. "Well first off it's summer break. Even if we had homework we wouldn't do it until sunday afternoon before school starts. That is except for Lydia I guess", Stiles looked at the strawberry blonde girl who nodded smiling. "That's true. But still, school doesn't start for a week. Maybe we should enjoy the silence before the storm", she said. "We could go play paintball", Isaac suggested with a bright smile plastered across his face. And as much as Stiles hated the idea of having paint everywhere and be covered in bruises the next day, he wanted to see Isaac happy. And as he looked around he could see on their faces, that his friends thought the same. "We are going to go play paintball", Stiles announced and Isaacs eyes were shining "but as Allison, Lydia and I are going to be the only ones being bruised tomorrow I demand that we are going to choose whats for dinner". Allison and Lydia smiled at the idea. "And", Lydia chimed in "the werewolfs are gonna take care of us tomorrow as we are going to be too weak to care for ourselves". She made a dramatic gesture and Allison smiled at her. "Aiden is gonna care for Lydia because I guess he will be around anyway", Allison said and Aiden shrugged smiling at Lydia. They really made a cute couple. "Scott's with me and Derek has to take care of Stiles. I mean he lives here anyway, right?", she finished. "That's gonna be fun", Stiles flashed and evil smile at Derek. "I feel like this is gonna be our ruin", Derek spoke up. "Isaac and Ethan you are the emergency", Lydia started again "if anyone needs anything, you are the ones going shopping for it". The two boys nodded, accepting their fate. "I like that plan", Lydia said and she, Stiles and Allison nodded in unison. "Yeah, awesome plan", Isaac said still smiling "now let's get you bruised". Stiles frowned but got up anyway. They all decided to pack extra clothes for after the game so they all headed to get some. Stiles then left a note for his father where he was going, even if his father most probably wouldn't like it, then left after the others.

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