《Cousin Miguel》Part 11


Stiles woke up and was surprised that he was really well rested. Then he noticed that his pillow was moving so he turned his head slightly and opened his eyes. And suddenly he remembered. He remembered his nightmare and he remembered that Derek came along to take care of him. A smile crept it's way onto his face as he watched a sleeping Derek. He had his arms around Derek's body and it felt really good to be so close to him.Gladly he wore a shirt, like Stiles himself, so Stiles wasn't going to blush ten shades of red because he lay on Derek's bare chest. He also felt Derek's hands on his back and smiled. He tried to breath calmly and tried not to move so he didn't woke him up . Then he breathed in his smell. Derek smelled like leather and lasagna and something Stiles couldn't quite put a finger on now but would later describe as safety. He felt Derek stir beneath him and suddenly became anxious that Derek wasn't comfortable at all. What if he wanted to get away as soon as possible? What if he was disgusted with Stiles? If he just slept here so he didn't have to hear him screaming all night? Stiles' heart started to beat faster and that was all it took to wake Derek up finally. He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at Stiles who looked up at him breathing uneven. "Are you alright?", Derek asked with an, Stiles had to admit, absolutely sexy morning voice. He didn't attempt to let go of Stiles, even started to stroke his back to soothe him down. "Y-yeah", Stiles stammered, surprised by Derek's behaviour. Not that he was nice to him, he got used to that pretty quickly actually, but the fact that he didn't seem to have a problem with being so close to Stiles. Derek nodded still staring at Stiles who started to relax into the touch again. "Any more nightmares?", Derek asked concern in his morning voice. "No, not at all. Actually I didn't dream at all after you stayed here", Stiles admitted. He wasn't surprised. With him in Derek's arms he had everything he dreamed of. "Sorry by the way", Stiles mumbled. "What for?", Derek asked confused. "For being a burden to you. I guess you didn't get too much sleep because of me", he apologized. Derek let out a little laugh. "Actually I slept pretty good", he admitted still smiling but then his face got serious again "don't ever describe yourself as a burden again, Stiles". "But...", Stiles tried to argue but Derek cut him off before the boy could find any plausible arguments. "No but. Remember when I kill- ... when Boyd died?", Derek corrected himself slowly after taking a deep breath, trying to accept that it wasn't his fault. Stiles nodded slowly. "You were there. You helped me", Derek said. "And remember when I was in the elevator unconscious? You were there and helped me. And remeber when I had nowhere to go, nowhere to live, no one to turn to?", Stiles slowly nodded at his speech, not daring to say a word. "You were there. And you gave me a home. But most of all you have to remember when we first met. I had nothing... and you gave me hope". Derek's eyes drifted from some point on the wall he had fixed during his speech back to Stiles' eyes. "You gave me everything, so please, never think you are a burden to me. I saw you suffering and I did all I could to help you. I tried to be there, like you were there for me". "You did good", Stiles whispered and smiled at him "thank you". Derek smiled back. "Can we just stay in bed all day? I have a lot of sleep to catch up on", Stiles asked, resting back against Derek as if it was the most natural thing to do. Derek didn't mind, in fact he liked it, a lot. He laughed at the suggestion. "Can I ask you something?", Stiles asked suddenly. "Of course", Derek said and waited for him to spill the beans. "I mean I get that you are nicer to me now that you... you know...live with us", Stiles said and Derek smiled shaking his head at Stiles' bluntness and waiting for him to get to the point. "And I don't wanna ruin anything but...I noticed you smiling a lot more lately and I think I just wanna know the reason", he finished quietly, fearing he might upset Derek. "I don't know actually", Derek admitted "maybe it's because there isn't any danger at the moment. Or because I have a home", he smiled at Stiles "and a really good pack". Or you, he thought but didn't dare to say it. "I guess for once even my life is good. I am happy", he only truly realised it in the moment he said it. "Me too", Stiles said into Derek's chest and the both of them smiled. "Does that mean the smile is gonna stay?", Stiles asked. "Yes, Stiles", Derek laughed "the smile is gonna stay". "Good. It suits you well", he whispered into Derek's chest fully aware that he could hear it but he didn't care. He closed his eyes and just wanted to fall back asleep in Derek's arms. "You were serious about this whole staying in bed thing, right?", Derek asked. "Of course I was. Who would joke about sleeping?", Stiles mumbled eyes closed. "Well...", Derek sounded guilty so Stiles lifted his head to look at him. "What have you done?", he said overdramatically. "I may or may not have invited the pack over for a meeting. And they may or may not have said they would come over for breakfast", Derek told him with a high pitched voice that just proofed his guilt to Stiles. "What has my life become?", Stiles let his head fall onto Derek's shoulder carefully. Then he lifted himself off Derek and slowly got up. "I don't like this idea", he made a face and shook his head. "I know you love breakfast. Scott swore to bring baked goods, so get yourself ready", Derek said while getting out of Stiles bed. "Why didn't you say that in the first place?!", Stiles was suddenly awake and disappeared into the bathroom leaving a smiling Derek behind.

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