《Cousin Miguel》Part 15


"Jesus, Stiles, what happened to your face?!", the sheriff yelled as soon as Stiles had set a foot into the house. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "It was an accident, dad", he told him. "Accident? And what about your arms?", the sheriff was worried sick. "Haven't you read the note I left for you?", Stiles asked his father, while Lydia, Allison and Derek entered the house and closed the door behind them. "Note?", his dad asked a little guilt in his voice that he didn't find it. "Yeah, dad. This note", Stiles held it up so his father could read it. "Paintball, Stiles? You know I told you not to play with guns", he frowned "let me guess, Scott?" He gestured to Stiles' cheek. "Yeah", Stiles admitted and his father nodded. "Of course", the sheriff mumbled "told you not to give that kid a damn weapon". Meanwhile Derek went to the freezer to get a package of frozen peas out and handed it to Stiles, who lay it on his cheek. "Thank you", he smiled at Derek. "I need to head to work in a few minutes. Are you okay, or do I need to stay at home?", the sheriff asked worried. "The pack's coming over tonight", Stiles explained and hoped his father will be less worried when he knows that Stiles would be surrounded by people. "I am taking care of him", Derek said to the sheriff "if something happens I'll call you". The sheriff thought about it for a few moments but eventually nodded, thanking Derek. "I need to get ready, be careful", he hugged his son and headed upstairs. The girls were already getting the sofas and the armchair ready and got blankets out. Derek brought plates to the couch table and set them down. Stiles walked over to them, sitting down on the couch. "Are you okay?", Allison asked Stiles as she sat down in the armchair next to him. "Mostly", he mumbled "I will be when the food arrives". "You and food, I swear", Derek mumbled and rolled his eyes. "Hey", Stiles said and threw a pillow at Derek, hitting him in the face. Derek stood there not knowing what was going on for a few seconds then turning his gaze towards the teenager, he liked more than he probably should, on the couch. Lydia's mouth stood wide open and Allison had to supress her laughter. "Don't make fun of me", Stiles pouted "or food for that matter". "You're lucky I just promised your father to take care of you", Derek grumbled. "Sure, sourwolf", Stiles smiled at him "thanks for that, by the way". Derek had the most tiny smile on his lips, but Stiles could see it was there. "Do we need something else?", Derek asked and immediatly pointed at Stiles when he saw the boy opening his mouth "and don't say food. They are on their way. Just be patient". Derek held the bridge of his nose to calm himself down. "I wanted to say I need another ice pack, but actually I can get it myself", Stiles said and got up from his seat. Derek lay his hand on Stiles' shoulder to get him to sit down again, then took the peas from him and walked over to the freezer. Lydia settled down across from Stiles on the other sofa. "He got a lot nicer", she eventually said, pointing her chin in Derek's direction. "Yeah", Stiles agreed "I think he feels like he has to be nice, because he is living with us". He was a little sad when he thought about that. He wanted Derek to be nice to him because he really liked him and not because he was feeling like he owed them something. "That's not true", Derek chimed in carefully laying frozen strawberries on Stiles' cheek "I am nice because I want to be". "I like nice Derek", Allison smiled. "Me too", Stiles whispered so only Derek could hear it as he was right in front of him. Derek smiled at him for a short moment until the doorbell rang. "Freaking finally, I am starving", Stiles announced and Allison giggled. The boys got everything they told them to get and to Lydia's delight they bought the best chocolat that was available. Aiden and Ethan sat down next to Lydia. Derek settled next to Stiles and Isaac beside him. Scott shared the armchair with Allison. Sheriff Stilinski had already left for work and they all ate and argued over who would win a fight - a werewolf or a shark. "Are we fighting on land or in water?", Aiden asked "because on land I would definetly win and in water I could probably win too". "No you wouldn't", Lydia said. "I am a werewolf", Aiden said loudly. "But sharks!", Lydia argued. "What if you would bite the shark, would he turn into a wereshark? Because then he would kick your ass", Stiles stated. Derek growled low at this comment. "He still couldn't fight on land", Aiden argued. "Maybe he would grow tiny wolf feet when he transformed, who knows?", Stiles spat back. Aiden shook his head. "I think he is right, you wouldn't stand a chance against a wereshark. Water or land", Allison agreed and Lydia nodded her head. "Of course you three would agree. You wouldn't stand a chance against either a werewolf or a wereshark", Isaac declared and got a bitchface from Allison in return. "I could kick your little werewolf ass anytime I want", she said determined. "Derek or the twins I am not so sure", she admitted smiling at them "you may win this time". Derek and the twins smirked triumphantly. "But maybe we could get the wereshark to help us!", Lydia chimed in "then we would beat y'all". "Yeah, Stiles what do you think?", Allison asked looking over to him. He had fallen asleep during the conversation his head resting on Derek's shoulder and a frozen steak on his face. Allison smiled at the sleeping figure and grabbed Scott's hand. "It's time to go", she said smiling at her boyfriend. They all stood up, got their plates into the kitchen and said their goodbyes, then left. "Let's get you into bed", Derek smiled at the sleeping Stiles, carefully laying his head on the couch and taking away the frozen meat. After he put it back he lifted Stiles up bridal style and carried him upstairs and into his room. He pulled off his shoes then laid him under the blanket. As he was about to leave he noticed something grabbing his wrist. Stiles turned to face him opening his eyes slightly to look at Derek. "Would you stay?", he mumbled still half asleep. "Of course", Derek didn't even have to think about it. He kicked his own shoes off and settled down next to Stiles. Stiles faced the wall, because he couldn't sleep on his bruised cheek and fell into a peaceful slumber.

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