《Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔》Miraculous: Chapter 18
"You're still sick?" Marinette asked, her phone pressed tightly to her ear.
"Sorry, it's been so hot and my allergies are acting up. I can't really see, even with my glasses." Alya replied through the other side of the phone.
Marinette ran her fingers across her bangs.
"Looks like I'll face the beast alone again today." Marinette chuckled, and looked up just as her mother closed the front door.
She slowly walked around the sofa Marinette was sitting on and plopped the ultrasound photos on the coffee table In the front of her.
Marinette looked up at her mom, and sighed.
"Don't worry, girl. I'll be back in school just in another day or two. Then we can go to another movie... If you're not up for puking." She giggled.
Marinette chuckled, and then rubbed the back of her neck.
"Alright... Get rest silly girl." Marinette sighed.
Alya hummed lightly.
"I'll see you then." She spoke softly.
Marinette smiled and then slowly swiped her phone.
She placed the phone on the coffee table and slowly grabbed the ultrasound photos and flipped them over.
"I don't want these." Marinette sighed and pushed them across the table and looked at her mother.
Her father remained downstairs.
She was a bit angry with him, and as far as they all knew, he was aware of that.
Her mother sighed and sat beside her.
"Marinette... Even if you're not keeping him, he's still your son." She explained carefully.
Marinette looked at her mother and stood up, shrugging out of her grasp.
"Well, once I give him up for adoption, he won't be." She said softly and grabbed her sweater, slipping it on herself before reaching over to grab her backpack.
"Why are you being so cruel, Marinette...?" Her mother asked softly as she looked at her daughter.
Marinette felt shudders run down her spine.
Even hearing the words come from her own mothers mouth gave her chills.
She refused to believe they were true nonetheless.
"I'm not cruel... I'm just... Pregnant and angry." She sighed, and slowly slipped out of the room.
She climbed down the stairs and ignored her father in the bakery.
She had heard him scream something towards her, but she was too much in a rush to make out what he said.
She didn't seem it of any importance either.
Marinette wanted to make it to class early, mainly because those were the only hours of the day she was able to spend with Adrien alone.
She felt like he was estranged this whole time.
Needless to say, she missed him.
Although hawk moth didn't seem to send out any akumas, she often found herself stressed.
The absence of it gave her time and room to think about everything else that drove her crazy.
She carefully opened the classroom door and slipped inside.
It was empty, no one inside.
She carefully made her way to her usual seat.
She placed her bag on Alya's seat. She unzipped it and began to pull out a few pieces of paper.
Tikki looked at her from her bag, and then floated around her head just as Marinette started to sketch a few designs she had been thinking about.
Tikki smiled and nuzzled Marinette.
"Marinette... I haven't seen you doing this in such a long time." She whispered.
Marinette smiled, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.
"Thanks Tikki... I've missed this... I forgotten how fun and calming this is..." She spoke softly.
Tikki giggled and then gasped, sharply hiding into her collar as the classroom door opened.
Marinette blushed even darker as Adrien slowly slipped inside.
He was well kept and clean. He seemed a bit more tired than usual. Adrien looked up and smiled upon seeing Marinette.
He seemed to be pleased at seeing her, as he slipped into his seat and placed his bag on the ground beside his chair.
She noticed that he began to pull out a few pieces of homework from the night before and started scribbling on the sheet of paper.
Marinette tilted her head to the side.
She wondered what had been keeping him so busy that he had to show up to class to finish his homework.
Marinette sighed as she rested her chin in her palm.
She stared at the back of his head lovingly.
He was a model, and had Chinese and fencing classes. Maybe his work was interfering with his studies.
She slowly started to doodle on her paper once more, a little disappointed he hadn't said anything to her.
They both stood in quietness for the next twenty minutes before the class had started to slowly fill up one by one.
Marinette watched as Nino took his usually seat beside Adrien.
She looked up once the instructor came in around her usual time to start the class.
Marinette couldn't help but to feel a little alone.
She was grateful that Tikki was with her.
The class felt like hours for Marinette, especially with her frequent trips to the bathroom.
After the first bell rang, and class was dismissed until after lunch Marinette, who was usually the last one out, was the first one out.
She was incredibly hungry, and even though she was a little angry with her father, she really craved one of his freshly made pastries.
She bit her lip, as her back hurt slightly.
"This thing weighs a ton." Marinette sighed as she walked down the front steps of the school.
"It is a tiny human being." Tikki giggled as she slowly emerged from the collar of her shirt.
Marinette sighed and placed a hand on her belly.
"Its time to feed him..." She cooed.
"I feel like I'm starving..." She spoke, just as she crossed the street towards her fathers bakery.
As she attempted to open it, she couldn't.
It was locked.
She gulped as she turned around.
Her parents weren't home?
She pulled out her phone in her pocket, and slid her fingers across the screen.
"Went out, important delivery out of town. We hoped you packed your lunch.
-mom & dad."
Marinette stared at the text with narrow eyes.
"Are you kidding me?" She sighed, her stomach growling.
Tikki looked at her phone and then at Marinette.
"Maybe that's what your father was saying when you left this morning." Tikki suggested.
Marinette looked at Tikki with a grimace.
"There must be a place here somewhere, I can get something to eat." She sighed.
Tikki hummed as she thought.
"I think there's an outdoor bakery by the park!" She suggested.
Marinette licked her lips and gripped on to her bag, as she immediately rounded the corner.
"Thanks, Tikki." She said thoughtfully, as she hauled herself to the park.
It took longer than usual with the extra weight in her belly, but she managed to get there in a reasonable amount of time.
Her eyes locked on to the outdoor bakery right outside the park.
Marinette licked her lips as she power walked.
She leaned down and examined the fresh bread, and muffins on the platters behind the glass.
"Can I help you?" The man behind the counter asked, almost too firmly as she examined the muffins.
Marinette chuckled, and nodded.
"Can I have one of those muffins please?" She asked timidly.
The man leaned over to examined to what she was pointing at.
He nodded.
"Anything else ma'am?" He asked.
Marinette shook her head as she reached for her small homemade change pouch.
The man walked to the side to slip on a pair of gloves, and opened the casing to pull out the muffins.
He wrapped it in a napkin and placed it on the counter.
"Okay, that'll be two fifty." The man said.
Marinette shook as she looked through her pouch.
She could feel her muscles burn with embarrassment.
Her money wasn't in there.
"This can't be happening." She sighed, just as she turned.
Tikki peeked her head from her hiding space.
"What is it Marinette?" She whispered discreetly.
"My money... I must have left it on my desk at home." Marinette sighed.
Marinette continued to look through her bag, hastily trying to pull out any spare change she had.
"Do you need help?" A soft voice asked. She could feel a presence in front of her, but she didn't pay much attention.
She started to look.
"No, thanks I ha- ADRIEN." She gulped and immediately dropped the spare change she managed to gather.
The man behind the counter shifted with impatience.
Adrien took a step back as her change dropped to the ground.
Adrien looked at the counter with a small smile.
"Make that two please."
Marinette looked at the man, and then at Adrien with an immense blush as he slipped the money on the counter.
"P-please... You really don't have to do this." Marinette said in embarrassment.
Adrien shrugged as he bent down and started gathering the change she dropped.
"Dont worry about it, I'm happy to help whenever I can." He said.
Marinette struggled to bend over, and helped pick up her change.
She put the change into her bag.
Adrien noticed her struggling some, and grabbed her hand softly, to help her up.
Adrien received his change, and grabbed both of the muffins.
He handed one over to Marinette carefully, which she took nervously.
She could feel her heart beat faster and faster as she took it.
She wasn't sure if it was the hormones, but her body immediately felt more warmer than usual.
Adrien looked at her with a weary smile.
"Not having lunch with Alya this afternoon?" He asked curiously.
Marinette swallowed hard.
"No. She hasn't been feeling well." Marinette replied truthfully.
Adrien nodded.
"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked.
Marinette looked up at him. Did that really just happen?
Marinette could feel her inner teenager scream at the top of her lungs.
Marinette smiled, her blush only growing.
"Y-yeah sure." She spoke softly.
The two slowly began to wonder In the park.
She carefully began to nibble at her muffin as he led the two of them to the park bench.
She sat down, nervously and immediately began to adjust her sweater.
Adrien sat beside her, and took a bite of his own muffin.
She sat next to him awkwardly as she swallowed her bite.
"T-thanks... For helping me out." She said timidly, and then slowly took another bite.
Adrien nodded as he wiped his mouth.
"Don't worry about it." He said softly.
Marinette, blushed as she nibbled on it once more.
She could feel him lean away slightly, to get a good look at her.
She felt his eyes on her, and she began to feel more and more nervous.
"So... What's going on with you? You seem different. Is everything okay?" Adrien asked curiously.
Marinette gulped slightly.
She could feel her heart speed up, and she breathed in hoping to calm it.
"Y-Yeah... Just... Things at home aren't too thrilling and everything is just stressful." She admitted sheepishly.
Adrien nodded and then took a bite of his muffin.
He remained quiet momentarily as he ate.
"I understand. I know how that feels." Adrien chuckled.
Marinette nodded.
"You're gonna be okay though right?" He asked.
Marinette giggled nervously, her anxiety suddenly working up due to the pregnancy hormones.
She immediately fought back tears, as if those words were the trigger.
"Probably not. I feel like I'm gonna die. My parents could be a bit unreasonable at times." She laughed nervously, attempting to come off as funny and sarcastic.
Adrien didn't seem to suspect her underlying seriousness because he chuckled lightly.
"Parents always are unreasonable." He said thoughtfully. "Sometimes you just have to tell them, you know?" He said as he wrapped up the napkin the muffin was wrapped in.
Marinette rubbed a stray tear quickly before Adrien could see.
She took a few more bites out of her muffin.
"I don't... Really feel comfortable with confrontation." She replied, after swallowing the last few bites.
It calmed her stomach some. She was grateful for that.
Adrien nodded and then leaned forward.
"Thats...understandable." he said softly.
Adrien seemed to think for a moment before he shifted and leaned slightly closer to Marinette.
Marinette's eyes widened slightly, her heart almost getting stuck in her throat.
"But...you know what I've learned?" He mused softly.
Marinette pressed her lips together nervously.
"W-what?" She asked, her voice shaking.
"That...if you really care for someone, you have to be honest with them." Adrien responded thoughtfully.
Marinette looked at him blankly.
She looked down at the muffin wrapper and napkins in her hand.
He was right.
He was absolutely right.
At this moment, she wasn't even thinking about her parents.
She cared about Chat, she really did.
Although Tikki had told her so many times, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to be honest with Chat.
Adrien leaned away, as he pulled out his phone.
"I'd better get going." He sighed as he reached for her wrappers and such, and thew them into the trash bins beside the bench.
"It was great talking with you, Marinette." He spoke once more as he stood up.
"Y-yeah... It was nice talking to you too." She said softly.
"Thank you."
Adrien nodded as he waved.
He seemed to be in a rush, and Marinette struggled slightly to stand up.
Tikki slowly peeked out from Marinette's sweater.
"Wow, Marinette." Tikki said softly.
Marinette giggled as she began to make her way through the park.
Adrien seemed to already be out of sight, and she couldn't help but to feel a bit bummed.
She slowly walked down the side walk.
"I think... I'm going to tell him." Marinette said softly.
She was suddenly feeling confident and nervous at the same time.
Tikki looked at Marinette.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Tikki asked.
Marinette nodded.
"Adrien was right... I should be honest to the people I care about. I need to be honest with Chat." She said thoughtfully.
Tikki gasped and immediately flew out of her sweater, swarming around Marinette's head she giggled.
"Marinette, I'm so proud of you!" She squeaked.
Marinette smiled and reached for Tikki.
"Stay low, Tikki. We don't want anyone seeing you." She giggled.
Tikki nodded as she hid back into the collar of her sweater again.
"Speaking of which..." Marinette said, her voice trailing off just as she looked up.
She could spot Chat, quickly leaping from one building to the next.
She placed a hand on her belly.
"Looks like he kept patrolling without me." Marinette sighed.
She looked around and rushed to the nearest alleyway.
"Should we do this?" She asked Tikki.
Tikki grinned and nodded.
"Tikki, spots on!"
A/N: Wow... This was supposed to be a short chapter...
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my work. Keep in mind that I take the time to read each and every review you guys leave for me.
Although I appreciate the feedback, I can't help but to be surprised at how many rude negative comments that are being sent to my email.
I'm sure they don't mean to come off as rude, but I simply ask if you keep your criticism CONSTRUCTIVE, and not just pure rude please. It really bums me out!
You really don't have to read the story if you don't like it. However, I'm still taking your feedback into consideration. I promise I'm not personally attacking or talking to anyone in particular, but I just wanted to get that general idea out.
Have a great new year and please be nice! :)
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