《Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔》Miraculous: Chapter 19
Ladybug swung herself up on a lamp post.
The wind blew softly through her bangs, and she had felt better than ever.
Tikki was right, the magic in the suit supported her back more than anything she had on. She was also impressed with the magic in the suit, and how well it hid her belly. It didn't hide it completely, for her belly was slightly noticeable, but not at first glance.
She could still hear Tikki's words in her head.
A tear in her suit could cause the magic to collapse and reveal her belly.
She grew slightly worried, her thoughts immediately drew back to their current assailant.
She's the only one who was ever able to tear the suit, during her entire experience as ladybug. It did concern her some.
As unnerving as it was, she had been keeping low for some time. Chloé was still missing, and now that she thought about it, Sabrina hadn't been around much either.
Ladybug looked up as she spotted Chat, hovering a few buildings away from the Bourgeois hotel.
She sighed and hummed thoughtfully.
She immediately felt her nerves get the best of her.
Almost instantly, she started to second guess herself.
She ran her fingers through her bangs, and quickly climbed her way around the streets of Paris.
With a swift landing she stood a few yards away from Chat, his back turned towards her, completely unaware of her presence.
She felt a little grateful for the support on her back. In this suit, she felt more agile and alive. It really put her In a good mood. It was like old times again, before she got herself into this mess.
Marinette could be angry, and sometimes cold, but not that cold. She understood of her many options when she found out, but abortion was never something she could do.
A living thing shouldn't have to suffer because of her mistakes. She shuddered and rubbed her belly slightly at the thought.
She clenched her fists briefly before she slowly made her way towards Chat.
"I guess it's my turn to sneak up on you this time." Ladybug giggled softly.
Chat looked up at her, his eyes slightly wide and his chest heaving.
Upon taking in her figure she immediately broke into his usual goofy smile.
"Of course. But it's always good to see you, my lady." He said thoughtfully.
Ladybug chuckled, and folded her arms.
"Have you found anything? I've noticed you've been patrolling without me." She said with a flirtatious wink.
He seemed a bit surprised by this.
He stood up, slowly.
Ladybug giggled at the small blush on his face.
"Just...wanted to make sure everything was safe." He explained, and rubbed his face.
"No sign of... Chloé?" Ladybug asked, her heart dropping as she tried to stall what was to come.
He shook his head thoughtfully.
"No, but I have some theories. It makes me nervous that she could change her appearance. She could be anyone, and we might not even know." He sighed
Ladybug crossed her arms and raised a brow.
"Oh?" She mused.
"So this means you might not even be Chat Noir?"
He snickered.
"Don't be silly." He said softly.
Ladybug shuddered. She needed to calm her hormones.
Ladybug sighed as she began to process what he had said earlier. She couldn't help but to agree with him. It did worry her. This akuma was able to take the shape of other human beings, and goodness only knew what else.
The akuma could be hiding in plain sight and she wouldn't even know.
It made her more nervous.
It made her worry for her own life and her son's.
She pressed her lips as she looked up at Chat, as he looked away for a brief moment.
"Chat..." She said softly.
He looked at her carefully.
"I have to tell you something." She said, her voice shaking with nervousness.
Chat noticed this as his brow furrowed.
"Ladybug, what is it?" He asked, his hand touching her upper arm in concern.
His touch sent shudders down her spine. Her hormones screamed at her, ordering her to pounce on him at once.
"Don't touch me..." She said flatly.
Chat immediately recoiled, a sense of hurt slowly etched on his face.
"I'm sorry." He said softly.
Ladybug looked at him, and inwardly scolded herself.
He didn't know, poor thing.
She didn't mean to seem so cold towards him.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." She sighed, and rubbed her temples.
Chat shifted his weight.
"Is everything alright?" He asked, he started to grow a bit nervous.
Ladybug sighed, her heart almost getting stuck in her throat.
Tikki was supporting her, and she and Adrien were both right.
She needed to be honest.
She clenched her fists, and gathered her nerves.
She looked up at him, her eyes connecting with his.
"Chat... I-I'm...p-"
"Do you feel that?" Chat asked, cutting her off.
Ladybug blinked a few times. She looked around and then back at him.
"F-feel what?" She asked, her voice still shaken. She was caught of guard.
It wasn't until a few seconds passed that she began to feel trembling underneath her feet.
"You think she heard us?" He asked, as the trembling got worse. Civilians down below already began to panic.
She toppled over and held on to him.
Just across from them a puff of smoke began to form.
Ladybug shook, her eyes wideneing.
"Chat, I really need to say this." She said, her lip quivering.
She was too far along to get into any serious fighting, and she needed him.
"Ladybug, and Chat Noir." A voice emanating from the cloud of smoke said sharply, as a figure started to appear.
Ladybug cowered, her hands gripping on to Chat.
"We knew you'd come back." Chat said.
The girl slowly appeared in front of them, her eyes black and her grin scaring Ladybug more than ever.
"I was waiting for you..." She spoke softly.
"You're not gaining anything..." Ladybug interrupted.
The girl looked at her, then at Chat.
"Really?" She mused.
Her eyes flickered between the two of them.
"Wasn't there something you wanted to tell Chat?" She asked, raising a brow.
Marinette trembled inwardly. She nearly died because of her, she could still feel the wire around her neck. She felt sheer fear, almost immediately.
She could feel Chat look at her with confusion and curiosity.
Ladybug shook her head.
"No... It's nothing." Ladybug replied.
Chat looked back at the girl.
She wanted to tell Chat, but not like this.
The akuma laughed, her fists slowly forming smoke orbs.
"This doesn't surprise me in the least." She breathed.
"Enough with the confusing talk." Chat said with annoyance.
"Where's Chloé?"
The girl glared at Chat, and simply shrugged.
"Perhaps we could make a deal..." She whispered.
"No more deals!" Ladybug chimed in.
"Just tell us where she is, or we'll make you."
Ladybug grew tired of seeing her, and almost dying twice.
She needed to keep Chat close.
The girl chuckled.
"Oh yeah? And how do you suppose that'll happen?" She asked.
Ladybug clenched her fists, she immediately began to breath heavily.
"I'm getting so sick of you!" Ladybug said through clenched teeth.
"That makes two of us." Chat chimed in.
The girl smirked.
"Ditto." She said sharply as she immediately lunged towards the two.
Chat immediately, pushed ladybug out of the way.
Ladybug tumbled, a sharp pain in her ribs. She looked up, her eyes widening as Chat took the blow.
The two glided down the building.
Chat kicked her off and landed on his feet.
He looked up as the girl plunged to the ground.
Ladybug struggled to get on her own feet.
Before she knew it, the two down below were fighting against one another on the street. The few people who were strolling around immediately scattered in hysteria. Many of the cars pulled over, most of them plowed into street light poles and were evacuated at once.
Ladybug watched in terror as the akuma gripped Chat and slammed him into the ground.
He coughed, blood splattering while doing so.
"You could have made this easy. Now Chloé AND that thing will die." The akuma said, as she gripped his wrists and brought the ring closer to her face to examine it.
"You make no sense smoke brain" Chat said, as he glared up at her. His fists clenched, making it harder to take the ring.
Ladybug twirled her yoyo, and slung it downwards, allowing it to wrap around the akumas wrist.
Ladybug pulled her back, the force immediately dragging her off of Chat.
Chat staggered to his feet, as he wiped the blood off his face.
The akuma looked at ladybug. Her eyes solidly black as she yanked the wire, causing ladybug to fly down towards the street straight off the building.
Ladybug screamed as she tried to land on her feet in vain.
She tumbled over, and rolled to her side. Her yoyo retracted, and she caught it just as she attempted to get on her feet.
The girl immediately jumped on top of her, pushing all her weight on her stomach.
Ladybug's eyes widened, as she felt pain.
"No! No! You're..."Ladybug gasped, she could feel the little one being crushing inside of her.
The akuma smirked.
"This is what happens when you become a nuisance." She growled.
She lifted her fist, pushing it close to ladybug's face a black mist swarming around it.
The girl was suddenly yanked off, Chat grunted as he threw her.
He turned to ladybug, immediately helping her up
"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice strained.
Ladybug staggered to her feet.
She placed a hand on her belly.
She could feel severe pain as she looked to Chat.
"I-I have to tell you something." She breathed.
She whimpered, as she could feel pain in her belly.
"Can we talk about it, after we finish this?" He asked, his breathing rigid.
Ladybug opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off as a beam of black charged at her again.
Ladybug bit her lip as she rapidly moved her yoyo, creating a barrier to protect the two. She shook has she was able to dodge the attack.
She threw her yoyo, and yanked at the girls leg, tying her body.
The girl squirmed, but was able to break through the wire, sending it back towards ladybug. She flinched as she expected it to hit her, Chat immediately blocked it.
"Ladybug, stay behind me." He said roughly.
Ladybug looked at him with a frown.
She wanted his help, but she didn't like being belittled as well, even if she was sure he didn't mean it that way. She wasn't defenseless, she just needed a little help in defending a person she was carrying inside her.
Their son, even if he didn't know about him yet.
He charged at the akuma, she immediately dodged it, gripping his wrist and throwing him.
Chat grunted as she skidded on his feet.
The girl shook with anger as she looked at ladybug.
"You won't give up, will you?" She spat.
Ladybug balled her fists, preparing for a fight.
The akuma lunged at ladybug full force.
Ladybug grunted as she threw a punch, hitting the girl square in the face.
The girl staggered back, her fists swarming with black smoke.
She threw a punch, which ladybug attempted to dodge.
The harsh black mass ripped at her side, causing ladybug to fall to her knees.
Her eyes widened as she could feel harsh pain, but at the same time, the support in her back began to fail.
The girl smirked, but was immediately pulled back as Chat flung her away from ladybug.
Ladybug shook as she looked down, the hidden magic was gone, leaving her incredibly vulnerable.
Ladybug staggered to her feet as she cradled her belly out of instinct.
The akuma began to cackle as she started to levitate off the ground.
"My work is only beginning." She said, blood slowly dripping from her forehead.
Chat looked up at her, his chest heaving.
"Ladybug we can't-" his voice trailed off as he turned his head.
Ladybug looked up at him, her belly now exposed. She cradled her arms around the bump to soothe the throbbing she felt.
Chats eyes widened, his fists immediately relaxing.
He stated at her for what felt like forever for the two of them before he finally decided to speak.
Marinette could feel her heart travel to her throat. The pounding started to form in her ears.
"L-ladybug... W-what...what is this?" He asked, utter and complete shock and confusion in his face as well as his voice.
Ladybug breathed heavily, she was hurt, angry, and in pain.
She looked up at the akuma.
She was well aware that this was done on purpose.
There was a deafening silence between the two, as the akuma's laugh could be heard fading out.
"She'll be back..." Ladybug said as she watched the girl disappear in her fog.
"We need to release it, we need to find out where it's captured." She panted.
Chat didn't say anything, he simply turned to look at her.
His eyes traveled down her body as he tried to drink all of this in.
Ladybug breathed as she threw her arms up.
She didn't want him to know on terms like this.
She felt embarrassed, and most of all scared.
His reaction wasn't on point either.
"Chat... Say something." She breathed.
He blinked a few times, his mouth still hung open.
He seemed at lost for words.
Ladybug groaned as she felt her anixety worked up.
"L-ladybug... A-are... You...?" He gulped, he didn't finish the last word.
Ladybug sighed, as she shrugged in fluster.
"This was a stupid idea..." She murmured.
"I'm sorry." She said, as she immediately turned around.
She started to run in the opposite direction.
How could she be so stupid?
This was a dumb idea, and it was all ruined. This wasn't how she wanted it to go.
She felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. She couldn't see look at him, she definitely couldn't see straight now. She needed a place to take off her transformation. She wanted to go home, and throw him off.
Chat couldn't let it sink in. One minute, he was fighting beside her, and next thing he knew she was now in front of him, in pain and what appeared to be...pregnant?
Chat could feel all the wheels turn in his own head.
The two had been together more than once. He was positive that he wasn't dreaming.
It was a huge possibility that he had gotten her pregnant.
In fact, he didn't doubt it at all.
He was in a trance, yet she barely said anything about it. She appeared to be pretty far along.
Could she have been hiding it this whole time?
How could he be so foolish?
He had so many questions.
He watched her as she began to run, her suit tattered and her run with a sort of limp to it.
It all made sense. Her mood swings, her glow, her weight gain, it all made sense.
He was internally conflicted, he wasn't sure what his next move was going to be.
He wasn't sure what it was supposed to be either.
Was he technically a father now?
Most importantly, should he have let her go the way she did?
He clenched his fists as he immediately took off after her.
He breathed evenly as he could hear her sobbing.
She continued to run, without looking back.
She immediately rounded a corner, and slipped into an alleyway.
Chat paused, to catch his breath. He swallowed hard as he started to turn the corner after her but stopped when something caught his eye.
He immediately jumped back against the wall and peered over.
His eyes widened as ladybug slowly started to transform into someone else.
His jaw tensed.
Was he supposed to see what he just saw?
Marinette wiped her face.
"It was a dumb idea, Tikki." She sobbed.
"Marinette..." The kwami spoke softly, as Marinette cradled her in her hand.
Marinette sobbed as she started to run in the opposite direction.
Chat drew back against the wall.
"Marinette...?" He murmured softly to himself, surprise washing over him almost instantaneously.
A/N: I kinda threw myself a bone with this one... He learns more than just a pregnancy. Anyway sorry it took so long to write this one, kept getting distracted, plus my new boss is an ass hole.
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