《Providence [Naruto Fan Fiction]》Chapter 7





Ah, it hurts. My eardrums, I'm sorry, they're abusing us to this extent. Don't worry, I'll avenge us. I slowly opened my eyes. I was greeted by the three idiots so I carefully stood up. My cut was now okay and my body wasn't sore anymore. My, my, I do get the best sleep last night, huh? I have bed head and well, my futon was disaster. Sasuke's smirking face greeted mine as he looked on my oh-so-messy face. Both Naruto and Sakura were suppressing their laugh, sigh, I don't care anymore.

"Any news?" I asked them sleepy. "Well, it's already breakfast, Kashina-chan. Kakashi-sensei told us to get you. We should eat breakfast first before taking shower." Sakura answered so I simply nodded as my answer and told them to wait me downstairs. I fix my hair first before washing my face as well as brushing my teeth on the bathroom before joining them downstairs.

"Yo." I greeted. I'm still feeling drowsy so I asked Tsunami-san if I could get a coffee. "I prefer black coffee, Tsunami-san." I requested as soon as I sat down beside Sasuke. "How's your training guys?" I asked them.

"As you can see, endurance training, I suck. But in chakra control, I can say that I did good." Sakura answered. I want to tell her that she'll become a medical ninja but I don't want to spoil the fun, ehh. Kakashi's probably thinking that she's a genjutsu-type ninja but no, she's medical ninja. Maa, it'll happen after Tsunade's arrival. "I'm the strongest now, Kashina-chan 'ttebayo!!!!" That's it, the 'ttebayo' thingy! Uzumaki Naruto! The best boy!

"Hn" Was all Sasuke's said. But I translated it as 'Kashina-chan, I manage to do things good, I'm the best' Sigh.

After eating breakfast and taking shower, they continued their training and then one week have passed. The fateful day for the last rematch between team 7 and Zabuza arrived. I'm feeling chilly since I know that Haku will die here and Sasuke will be able to unlocked his 1-tomoe Sharingan and then the awakening of Kurama's chakra because Naruto thought that Sasuke died in front of him. Oh, yeah, Sakura is completely useless here but that's okay, she's she.

"OH MY!" Sakura exclaimed as soon as we arrive at the bridge. There's a lot of low chakra bodies lying on the floor. They're probably knocked out, harshly – that's why. "Don't worry, Sakura. They're still alive." I told her.

"How did you know?!" She asked. This is what I hate about her. She's dumb. "I can feel their chakra but in a low level, so help me carry them sideways." And then Kakashi nodded and gave us permission to carefully lift them to the corner. I brought out my first aid kit to at least help them clean their wounds. They seemed to fought back that's why they end up like this. Sigh. That Zabuza, he may be like this brutal but his care for Haku as his own son is incredibly wonderful.

Suddenly, the whole surrounding is being wrapped by the thick mist coming from none other than, Zabuza. He appeared not too far away from us with Haku beside him. He immediately released his KI so Kakashi and I countered it with ours.


"Oh, it's you Katana kid. You sure did a number on me, huh?" He stated laughingly. I just nodded, acknowledging his existence. "Oya, look at that boy, he's shaking probably in fear." But he's wrong. Sasuke's shaking out of excitement so Kakashi and I let him take care of Haku. Surprisingly, Sasuke manage to adopt on Haku's fighting skills. Zabuza is also surprised.

"Kashina already told you, didn't she?" Kakashi said in a serious monotone. "She told you not to underestimate this team. Sasuke is the best fighter of this team. Sakura possess sharp mind. Naruto being the most unpredictable ninja while Kashina... is Kashina!" What the heck is that fucking praise! What do you mean by 'Kashina is Kashina' Niisan!!!

I'll let it slide for today but I'll definitely won't let it slide next time! I eased my anime vain on my forehead before protecting Tazuna-san and Sakura. I'll let them handle that until the Ice dome and Kurama's chakra happen.

"Why aren't you helping them, Kashina-chan?!" Sakura hissed so I rolled my eyes on her. This dumbass useless is fucking questioning me yet she's not doing anything but to fucking scream, yeah, she's great. "I cannot afford letting Tazuna-san get hurt, the boys can hold things for a while and if ever things get unstable, I'll lend them a hand. But for now, let me stay with the both of you, and you, Sakura, stop screaming before I kick you out of the bridge" And then she flinched and restrained herself from screaming. Good. Nothing good will happen if she continued screaming like that.

As soon as Kakashi and Zabuza engaged themselves for a fight, I felt Haku trapped Sasuke, it's just a matter of time before Naruto arrive and then minutes have passed, he managed to do his freaking entrance which is great. I almost laugh in this serious situation. Even though I can't fully know what Kakashi and Zabuza's moment right now, I can feel their movement, they're still fighting. Kakashi's on disadvantage because of the mist so he summoned his dogs as well as pakkun!!!! Goddamn, I'll make him summon him later!

"Sakura, this is my cue. Protect Tazuna-san and don't do anything stupid." When she nodded, I left. "Naruto!!! Help Sasuke inside, okay?! I'll help Kakashi-san for a while!" And then he nodded and went inside the dome. Upon arriving on where Kakashi and Zabuza are, I engage myself on their battle. "Kakashi-niisan, go to where the two is, try to break the ice dome outside while both of them is trying to break it inside." I told him. He's a bit annoyed at first but he knew that I won't do anything unnecessary so he let me be.

"I'll come back, Kashina. Hold the situation for a bit." And then he disappeared. I faced Zabuza who's now smirking on me. "My, my, if it isn't Zabuza-san. Let's dance, shall we?" And there I draw my blade out of my waist to counter his huge sword. Just like before, the pressure from our blade made the air current flow inside the mist. It's now a bit clear. I can finally see the ice dome. I can feel Kakashi doing a fire style: fire ball technique to melt the ice dome outside.


We're currently middle of our heated battle when I felt a chakra on Sasuke's eyes. He finally unlocked his Sharingan. It's something that Itachi hated the most. Sharingan can only be obtain by witnessing something horrible. It's the Uchiha thing.

"My, my, you sure do get yourself a useful tool, aren't you, Zabuza-san?" He cringed. See, he didn't want anybody but him to call Haku like that. What a dumbass. If he just didn't get engaged with Gato's. Both of them will live tomorrow but I'm no God to save them. They killed thousands of innocent or guilty, they deserve this. Well, just following the plot.

My attention got caught when Kurama's chakra leaked out and scared the shit out of everyone. Damn. This is bad. I need to do Chidori to make Haku fly here. "I guess, we need to end this battle now, Zabuza-san"

"I guess, so"

"I casted as I lifted my right hand to let my chakra flow on my palm before mixing the lighting element on it to manipulate its nature. Just when I'm half of a meter away from Zabuza, just what happened on the show, Haku jumped in between making me thrust the Chidori right on his heart. A tear escaped my eye as soon as my hands went through his chest. Damn.

'I'm sorry, Haku'

"My, my, you finally proved yourself useful to me, Haku." But I know he's lying. I know it causes him pain to see his child died in front of him. I know it hurts, Zabuza! "That's right, that's the role of-." I cut him off.

"Don't fool yourself anymore, Zabuza. You know more than anyone here how this boy really means to you." I cried. I cried harder when I saw Zabuza's eyes covered in his own tears. His hands were already wounded because of the slash he received from me. He also did a number on me, he is truly a wonderful but demon swordsman. No wonder why he got Haku wrapped on his finger.

I removed my hands on Haku's chest and laid his body carefully to the ground. I felt a pang on my chest when I saw how peaceful his face was. And I know, Zabuza felt that too. I felt the others approaching us but I didn't bother to check them since they're fine, Sasuke's not dead, he just passed out. The anger and guilt suddenly emerge on mine when Gato and his goons arrived.

I casted. The end of the bridge as well as the side was covered by the wall. I won't let them escape Zabuza's wrath. "They're all yours, Zabuza-san" I said while sobbing. This is all I can do to lessen his pain. I'll let him kill the shit out of Gato. "Throw me your kunai, kid." He told Naruto so Naruto throw his kunai on him.

I watched him released his full KI at full extent towards them. I clenched my fist when he and Gato's goons started to clash. Zabuza has the upper hand even though he's injured from our clash earlier. I can hear their screams, their chakra from high to low up to their dead end which is death. That's it, you guys deserve that for betraying Zabuza. I commanded the ground to lock Gato's legs when I felt him planning to run away. I watched how Zabuza beheaded Gato using his huge sword before his legs and his body finally gave up.

I lowered the mud walls and was about to step but I lose my balance. Luckily, Kakashi was able to catch me. "Thank you, Kakashi-niisan." I whispered with a smile. He smiled back and nodded. "You did a good there, Kashina. I'm proud of you." And then he let me stood straight.

"K-kakashi..." Zabuza called him so he went to where Zabuza is. The next thing I knew, he lifted him up to put where Haku's body is. He asked him to put him beside him since he knew that he's dying now. He wanted to see his face... for the last time. "T-thank y-you... K-kakashi... K-kashina..."

I cried... again. They're now dead. They fought hard in this world and both died the same day. It must have hurt, right? It must have hurt living but I'm proud of you guys. You manage to survive and manage to care for each other no matter how unfair life is. I'm proud of you guys. I'm proud of you Zabuza-san for being able to admit your feelings for Haku. I'm proud of you Haku for taking care of your dad. I... I'm proud of you guys.

After praying for their souls. I slowly walk to where Sasuke is. He's still lying on the ground. I ignore everyone and just kneel beside Sasuke and waited for his return. My lips rose up when he finally woke up. "Dreaming of tomato, huh?" I teased. He just rolled his eyes on me before earning a hug from Sakura. Naruto and Kakashi's surrounded us and told Sasuke that he got us worried, well, I'm not. I just poked his forehead like Itachi's mannerism before standing straight. I smiled on Kakashi and give Naruto a pat on his head.

"You good, Kakashi-san?" I asked him. He just shook his head off before lifting me like a bride. I leaned my head on his chest to rest. This is so tiresome. "I didn't know that you can use, Chidori?" OH SHOOKT!!! I forgot! I feel like my fatigue from today's battle disappeared because of that question. HE. SAW. THAT?!

"Uhm... you saw that?" I laughed nervously. He smiled at me with his eyes closed. Uh-oh, this smile is something you cannot trust! "I saw everything. You can also use Earth Style, huh? Water Style too. Hmm, I think I need a lot of explanation about the Chidori since I'm the creator of that technique." Phew! So, he didn't notice that I don't need to make a seal to activate those technique?! Wtf.

"As in right now? I'm going to explain?!" I exclaimed. I'm tired! This is so troublesome. I sighed. "No, later after you clean yourself. You're full of scratches." And then he smiled again, with his eyes closed.

Damn, he's pissed.

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