《Whodunnit 2》Chapter 6 - A Refreshing Dive
"Who would like to investigate the crime scene - the kitchen?" Giles asked the eleven remaining guests.
Mary, Kendra & Jeremy rose their hands. They followed Sophie to their location.
"Who would like to investigative the last known whereabouts?"
Chantal, Colton, Grace, Brett & Mike raised their hands, they followed May outside.
"Cecilia, Troy & Kristina, follow me to the morgue please."
Mary, Kendra & Jeremy all felt a little bit disgusted knowing that the chefs of the island would still be serving all the food in the kitchen for the remainder of their stay in the same kitchen Paul's body was found, but then again they knew they didn't want to go hungry and starve to death, so none of them piped up about it to any of the staff as they strolled into the kitchen.
Jeremy wanted to take charge as usual, but the director quickly restrained just as he was about to reveal a finding. It quickly dawned on him that both Mary & Kendra were not on his side, they weren't in his team of Colton, Brett, Kristina, Troy & Chantal, so why should he reveal information to them? Especially since he knew Kendra was in a little team with Grace & Cecilia. The director made a mental note in his mind that he wouldn't reveal his findings unless one of the two women found something he didn't.
Mentally, the first thing that Jeremy found was the butcher knife. It didn't take long for the medium build man to identify that the killer obviously dissected Paul's body parts with the knife. The blood stains on the knife proved it also.
However, Jeremy knew one of the girls would soon find the object. And Kendra eventually did a few seconds after he scattered away from the blood-soaked knife on one of the metal islands of the kitchen. The model declared her findings to Mary surprisingly. Both the women made the same assumption that the killer must have chopped up Paul using the knife seeing the severity of the blood.
The three guests then moved onto a different part of one of the metal islands. The three all huddled around something which was clearly relevant to the murder. They noticed a laminated note, about the size of an envelope, carefully rested on the island.
Jeremy picked up the note first, however, Mary immediately snatched the note out of his hands and read it out loud.
"If you want to leave the island alive and not in a body bag, I suggest you take the small sailboat which will be placed on the main docks at 11 PM tonight. The keys will be in the ignition. Don't tell anyone about this note, otherwise, I will kill you tonight instead of Kendra. ~ The Killer."
"Wow," Kendra sighed.
"So we need to find out if he actually got on that sailboat from the others," Mary concluded, knowing that she needed to know if Paul actually got on that sailboat or not. Since she knew even if he did get on the so-called 'escape' he could have still been killed.
"What I'm puzzled about is how he got this note? Like there's no way that the killer could have handed this to him otherwise it would have given the whole thing away. I think that this might have been slipped into his room?" Jeremy suggested the option of the note being slipped in secret.
"It's very possible." Kendra agreed with the movie director.
The group of three then circulated to another object which caught their attention the minute they entered the kitchen. There was a single black body bag on the floor, the zip was wide open and there was even a small puddle of blood at the bottom of the bag. There were also several dried blood spots around the area of the bag, suggesting some blood must have escaped from the bag possibly.
"I'm so relieved I'm not dead." Kendra was definitely pleased, to say the least, that she wasn't killed in such a savage way. She would prefer if she was to die, to die in a quick and painless way. The model definitely felt bad that Paul was cut up into such tiny pieces like he was a piece of meat. But then again, the model knew she was going to prepare herself to see several more dead bodies potentially. So she needed to toughen up.
"I think that's it, guys," Jeremy said to his group once they stopped examining the body bag.
"I agree. There's not anything else here." Mary was also confident that there was no other information at the crime scene.
Before Kendra could raise her thoughts the resort bell rang, and the guests time spent investigating the crime scene was over.
: When Chantal, Colton, Grace, Brett & Mike were told by May the maid that they were going to the ocean for Paul's last known whereabouts, they thought the maid was joking. However, they knew the plump maid wasn't joking after all once they were taken into the ocean around the resort by a small sailboat and stopped at an (at first glance) desolate part of the ocean.
The depth of the ocean at the certain part wasn't deep at all. It was about twelve feet from the corals at the bottom of the sea, to the surface. The guests soon all realised that they would have to strip into their swimwear (which some were already wearing) or in Brett's case, just strip to the underwear. Brett & Colton's eyes immediately looked upon Chantal. It didn't take any genius to see that Chantal was one of the prettier guests. And seeing her strip to her lacy black swimwear was a treat to the recently traumatised guests.
Mike & Grace were the first to hit the water. The two older guests didn't waste time admiring the toned physique's of the other guests and focused mainly on the game. Their life was the most important thing to them at this moment.
The first thing that the two guests noticed was that there was a small, compact sailboat on the ocean floor. It looked like a crumpled mess on the ocean floor. Mike firstly noticed a small champagne cork sized hole in the back of the boat through his scuba diving goggles, which intrigued him. Why would there be a hole in the boat?
By the time that Mike & Grace popped back up to the surface to take a breath, Chantal, Brett & Colton finally jumped into the warm ocean. It didn't take long for them to notice the boat.
"Why the hell is there a sunken boat down here?" Colton asked once he resurfaced from the ocean floor.
"I have no idea." Chantal was at a loss for words to as of why there was a boat on the ocean floor. Was this a boat from a past tried escape? Or was this something else?
"I think maybe Paul tried to escape and the killer sabotaged the boat so that it sunk." Grace theorised what she thought happened with Paul's impending case.
Brett brought up a good point next "How did the killer get Paul to go on the boat though?"
"He probably just tried to escape?" Mike guessed.
Before someone else could bring up another point, Brett dived back down to the bottom of the ocean floor, thinking there had to be more.
In the bottom of one of the coral reefs, he found what he was looking for, a single pistol.
He knew this was important. But before he could examine it more he felt someone grab him from behind, Chantal gestured that time was up and they had to resurface to the surface of the ocean.
All five guests were supplied with towels once they hopped back on the sailboat and May calmly drove them back to the Heaven Honour Resort.
Cecilia, Troy & Kristina didn't waste any time once they got into the morgue. They knew that investigating the areas went by quickly, and they definitely didn't want to waste any time.
However, time was wasted when the guests realised that under the single white sheets was what looked like hundreds of Paul's body parts chopped up on the table like he was a piece of meat. It took the three guests several minutes to actually fully approach Paul's chopped up body and examine it.
"Who could degrade him like this?" Cecilia pulled a face in disgust as she looked at the messy body.
"A very sick person," Kristina replied. The youngest guest had barely left gaze from the horrific sight of the scattered body parts.
"We don't have much time. We should get looking." Troy tried to split up the chaos and get the investigation under the way.
However, there was a problem. With the severity of the body, there would have been too much for the group to cover. They needed to work together.
"Okay, let's work together here. Cecilia, can you work from the down up? and we'll go from the head, downwards." Troy asked.
The Cuban only gave a simple nod to the siblings before starting at Paul's feet.
Cecilia noticed straight away how there was some sort of peculiar wound on the soul of Paul's severed foot.
"Guys there's some sort of wound here." Cecilia alerted the siblings to the wound.
Troy & Kristina strolled over to the bottom of the morgue table, and upon inspecting the wound, Troy relayed his mind back to when he was in the morgue with Grace, and the now deceased Paul. He remembered how when he saw the wound in Aubrey's stomach, the athlete immediately grabbed the tweezers. He did the same in this case with Paul's foot wound.
Once again, Paul pulled out a bullet.
"Another bullet," Troy said out loud as he retrieved another bullet from another victim of the game.
"So he was shot in the foot? Why?" Kristina wondered.
"Maybe he was running away from the killer and the killer just shot him to try and stop him from getting away then chopped him up?" Cecilia brought up the idea of a simplistic murder.
Troy doubted it "I feel like that's too simple through."
Kristina made sure to check other areas of the body, including the internal organs which were on show. But everything looked normal, and she certainly wasn't going to cut Paul's body even more than it already had been.
"There's hopefully more information from the other areas," Cecilia said to the small group just after the bell rang, meaning their time was for discovering clues on Paul's dead body.
The group of eleven eventually reunited in the great room, where Giles soon also arrived.
"Ladies and gentleman, it should be no secret by now that sharing information in this game is key. So please, take forty -five minutes to share, or not share information which you found in your areas. I will then return to announce a short break before we get into the next riddle." Giles made his speech pretty short before he exited the great room by the resorts main doors, heading towards the boat deck.
The group of eleven split up.
Jeremy, Colton, Kristina, Brett, Chantal & Brett stayed together.
Kendra, Grace & Cecilia reunited.
Mike & Mary scrambled. Trying to look for information wherever they could.
The first group to negotiate their information was the majority group.
"Okay so at the crime scene there obviously was a lot of blood." Jeremy went first. "There was a butcher knife on the countertop which I'm almost positive was the knife which was used to dissect Paul since there was a ton of blood on it. But, there was also a note from the killer..."
The group gasped.
"What did it say!" Chantal was eager to know just like the rest.
"It said 'If you want to leave the island alive and not in a body bag, I suggest you take the small sailboat which will be placed on the main docks at 11 PM tonight. The keys will be in the ignition. Don't tell anyone about this note, otherwise, I will kill you tonight instead of Kendra."
"Woah," Brett said.
"There was also an open body bag with some blood in it. But that was about it. What did you guys find?" The acclaimed director pointed to Colton, Chantal & Brett next.
"Well, Paul's last known whereabouts was actually the ocean." Colton started.
Troy chuckled "What? That doesn't make any sense."
"We got out to a certain point and then literally had to investigate the ocean. But when we dived down we actually found a small sailboat which was submerged. Other than that there wasn't any-"
"There was a pistol in the ocean." Brett delicately cut off Chantal.
"Oh really? Damn." Colton suddenly jumped in.
"Do you think Grace or Mike saw?" Kristina pondered to the three who investigated the last known whereabouts.
Brett shrugged "It's hard to tell. If they did, they didn't give it away that they knew."
Troy & Kristina went last. "At the morgue, Paul had a bullet in one of his severed heads. That's it."
Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows. "Seriously?"
"Unfortunately so," Kristina confirmed.
The group of three then went next explaining what they found.
"At the last known whereabouts, we had to go to the ocean. We went out there and there was actually a small boat which was underwater. So what I think happened was that Paul tried to escape and the boat capsized."
Kendra had a 'eureka' moment.
"At the crime scene, there was a note from the killer. Saying that if Paul escaped on one of the boats which were on the deck at 11 PM, then he would be spared and I would have died! Paul must have been on that specific boat." The blond felt proud of herself as she pieced together the information from the two areas.
Grace & Cecilia also were surprised at how well Kendra was getting the game. Seeing how on the first day she thought that Australian & English accents were the same things.
After Cecilia wrapped up the foot wound on Paul's body, the group of three decided to head to the bar in the separate building next to the main resort and have some drinks. Seeing how in the blistering Caribbean weather, not having a cold drink would have been a death wish.
It was there that they noticed a sulky Mike & Mary. They later found out that the two of them had shared their information from their areas, but that was it.
"Do you think you could share information with us?" After sitting around in complete silence, Mary raised her head from the bar and asked the all-female alliance if they would be willing to help herself, and Mike out.
Grace sighed "We'll have to see how this riddle goes. If the others win it, then we're all in trouble. However, if we win then, of course, we'd help you and Mike out." The author felt extremely apologetic to Mary & Mike. In Mary's case, she was just a defenseless old lady. There was an argument that because Mary had lived the most, it would be fair that she could die. But Grace couldn't live with the fact she had let a desperate old woman be murdered. She also felt sorry for Mike. He was a newlywed and had a family, she couldn't imagine that if Mike didn't survive, how his wife would react. The thirty-seven-year-old found the overall situation terrible.
But, she knew that she couldn't let her game slip. She had a loving family back home too and wasn't going to throw her life away for a senior citizen and a police officer from Detroit.
"You girls are smart. Hopefully, you can win this." Mike was barely audible as he mumbled in his slouched position from the bar.
"Don't give up Mike." Cecilia tried to comfort Mike with a simple rub on the back.
However, the single mother's efforts went unnoticed. Mike already felt defeated in this game. Hence why he tried to escape just minutes after the rules of the game were explained to the group. The police officer could only hope that once the trip was over, people would come looking for him. However, he had a sinking feeling that the media would gravitate towards the young, white, pretty girls like Chantal & Kendra and their safe return. He knew being an ethnic minority that he wasn't going to be put first. A sad reality even in today's reality.
After an hour of straight drinking from the group of five. Emotions started to flood.
Pretty much everyone was in tears. Kendra could hardly believe that the game was actually really happening.
"Are we all just in a dream?" Kendra slurred, having only her hand on the right side of her face supported against the bar.
Cecilia was also feeling down "I miss my kids. Who could do this to parents, out of all people!"
Suddenly, a large automated voice came booming into the bar.
"Dear guests, please join me in the great room for the next riddle."
Grace, Mike & Cecilia (the more sober guests) quickly paced to the great room. However, Mary & Kendra took a lot longer to get to the great room, especially seeing how they had to travel across the green and into another building.
By the time they got to the great room, everyone was waiting.
"Ladies, let's hurry it along here. The riddle should have started a while ago." Giles was a little impatient as he held the single note supplied by the killer in his hands.
The butler took a moment to scan the room of the guests from left to right.
Kristina, Chantal, Brett, Colton, Jeremy, Troy, Grace, Cecilia, Mike, Mary & Kendra. One of them was the killer, but who?
For the first time in any of the games. Giles literally had no idea who it could be.
- In Serial69 Chapters
Kardin lived a happy and good life. That is, till he was given a strange orb by an even stranger man, maybe even a demon. He watches as his village is burned, the villagers slaughtered and his friend devoured. He escapes into the Jungle of The Gods, a place of ancient ruins and deadly animals. There, he is changed and his fate diverges from what should have been his death. Now he must forge his own path in a world of great beauty and power, where death lurks around the corner and battles between veritable gods are fought. Where nations clash and ancient beings destory civilizations on whims. But unseen cogs move under the surface, events transpiring beyond simple understanding. Strange and powerful items called Artifacts have started to reappear across the land of Auren, empowering their wielders far beyond what cultivation can give. The Traezar Empire and all of Auren are on the precipice of war and strange beings have started to emerge, all with an agenda of their own. Chaos is brewing, and Kardin must survive it, all while trying to attain vengeance and understand his strange and anomalous Katra. ***Current Schedule*** I am currently releasing 1 3,000(Sometimes I end up writing waaaay more) word chapter halfs every week. If there is not some sort of notice as to why I have vanished, then I'm probably dead. Let's hope I don't die then, eh? *Ducks under flying knife* I own this cover, put my own blood, sweat and an hour of my time into it. Ahahaha! This story is inspired (I stress this word, as because most of the story is different) by Will Wight’s Cradle. I highly recommend you read it! (Please for gods sake, if you have something to say, please do it in a curteous fashion. I don’t need any more maniacs flying at me and trying to stab me with sporks, I am already insane enough to fill that role.*Winks*) **What is This Story?** Think cultivation mashed with western fantasy, put into a pot to boil and then drunk while it's pipping hot. All the while a mad man(me) cackles insanely over the pot, stirring. It draws from xianxia lightly, which means no exasperated angry young masters. No “genuis” or “prodigy” MC, one that is not OP, or anything of the like. If you don’t like cultivation novels, this might still be up your alley. MC focuses on “Life Shaping”, see poll 2 for more Info. Warning! If your are squeamish, that gore and traumatizing content tag is there for a reason. I shall dive into both bloody and disturbing scenes and the questionable ethics of manipulating life, and some of it won’t be pretty. With a dose of realism added in. I do add my own evi- I mean despic- no, sorry, interesting twists aswell. >:) Also, I HATE info dumps! *Steps out of the way of a charging semi* Still not dead! Arc 1 (Kindling): Chapter 1 - 13 Arc 2 (Metempsychosis): Chapter 14 - 29 Arc 3 (???): Chapter 30 - ??? A disclaimer, I am new author and am still feeling out my limitations. This story is my hope of bettering my writing skills and to have fun. Buckle up and enjoy the insane journey that is Katra. (Pronounced as cah-tra)
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