《Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery》Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery ~ Snake Eyes
The night is cold. Wind whips around wildly, and rain pours down hard. Thunder and lightning keep the guest up the entire night. They all head down to the great room, restless. It's around 11:50pm at night. "Cant sleep guys?" Kyle jokes. "Yeah, it was the thunder that kept me up. Not the fact that there's a killer about." Winter mumbles. "Holy shit!" Katie screams. A large bolt of lightning hits the ground outside, and you can see Alex trapped outside. "Help me please!" He screams, barely audible through the glass doors. Katie runs to the door, and it sends a small zap on her hand. "Ow!"
"Thomas?!" Greg shouts. "Thomas?!" Kallista shouts with him. Thomas runs out, in his odd white pajamas. "What seems to be the problem?" He questions, very tired. "Alex is trapped outside!" Katie complains. "Did you try to open the door?" "It's locked." "Well, it's not like it matters now." Thomas states. "That's terrible!!" Winter shouts at him. "What, he's dead." Thomas states. Everyone turns around and sees a bloody hand-print on the glass door, and Alex's body; cold, wet, and dead on the patio.
As the clouds begin to roll out, the guest gather impatiently around the great room. Greg, Kallista and Winter sit in a small circle on the carpeting. Kyle and Katie sit on the steps, a couple feet before the glass window, with the smeared hand print. "My dear guest. It seems we have lost yet another beloved guest. For Alex's investigation, there shall be 3 areas as usual. The morgue, where is body is open for investigation. Or perhaps you'd like to scrutinize the crime scene. And finally, the last known whereabouts, in this case, the study. You may discuss with who you'd like, but remember, you are all only days away from the finale!" Thomas exclaims, smiling. The guest all go into 1 group, knowing now 1 group is down 3-2. "Alright. Well I'd like the morgue." Kallista states. "Yeah, I'd probably go there, too." Katie joins in. "Alright." Winter waits for Kyle to state his choice. "Ladies first."
"I'll take the last known whereabouts." Greg confirms. "So I'll get the crime scene." Winter states. "Me too." Kyle smiles deviously. Winter sends an evil glare towards him. "So it would seem you all have made your final desicions on where you'd like to go. So, who here shall be visiting the morgue?" Katie and Kallista follow Gina downstairs. "Who would like the crime scene." Winter and Kyle both stand up, and head over to the pool area. "Greg, follow me to the last known whereabouts." Greg stands up, and walks into the last known whereabouts.
THE MORGUE: Alex's body sits on the table, in perfect tact. "Odd." Kallista whispers. "What?" Katie questions. "We almost always end up in the same area." She answers. "Haha. Yeah." Katie laughs. "His hand does have blood, which would explain the bloody hand print on the glass door from earlier." Kallista continues on with the investigation. They continue to search his legs up, and then make their way to the head. Around his neck is a sore, red mark. "What could this be?" Katie says curiously. "A strangle mark, possibly." Kallista answers, without paying attention. "That's everything." Kallista confirms, and they exit the morgue.
THE CRIME SCENE: Nothing seems to be very noticeable at the pool area. The bloody hand print still remains on the glass french doors. A pile of red, orange, blue and white ropes are placed a distance from the pool. "These are odd." Winter pauses to look at them. "Yeah, maybe the killer choked him?" Kyle suggest. "Yeah." Winter nods. "Accept for the fact we were all inside when this hapened." She mumbles under her breath. "What was that?" Kyle turns around. "Oh nothing." She answers. They also notice a tipped over basket next to the pool steps. "Well, these baskets are all around the pool, and it was windy." Kyle points out. "Good point." Winter agrees. They search the grass, chairs, patio, and plants for clues, but discover nothing. "It seems our team has failed, and yours has prevailed." Kyle changes the topic. "Yeah. I guess you could always come over to the winning team." Winter gives a devious smile.
THE LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: "So weird, and creepy, being here all alone." Greg shivers. The study is made of dark wood. A small chess board is set up, and the desk is piled high with papers and books. "What's this?" Greg says aloud. A note from Alex seems to be written on the table. "The killer is ----------. I know this because I saw ----------- put the bomb under Jennie's bed. Now -------- is after me. I hope ---------- doesn't kill me." Greg reads the note. "Great, so all the important information is crossed out. He looks through the pile of books. "Just zoology, I already know Alex loved animals. There's basically nothing here." Greg sulks, and walks out.
"My dear guest! You can now discuss with who you please your findings, if you please. The riddle shall commence when you finish your group discussions." Thomas enters and leaves quickly, and they each break into 2 groups. By the steps are Katie and Kyle. "We know one of us is going to die next." Katie states. "So it's almost a competition between the 2 of us?" She sighs. "Erm- Yeah." Kyle hides the offer Winter had left him moments ago. "Hey, Kyle, can I speak with you?" Winter comes up. Katie looks surprised, and Kyle tries to act the same. "Uh, Okay?" He acts. They head into the study, where Greg and Kallista are.
"We will allow you to be in our group. This means there is no more sharing information with Katie. We are basically singling her out to die, and if she lives, it becomes obvious who the killer is." Winter explains. "However, we will not share information until the riddle answer has been found." Winter adds in. "If I find the answer, I'm not sharing it with you." Kallista rolls her eyes. "Alright?" Greg questions him. "Deal." Kyle answers, and exit the study. "What did THEY want." Katie asks. "Winter just told me some stuff about what I missed at the crime scene, there were ropes and a basket tipped over. Maybe the ropes were used to strangle him." Kyle says, hiding the lies. "Which would explain this red mark I found around his neck." Katie says, not believing what he says.
"Morgue report; there was a red, strangle mark. There was a small dribble of blood around it as well, so the clear cause of death has to be strangle." Kallista reports. "Okay, that kind of makes sense, because I found ropes around the crime scene." Winter adds. "Alex had left a note at the last known whereabouts, saying he knew who the killer way. The bad part was, all the names were crossed out." Greg finishes. "We solve the riddle. We win." Winter smiles. "Can we trust Kyle though." Kallista asks, worried.
"Alright my dear guest, it is a true shame that we only have 2 more riddles left in our little game." Thomas frowns. "Gee, that's to bad." Kyle says sarcastically. After a small laugh, the guest recover and turn their attention on Thomas.
"In this bag I hold what you need
For this is where the next clue shall lead
Arange them in the order of the Scarlet King
Then find his almost identical twin
Think you can make it far?
Then it's time to raise the bar!"
The guest are frozen in thought for some time, but then they take off, each heading in their separate directions.
Kyle heads to the pool, and searches through the grass, pool equipment, plants, and chairs, but finds nothing. He knows he cant search forever, so he takes off. Greg and Winter went to the study, where they also find Kallista and Katie, looking at a book. "Snakes: Poisonous and Non-Poisonous." Kallista and Katie read to themselves. Greg and Winter begin to look at the books, and Greg frowns. "I cant believe I missed this." Kallista slowly opens her bag and finds two dice. "Scarlet King is a snake. Dice have snake eyes." Kallista figures out in a low voice. Her mouth gapes open, she taps Katie, and they run off. Greg and Winter look at them, and continue to study the books.
"Raise the bar!" Kallista shouts from ahead. "What?" Katie shouts back. "THE BAR!" Kallista shouts. They reach the bar, and begin to search around. Katie finds a button and presses it with a quick push. The bar lifts up about a foot, an a monopoly board sits under it. They both dump their bag, with the 2 dice and begin to arrange them. "Put your dice with 1 dot facing up!" Kallista orders. Katie does as she says, and suddenly the monopoly board turns into a screen with the next clue. "I kill with one bite, I'll give you a fright. Head to the near table, and solve this fable." Katie and Kallista read aloud together. They both look over and see the pool table. "Pool!" Kallista shouts. Katie presses the button to lower the bar back down. Just as they run out, Greg and Winter run in. "They left, nothing is here!" Winter cries, and they meet Kyle at the steps.
Kallisa and Katie quickly reach the pool. "Search everywhere!" Kallista shouts. "I'm on it!" Katie answers. They continue to search the plants, pool supplies, chairs, grass, patio, but find nothing. "The baskets!" Katie realizes, and heads over to the basket by the pool steps. She opens it and shrieks. Kallista runs over, and they both stair at the giant boa constrictor slithering around in the basket. The bell rings.
"Look. I don't trust Kyle, Winter and Greg anymore. I want to be on your side now Katie." Kallista says. "What do you say?" "I say yes." Katie smiles. "Okay. So by the way, at the last known whereabouts, Alex left a note saying he knew who the killer was. But then all the names were crossed off." Kallista explains to her. "And your group knows this?" Katie questions. "Yes, but they have no information about the riddle whatsoever." She assures her. "Then I'm on board."
Kyle walks in on the conversation. "Hey Katie can I- why is Kallista here?" He groans. "Oh, you didn't hear? Well, let me enlighten you. I don't trust you 3 anymore. We have all the information we need, and we unmask 1 of you as the killer." Kallista smirks. "Well fine. We still have more people." Kyle rolls his eyes and turns away. "Not for long." Kallista mumbles under her breath. Katie gives a slight giggle of the small bicker between them.
"Kallista has completely turned on us!" Kyle explains to the group. "Crap. Now we have no idea how those ropes strangled him." Greg pouts. "Maybe it wasn't the ropes... I don't know!" Winter cries. "Well, it's quite clear 1 of us will get a scared card, at most 2." Greg thinks. "So clearly we just need to go about this solo until the next murder." Kyle concludes. They all nod their heads, and head off to their rooms.
Greg tries to write down every theory imaginable. Nothing seems to add up for him. He wears a light blue button down, with khaki dress pants and a long ebony tie. He fixes it several times in the mirror, though it's not his tie he's nervous of, it's his case.
Katie puts on her light pink gloss over her lips, and does a fashionable smokey eye. She puts her hair back into a fishtail and picks out her dress for the evening. A short, turquoise and white blue vertically striped dress. Her heals are a cold black and she takes out her fishtail, causing her hair to curl around her shoulders.
The mirror reflects another scared image. Winter has clearly been crying, and continues to put loads of make-up on to cover up her fears. She wears a long, white mermaid dress with silver heals and silver jewelry to match. She curls her hair over her shoulder and walks out, to submit her loose ended case.
A smile crosses Kallista's face. She wears a purple, silk tank top with gold gems around the top. White dress pants cover her legs and she has her famous black boots on her feet. She does her hair in an elaborate bun and begins to leave the room. "Here we go."
Kyle wears a light blue polo, along with khaki pants, much like Greg. Besides the fact that he wears his boat shoes and no tie. A bunch of torn pieces of paper litter his bedroom, and scribbles all over his note pad. He paces around his room, trying to think of a theory worthy of the killer.
Greg conceives Kallista to be the killer
Kallista supposes the killer is Kyle
Katie believes that Kyle is the killer
Kyle thinks Kallista is the murderer
Winter suggest that the killer is Kallista
They each head out onto the patio, where an outside tiki dinner was to be planned. Thomas stand there, wearing a lei, and gives a different colored 1 to each of the remaining guest. Wooden tiki tables, tiki torches, and tiki statues litter the floor. A slight breeze blows through the air, just enough to refresh the guest. They do the limbo, and indulge in a lavish meal of salmon and cherries.
"All fun aside, my dear guest, it seems as if 1 of you has slithered their way into the killers crime. Katie!" The fun in the air has dropped, and everyone stares at Katie. Greg, Kyle and Winter are frustrated. Kallista smiles at her companion. "You are spared! As for the rest of you, lets hear of how exactly Alexander died."
"Alex couldn't sleep, much like the rest of you. With that thunderous racket outside, who could? I had earlier rigged the door nob, so if anyone tried to open it, it would shock them. When Alex got out of bed, and reached the bottom of the steps, I pushed him outside... stranding him out their. He fell, scraped his, which caused the bloody hand print on the glass door." Everyone looks around at eachother, nervous.
"That's when my BOA CONSTRICTOR came in! It slithered out of the basket, and strangled him to death. The ropes were only put their to confuse you. Slithering by you, your killer!" Thomas finishes, and hands out the remaining 4 cards around the table. "Kallista, begin."
"Spared." She smiles and looks at Kyle. "What a fool." She mumbles. "Greg." Thomas gestures towards Greg. The first of the blood written scared cards have been revealed. "Shit." Greg rolls his eyes. "Miss Winter." She slowly opens her card, and looks away right as it pulls out, and flips it towards the others at the table. "Spared. Nice job." Kyle sighs. She looks at her card in shock. Without the direction, Kyle quickly rips open his envelope, and already knows it's scared.
"My dearest apologies to Kyle and Greg. But I do have some good news! From one party to another, we shall be having a neon dance party inside the great room! Drinks are on ALL NIGHT!" Thomas shouts with joy. They all join him and throughout the drunk night, unwind and have fun. Neon lights and colors illuminate the entire room. They dance, joke around, get drunk and relax after so many days of pure terror.
A shrill scream wakes them up. The sun hasn't quiet risen yet, so they stumble around to find where it comes from. The guest push open the door and run out to the pool area. They see Greg atop the manor, on a large metal plank hanging off the side, hovering over the pool. "Holy shit!" Kyle screams. "What do we do!?" Katie pleads. However there is no times to react. He is suddenly forced forwards and falls down the 2 story mansion. Blood splatters the ground, and he lands in the hot tub. "My guest, Greg's murder shall be our final investigation before the finale."
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