《Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery》Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery ~ A "Shocking" Twist
Kallista, Winter, Greg, Kyle and Alex all enter the dining room for breakfast. "Where is Katie?" Kyle asks. "And Dave?" They each sit and begin to indulge in waffles draped with syrup. "I hear foot steps" Greg hushes everyone. They all stare at the glass french doors, and Katie walks in, wearing a lavender sun dress. She smiles at everyone, and twirls. Kallista, Kyle, Alex, Winter and Greg all get up to hug her. "So I guess that means Dave?" "Dave!" Kallista shouts and points, and then Dave walks through the doors. Everyone gets up and joins in a group hugs. "I have never been so glad to see ANYONE!" Dave hugs Katie.
"I see you all have survived the night! Please, enjoy your waffles!" Thomas smiles. They enjoy their waffles, engaging in small, early morning talk.
The power goes out, and a small "pop" is heard. The power comes back on, and Dave is dead, slumped in his chair. "Oh my gosh Dave!" Winter shrieks. 6 guest remain.
Everyone stares at the limp body in horror. Yet another one of the faithful guest has passed. The power has been fixed, and the guest pace impatiently about the dining room for yet another investigation. Thomas slowly enters through the french doors that lead to the kitchen.
"My dear guest, so it would seem you have passed the halfway point in the competition! I would like to congratulate you all and host a lovely party, but we have an investigation to do, and today's shall be like no other!" The guest flash quick, worried glances at each other. "Today there will be the typical 3 areas for you to investigate." Thomas continues. "The morgue, the crime scene, and the last known whereabouts." The guest nod, following what he says. "However there shall be 2 more areas for you to oversee! The electrical room and the surveillance room!" They all look puzzled for the reason of the 2 extra areas. "However that's not all." "It's never enough" Alex smirks. "We will be competing in a small challenge, the person who wins, will get to look at 2 areas after everyone else has finished their investigations." Everyone sends evil glares towards each other. They all want the right to the extra area. "Shall we hear of this... mini game?"
"I am just so very proud of all of you making it this far in my little game! Those who have died, their theories were to blame. Correctly place the order of the deaths, or you could take your very last breath!" Thomas reads the note aloud to the guest. "Please, join me in the great room."
6 odd looking tables have been set up in a circle around the dance floor. "Each of you, please, sit at one of the tables. As you know, we have investigated 5 deaths on the manor! There are a total of 6 cards on the table, 5 of them are picture clues of the 5 deaths. One card will have to do with the next. It is your job to place the 5 cards in order of murders, and discarding the 6th." The guest nod, but have puzzled looks on their faces. Who will get this challenge? "You may begin!"
There are 6 cartoon pictures, one for each card. A falling girl, a pool, a bow, a bed, a playing card and a bottle. "What?" Winter sighs in frustration. They each scramble to fit the pieces together, one by one. "I have it!" Alex shouts. Thomas walks over to his table, while the others watch in desperation. "I'm sorry sir Alex, this is incorrect. All of you may continue." Thomas explains. Alex hangs his head and gets back to work. The same happens to Katie and Greg. "I have it!" Winter shouts, hopeful. In order she has the falling girl, a pool, a bottle, a bed and finally a bow. In her discard pile, she has the playing card. "Winter, you have successfully ordered the deaths for our little contest!" "Yes!" She whispers cheerfully. "Winter, you may now choose which 2 areas you would like to investigate after everyone has completed their own?" She thinks for a couple seconds before stating her final answer. "Last known and surveillance." She confirms, loudly.
"Alright, as for the rest of you, each person must go to a different area. I doubt you'd be able to make a decision as a whole, so you will each chose a random card stating which area you shall investigate." Thomas holds 5 cards in his hand, each face down. "Katie, you first." She picks one, and flips it over. "Last known whereabouts." She says to everyone. "Greg." "Morgue." "Kallista." "Crime scene." She shows her card to everyone, smiling. "Kyle." He slowly flips his card, almost as if it were a scared card. "Electrical room, sweet." He exclaims. "Which means Alex, you have the surveillance room!" Tina shall lead Greg and Kyle to the basement for the morgue and electrical room. Gina will lead Alex and Katie upstairs, to the surveillance and last known whereabouts, in this case, his bedroom. And Kallista, I will lead you to the morgue. Winter, you may relax on the patio until you are called. The guest each head off in their separate directions.
THE MORGUE: The morgue is creepy enough, but when you're alone, you feel as if the eyes of the body are watching you, watching your every move. "I hate going here." Greg admits. He scoots closer to the body, with the fear it might just spring to life. "Alright, Dave, how did you die?" He says to himself. "There's no blood, so where did the POP come from? Was it a gun... or..." Greg, being an engineer, realized something. "An electric spark! Explaining the power outage!" He realizes. Greg turns him over and tries to flip him on his stomach. "Cant move the back and neck, so it has be a serious electric charge up his spine!" Greg boasts proudly. "Dave, rest in piece my friend." Greg walks out, more confident.
THE LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: Dave's room looks completely normal. Bed is made, nothing on the walls or furniture, nothing is really out of place. Katie instantly runs into the bathroom, looks in doors, cabinets, draws, but finds nothing. "Is there anything here AT ALL I can use?" Katie stresses. Suddenly she notices something. "What is this?" A black bag sits on the edge of the counter. She slowly lifts the bag open, and then quickly steps back. Inside the bag are 3 straps. "Tasers? What could these be used for?" 2 of the straps hold tasers, and another is empty. "Maybe this had to do with the pop. Something electrical?"
THE CRIME SCENE: Kallista enters through the glass french doors she walked through only hours ago. The smell of waffles, syrup, and butter is still present. "Poor Dave." She whispers, with an actual side of sadness. She goes over to the regal chair Dave had been present in when the power had gone off. "This isn't like the rest of our chairs." Kallista notices. "Why is there a metal frame on yours while the rest of ours are wooden?" Kallista ponders on this difference between the chairs. "There was a pop. There is a metal chair. Dave was in the chair. Dave died in the chair. Power went out. Power came back on. 5 areas to investigate. Electrical room. Electrical reaction?" Kallista uses these thoughts out loud to figure out what exactly happened when Dave died.
THE SURVEILLANCE ROOM: A very small, cold room greets Alex. The attic is made of pure wood, and cobwebs as well as spare boxes seem to occupy the space. "With cobwebs come spiders." Alex shivers at the thought that many spiders are around him. He sits in a cadet blue, ripped swiveling chair. A large, old, static filled monitor stands in front of him, and he presses PLAY on the old style remote. An image flashes on the old screen, in black and white. "Okay, so it's us at breakfast, we're all sitting..." Alex observes. Suddenly the screen goes black, and then a white flash appears where Dave was just sitting. "Holy!" Alex jumps back. Then the power comes back on, and it zooms in on Dave being dead. "One of you 6 shall be next." The eerie words are written on the screen. Alex pushes himself from the chair, and out the door of the attic.
THE ELECTRICAL ROOM: "This is new." Kyle examines. A fully steel coated room is what Kyle first walks into. "Very much like the morgue." Chills are sent down Kyle's spine. He notices a back-up generator, circuit breaker, 2 very large power boxes, and a tool box. There is, however, one this out of the ordinary. "What are these wires used for?" Red, blue, and white wires come from a small power circuit on the ground and reach all the way to the ceiling. On the ceiling in black sharpie is written; "Dave's Chair?!"
LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS (WINTER'S TIME): She looks around the bedroom, opening draws of the grand dresser. She looks in the nightstand, turns over pillows, under sheets, and finally decided to head to the bathroom. "What could be inside this black case?" The 2 tasers in the slots with the one absent slot are present inside the case. "Why would he have 3 tasers on him?" She moves over the case, and finds the answer. "Take 1 and only 1 of the tasers, and you shall be spared." Winter reads aloud, shocked. "This case just got very 'shoking'."
SURVEILLANCE ROOM (WINTER'S TIME): Winter enters the attic, cautious of what she might find. She instantly notices the surveillance screen, and chair. "This is too obvious." She confirms, and begins to pace around the attic, she looks through the boxes, but finds nothing but junk. She swipes down the cobwebs, and screams when she sees a spider. "Whatever, I'll just watch the video." She stomps, and sits upwards in the old, torn chair. "Gross." She gags. She uses the old fashion remote and presses the play button. "Ugh, black and white!" She slumps. The screen flashes the image of the power outage, and the light explosion. "Some sort of explosion, it has to be." She stalks out of the room, head held high.
"You all now have finished your investigations, so you may now meet with your groups to discuss your findings." Thomas leaves the guest, and they each break into groups, one on the patio, another in the great room.
The sun shines down on the pool, making it glisten in the light. The air is hot, and the 3 guest use fans to keep cool. "Alright, Greg, you can start us off." Winter mocks Thomas' voice, and Greg and Kallista laugh. "No blood or noticeable wounds, but you cant shift his back and neck. Being an engineer, I know that could be an electric charge that paralyzed him." Greg states proudly. "It seems electric is the theme here, at the last known whereabouts, there were tasers left out for Dave to take, and he did take 1. I believe this has to do with something." Winter explains to her group, and they nod in approval. "And at the surveillance room, there was some sort of the blast during the crime, explaining the pop." She finishes, allowing Kallista to speak. "All of our chairs were wooden, but Dave's was metal. I think, since metal conducts electricity, that somehow it went up the chair, into him." Kallista and the rest of the group nod, and head back in.
Meanwhile; Katie, Alex and Kyle all sit together on the big sofa. Different then the outside, air conditioning flows through the house, messing up everyone's hair. They each tap their feet, nervously. "In Dav'es bathroom, there were tasers. 3 slots, 1 in each slot, and 1 slot was empty. I think the taser had to do with his death." "The surveillance room showed a very big explosion during the blackout, it might have been electrical." "Which would explain why there were wires going to the bottom of the dining room, right under Dave's feet." The 3 look nervous, knowing the other group has more power.
"Now you all have shared your findings, it's time for the daily riddle!" Thomas booms. "That's nothing new." Katie rolls her eyes. "I feel like it's a news paper, each day the same thing, but with a twist." Alex adds in. "Today's riddle is..."
"Spiders climb, spiders fall. Figure out this puzzle, all. Please do not be scared, for if you solve this you shall be spared! Connect the wires to the next, and then read the snow white text."
The guest now notice 6 slanted, pitch black, steel tables. They each face back to the patio glass doors, blocking most of the light, trying to seep through. As a baseboard, there are a series of octagons, septagons and hexagons within each other, getting smaller and smaller. Copper wires sit on the table, as well as a blurry monitor. Now they understand.
"We have to make the wires to connect to turn on the monitors." Greg explains. Everyone sends small, nervous glances to each other, before dashing to the tables like it's a buffet. They begin to take the wires, each one a different length, and connect the small, metal dots to eachother. "Connect the dots." Winter smirks. "This should be just great." She sighs, and continues to work.
Greg and Katie are the first to finish. The screens begin to clear, and white text begins to appear. "Find this in the dining room, for there are 3 that hold the key. 1 that shall be free." Greg and Katie whisper loudly. Winter and Kyle have now finished, and Kallista isn't far behind. Alex stills struggles to wrap his fingers around this delicate puzzle.
Greg, Katie, Kyle, Winter and Kallista all run to the dining room. They burst through the french doors, and notice a glass box. In front of the box, are 6 black boxes, they each grab 1, and read the note inside. Each note states a destination where a key may be found. By this time, all 6 of the guest have reached the kitchen and have read the note inside each black box. Katie and Kallista's say the morgue. Greg and Kyle's say the pool. Winter and Alex's say the study. They all take off, trying to push each other out of the way, to ensure the win.
Alex and Winter both reach the study quickly. The fling books off of the shelf, and bush chairs over. Alex notices a large book atop the study desk, the cover reads; "Electrical Mystery." He flips open to an odd looking page and finds a silver key. He quickly flips the book cover down, and slips the key in his back pocket, inconspicuously. He slowly edges towards the door, then turns on his heel and exits. Winter still looks through a pile of old books.
Katie and Kallista literally push each other down the stairs. They barge into the morgue, and find nothing but a cold, silver room. They look everywhere. In the modern, metal draws, cabinets, under the tables. "Where is this god damn key!" Kallista shouts, frustrated. Katie pays no attention, as she has found the key, among a bunch of scalpels and other metal tools hanging off of steel pegs. She dashes out, and Kallista catches her out of the corner of her eye, following with a determined pace.
Greg and Kyle each burst through the patio doors. "There's gotta be a key somewhere" Kyle expresses. They look over and under the lounge chairs, around the fountain sculpture, by the potted plants, around the fields, nothing. Greg looks into the pool and find a small, sparkling object. He jumps in, dives all the way to the bottom, grabs it, and swims back up. He reaches the edge of the pool, when Kyle grabs the key. However, Greg knows not to let go, and pulls Kyle under. Greg then hoist himself up on the ledge, and runs back into the kitchen, soaping wet.
Greg, being the closest, it the first to reach the kitchen. He flips his key in the glass box, and twist. It opens, and underneath is a bottle of syrup. "This doesn't add up." He sighs. A gong rings, signalling the evidence has been found. "Damn, I messed up again!" Greg expresses. He lifts up the syrup, and the power goes out. "Ahh!" Katie's shriek can be heard throughout the mansion. A small spark can be seen, illuminating around Dave's chair. "Now it adds up."
"Greggory! You have solved the riddle! Your first time, I might add." Thomas tips his hat off to him. Winter hugs him, and then the guests each split up into their separate groups.
"That's it. 1 of us is going to die tonight." "I was so close!" Alex sulks. "I was already out the door." Katie expresses. "Greg pulled me in the pool. It was actually quite funny." They all give a slight laugh, but it dies off as the realization sets in. "Tomorrow, we'll be 2." Katie chokes back tears.
"Good job Greg!" Winter smiles. "Dave has been avanged." Kallista says. "So, how'd it all go down?" Winter questions, very interested. "So I opened the glass box with my golden key, and under it was the syrup bottle." He explains. "I'm thinking, why would this be here, okay, big whoop. But I lifted it, which caused the power to go out. It then sent a small electric spark in his chair." Greg confirms. "And because there was a taser or something in his back pocket, it caused the spark to charge within him and kill him!" Winter realizes proud. "Save it for state your case." Kallista remarks.
Kallista sits in her room alone. She puts on silver dangle earrings, and a silver chain necklace. Her long, black locks flow behind her shoulders. She curls up her hair, a style much like snow white. She puts on a navy blue short dress with a black belt, and black heal boots. She continues to do her make-up to prepare for the night.
Alex wears a yellow and blue striped button down. He puts on blue dress pants, darker then the stripes, and comb's his hair over to the left side. A pad of paper sits next to him on his bed, with theories crossed out and re-written. He slips on his dark dress shoes, and looks in the mirror one more time.
Katie wears a long, yellow gown. It has a silky texture, and has shiny spots when under lighting. "Let's hope I live." She states to the mirror. She puts on bright pink lip gloss and blush. Her gold flower earrings and necklace complement everything perfectly, including her gladiators. She pulls her auburn hair back into a pony tail, and pins back her bangs.
Greg looks very confident. He wears a white tuxedo and a purple bow tie. His dirty blond hair is tossed, and he puts on white dress shoes to match. His notepad is full, even though it was supposed to last the entire season, it now is a full story. Confident he will get the best guess, he puts in his left earring and heads down.
Kyle paces nervously around his room. "I don't want to suffer the same fate my brother did. I have to stay alive for him." He continues to pace around. He rolls up the cuffs on his white shirt, and puts on khaki dress pants, as well as Sperry Top-Sider (OFFICIAL BRAND) shoes. He takes a deep breath, and combs his hair back. "Let's do this." He whispers while exiting.
Winter smiles as she puts on a light red-sparkle coat of lip-gloss. She uses a hair curler to curl her hair over to 1 side. Her under layers are black, while the top is blond. This gives an interesting aspect to her hair. She wears black fish-net leggings and a small, tight red dress. She puts on the rest of her makeup, but no jewelry. She slips on her black stalleto's (OFFICIAL BRAND) and struts out.
Alex believe Kallista is the killer
Greg believes Winter is the killer
Kallista suspects Alex is the killer
Katie conceives the killer Kallista
Kyle thinks Kallista is the killer
Winter thinks the killer is Alex
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