《Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery》Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery ~ Claws & Jaws
A shrill scream wakes them up. The sun hasn't quiet risen yet, so they stumble around to find where it comes from. The guest push open the door and run out to the pool area. They see Greg atop the manor, on a large metal plank hanging off the side, hovering over the pool. "Holy shit!" Kyle screams. "What do we do!?" Katie pleads. However there is no times to react. He is suddenly forced forwards and falls down the 2 story mansion. Blood splatters the ground, and he lands in the hot tub. "My guest, Greg's murder shall be our final investigation before the finale."
Sunrise brightens the outdoor pool area. The 4 remaining guest stand, nervous of what to expect for the day. "My dear guest, welcome to the final investigation before the end to this horrifying game!" Thomas booms. The guest look hopeful, realizing they are only 1 day away from possibly winning 1,000,000 dollars. "Today, there shall be the usual 3 areas. The morgue, where you may over see the body of the deceased. Or perhaps you would like the crime scene, the pool area. And finally the final last known whereabouts, the roof top. Please take the time to decide which area you'd like to visit." Thomas patiently for them to make their decision on their location.
"Ok. Well 1 of us will be going alone. And one of them will be going alone. I think no matter what, you should go alone." Katie says to Kallista. "Agreed. So no matter what, go with Winter." Kallista explains. "Deal. So you will go alone. Along with Kyle." "Alright. Good luck." They both hug each other, and then head to Thomas.
"My gut tells me last known whereabouts." Winter says. "You've been good in those areas, So I agree. I'll go to the open area, which will hopefully be the morgue." Kyle hopes. "So the question is, who is going alone?" "Well just have to wait and see."
"It seems our dearest guest have made a decision." "Who here would like to visit the morgue?" Before Kyle can even get a chance to raise his hand, Kallista shoots her hand up and smiles. But Kyle also raises his hand a couple seconds later. "Ugh." Katie grunts. "And the crime scene?" Katie puts her hand up. "Winter, I'm assuming you'd like the last known whereabouts?" "Your assumptions are correct."
THE MORGUE: Kyle and Kallista send evil glares towards each other. The enter the morgue, still fed up with each other. "Well. The first apparent thing is the bruises from the fall." Kyle states. "As well as broken arms, wrist, legs, ankles and neck." "Typical for a fall." Kallista rolls her eyes. "But the killer wouldn't just have someone fall. It would be a much different death." Kallista continues on with her theory. "So we need to look for something the killer wouldn't expect us to see." "Like this?" Kyle looks at the neck and back of the body, and find large, deep red gashes and slashes all over. "That's weird. They almost look like whip marks." Kyle and Kallista leave, with even more questions then answers.
THE CRIME SCENE: Katie walks around the pool cautiously. "Okay, what am I looking for?" A large spawn of dried blood spills over the patio ground and a little into the hot tub. "So he did bleed out." However, Katie also notices blood splatters on the wall of the manor, in the grass, and farther spread out from the pool area. "He didn't explode though." "Did he die in mid air? Or, he died up thier, which is why he fell down. So, what killed him? It clearly wasn't the fall." Katie continues to talk to herself, and then stops. "Ok. I'm alone. Kallista will gather information. If me and her win the riddle, we'll live. So I think I'm okay." Katie tries to reassure herself with her words, then exits.
THE LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: "Got the area I was hoping for!" Winter celebrates as she walks through the attic up to the roof. "Woah" She screams. Wind whips around her, and makes it very hard to hear, and walk into. Right away she notices something. "What the heck is a giant steel cage doing on top of a manor?" She also notices scratches among the rough that leads to the platform Greg was standing on. "So if there is blood up here, did he die up here? Maybe the scratch marks are from him struggling? This isn't adding up!" Winter shouts, frustrated with herself. "I just need the riddle." She calms down, and heads back down the hatch from the attic.
The guest form into one large group at first in the great room. "Alright. Well, good luck guys." Kyle says to everyone awkwardly. "Uh. Yeah." Katie answers back. They then split up. Kyle and Winter stay in the great room, while Katie and Kallista head downstairs into the theatre room.
"Okay. So they have the last known whereabouts. So we won't get that information at all, most likely. So I'll just discuss the crime scene. There was blood splattered EVERYWHERE." Katie explains to Kallista. "So clearly, he died either in mid air, or when he fell." Kallista realizes. "At the morgue, his neck and back had deep slashes and gashes like he was whipped." "Oh!" They both think for a couple of minutes. "We NEED to solve this riddle."
"So we wont get any information from the crime scene. But I doubt well need that. Because the last known whereabouts were really helpful!" Winter boasts. "Alright, what did you find?" "A Silver steel cage. Most likely for an animal." Winter explains, smiling. "Well, if it was animal, that could have been what slashed his back." "There were slashes?" Winter questions Kyle. "Yeah, they were really deep, and all over his back." Kyle tells her. "Wow."
"Alright, my dear guest!" Thomas explains. "Our final riddle for our final investigation before the finale!" "Finally!" Kyle jokes. "Here we go..."
"You all have poured your hearts out here in my little game!
Most of you will die just same!
Head to the place you go at night
Will you lose your voice, touch, hearing or sight?"
Everyone instantly heads upstairs to his or her bedroom to see what could await the guest for this final challenge.
In Kallista's room, a mouth piece and mask sits on her bed, along with a note. "A bounded leaf will guide you. You have lost your speaking power, and must wear this." She reads aloud, then puts on the mouth piece, and takes off.
Katie reads her note aloud, then looks at what her gear is. Big, black leather gloves and shoes sit atop the bed. "Really!" She sighs. She puts them on, and notices she cannot grasp anything, and it's difficult to walk. But she tries anyway.
Kyle has lost his hearing. The note said for him to put in these noise-cancelling ear buds. "Please, they rarely work!" He says. Then he hears nothing as he puts them in his ears. Only a slight ring. "Great."
Winter figures out to head to her room a little late, and by the time she gets there, the others have left. "My sight?!" She expresses. She puts on the completely blacked out goggles, and begins to slowly make her way around, feeling along the walls.
"Winter!" Kyle screams at her. "STOP SCREAMING!!" She shouts. "I cant! I can't hear a thing!" He continues to shout as Katie stumbles awkwardly out of her room. "Kallista!" She trips and falls on the stairs. Kallista helps her up quickly, then points to her mouth. "I get see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. But touch no evil?" Katie continues to babble on as Kyle and Winter head into the library. "THE NOTE SAID A BOUNDED LEAF. WHICH MEANS A BOOK!" Kyle shouts aggressively. Winter just nods and stands still, having 1 hand on the wall. "A bounded leaf means some sort of book." Katie explains as she awkwardly jumps, which is easier then walking. Kallista just nods and follows her, looking for a book.
"STOP STANDING THERE WINTER!" Kyle shouts. "WHERE?!" "WHAT?" Kallista and Katie find a table with 4 books sitting on top of it. Kallista picks the first one up that has her name. "Find your monkey." Katie reads aloud. Kyle does the same, and tells Winter of what it said. They each search the entire library, until they find the mantle with the see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil monkeys. There is also an odd looking monkey that says "feel no evil." Kyle reads his and Winter's, while Katie and Kallista read theirs.
"You may now take off your silly little gear. Remember though, this isn't how it appears. Go to the room with so many doors. Here is a hint; it's on this floor." They each rip off their equipment, and begin to run around. The patio, the study, the dining room, breakfast nook & bar are all unsuccessful. Everyone continues to scatter until Kyle realizes where the many doors are and heads into the kitchen. "The cabinets are doors. The refrigerator door. Oven door. Microwave door. Dishwasher door." He explains to himself, confident that this is true. He walks in and finds a note on the island. "You're HOT on the case!" It reads. He instantly heads to the oven, in which he opens the door.
"What the hell!" He jumps back. Inside the large oven, is a cage, much like the one Winter found. Inside the cage is a midnight black panther, quietly resting. Kallista just swings the door open as the bell rings. "Damn."
Kallista paces around her room. Wondering how she plans to put her case together. "For the first time, in this entire competition, I'm nervous." She says aloud. She wears a black, sparkling high-low dress, with her classic black belt and boots. She lets her hair fall over her shoulders and continues to write down theories.
Meanwhile, Winter puts on her red lipstick and does her smokey eye. She smiles at herself, and then begins to put on her gold choker and gold bracelets. Her short green dress with fishnet stockings make her look like an evil snake, which is what many of her competitors call her behind her back.
"I need to do one little thing. Just so I can get this right." Katie sits on her bed, upset. Her bright yellow top and jeans along with her cute yellow ballerina's would usually make her look bright as ever, but not today. Her hair is in a single pony-tail. She wears a light coating of make-up, to show how beautiful she can be without it.
He already knows the case is his. "Alright. Let's win this." Kyle says into the mirror. His blue tuxedo stands out against the very regal room, but Kyle knows standing out is always a good thing. Along with his white button down under it, the blue tuxedo reminds him of the ocean. "The final state your case."
Kallista supposes Kyle is the killer
Katie believes Winter is the killer
Kyle suggest the killer is Kallista
Winter thinks that Kallista is the killer
A final meal has been prepared for the remaining 4 guest at the large table. A large collection of broccoli, tomatoes, carrots and cauliflower sit below the grilled chicken cutlet. A dish of spaghetti has also been set aside their dishes, along with Italian bread. "Nice meal."
"This is our last meal, and I'd like to make a toast!" Winter says, holding her wine glass up. "To life!" "To life!" They all reply and clink their glasses together. "Ah. So it seems you are all celebrating yourselves making it this far, and to soon be leaving this horror fest. I shall also give someone and even better reason to celebrate, for they have secured their spot in the finale!" Everyone awaits, nervous of the name that will slip Thomas' lips.
Winter pats her companion on the back, and he tries to hide his exitement of getting the case correctly. Katie and Kallista try to force a smile, but are nervous and dreadful of what is to come. "Congradulations to Kyle! You have secured your spot in the finale! There shall be one more spared card before the night ends. Good luck"
"Wasn't that party just awesome last night! The lights, the music! And of course, the drinks! Greg has drank so much he got drunk and passed out, along with the rest of you. I thought this would be a great time to finish him off."
"I had earlier ordered a panther of the internet for my next kill. I brought the STARVING panther up to the roof, and tied Greg's hands and feet together, then set him on the edge of the plank s he began to wake up. The panther was hungry, and attacked him. It mauled his back completely, killing him. Then the panther took 1 swipe and sent him falling down 2 stories. He was most certaintly dead. Roaring, your killer!"
Thomas finishes the murder story, and the guest look at him with anticipation. "Right! Of course, let's hand out the cards!" Thomas continues to hand out the cards to everyone, and then stare at it like it will blow up their face and kill them. And in this house, that is very well possible.
"Please, Katie, start us off!"
"Scared." She shows her card to all of the guest. She hides her fear with a smile, and looks at everyone else. "I'm sorry." Kallista sympathizes. "Don't be. It's the game." "Winter?" Winter opens her card, and shows everyone she is spared. "Have you ever been scared?" Thomas questions, curious. "I have not." She retorts back. Everyone stares at her, suspicious. "Kallista." "Scared." She says without having to open her card. "Unfortunately, it would be true." Thomas frowns.
"I hope you all rest up for the finale tomorrow. Until then, I bid you good night and good luck." Thomas exits, and so do the guest, not speaking a word.
Winter and Kyle are downstairs, playing pool in the bar. "So, who do you think is going to live?" Kyle asks Winter. "Kallista. I think she's the killer. So." Winter answers. "Me too." He responds. They continue to play pool until they hear footsteps coming from the steps. "Katie!" Kyle and Winter shout, and greet Katie with hugs. "So does that mean..?" "No. I'm still here." Kallista walks into the bar. "Wait, so...are we all going to be in the finale?" Katie asks, hopeful. "Well, I'm not-" "Come quick!" An English accent interrupts them. "Thomas?!"
Inside the great room, Giles stares downward at a white coffin filled with black roses. "That's... creepy." Winter backs away. "Guys!" Kallista shouts, and then everyone begins to notice. Smoke begins to pour from everywhere, coating every inch, making it impossible to see at all. Coughs and groans fill the room, and Thomas begins to shout through the smog. "Winter?" "Here!" "Kyle?" "Here as well!" "Katie?" "Yeah!" "Kallista??" No reply. "Kallista?!" Everyone begins to shout in unison. Suddenly a deep, auto-tuned and disguised voice booms around the room.
"My dear guest, welcome to the finale."
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