《Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery》Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery ~MEAT Me At The Steps
They return the great room ballroom floor around 1:20pm. They all wear classy, but casual clothing. One by one they walk down the steps. And then freeze. Waiting for them at the bottom is a gift, but I don't believe they would like to keep this present.
With a large meat cleaver sticking out of the 2 victims heads, Paige and Evan sit at the bottom of the staircase, hands tied behind their back together and flooded by blood.
"EVAN!" Kyle screams. He Burris his face in his hands, and Katie hugs him. "No freaking way." Alex stares, astonished. "But we were all just here, nothing odd was going on.' Sami pouts. "2 deaths, that's new." Jennie tilts her head, confused. "Well, I'm still alive. So whatever." Kallista shrugs. "Great. Just great." Winter glares at Kallista. "Quit it you 2." Dave scolds. They stop their bickering, but continue to send evil glances at each other.
"It seems the killer has taken not 1, but 2 victims for this murder." Thomas observed. "You all seem reeady, so let us begin our daily investigations." "Daily murders, never thought this would happen" Greg added. "Though most things have seemed to be doubled from last night, today, there will be 1 extra area to investigate today. Making a total of 4 areas to overview." Thomas explains to the stressed guest. "You may discuss with who you chose of where you would like to go. The crime scene, the morgue, the last known whereabouts of Paige, or the last known whereabouts of Evan."
Kallista and Dave decide to join Kyle and Katie. "We will have the largest group this way, and I trust you guys the most." Dave urged. "Yeah, I have to agree. We need to get information from all 4 areas." Kyle and Katie were suspicious of Dave and Kallista's gesture to unite, but went along with it so they could monopolize 1 of the areas. They sat around a chess board table in the study. During this, Sami, Greg, and Alex were sitting on the chase lounge in the great room. "We cant even get 1 area!" Sami expresses. "Maybe we could form a partial alliance with the other team? So that can assure Jennie and Winter to receive scared cards." "I like the Idea," Greg began, "however I doubt they'd agree with it." "Never hurts to try." Alex responded. "I'll go talk to them when I can."
"They left us!" Winter shouts. "After all we did!" Jennie grumbles. "We know they wont come back, and we cant even get like 2 areas. So well have to just try our best, but accept the thought that we could die tonight." Winter and Jennie look at each other, horrified. Meanwhile Alex has gone to speak with Dave. "So Dave, it's very clear we all hate Jennie and Winter. What if we formed a partial alliance, to promise not to share any information with them whatsoever." "I like the idea, but cross us, and you'll be sorry." Dave ordered. They each shake hands, and head to the great room.
"4 areas to investigate, a true test of your detective skills, as well as who is lying and telling the truth. Let us begin!" Thomas instructed. "Who would like to visit the morgue, where you will be able to view both the bodies." Dave and Alex raise their hand, then follow Gina out and down the hall. "What about Evan's last known whereabouts, his bedroom." "Kyle and Jennie, please follow Tina." They pop up and follow Tina up the stairs. "Those who would like the crime scene, may examine the dance floor here." Sami and Katie each walk over to the floor in front of the steps. "And Paige's last known whereabouts, please, follow me to the breakfast room." Greg, Winter, and Kallista follow Thomas into the breakfast room.
THE MORGUE: "It's creepy with just 2 people." Alex shudders. "I'm used to bodies by now, I figured this case needed my expertise." Dave boast. Alex rolls his eyes at his arrogance. "Already something isn't normal, Paige and Evan's skin is very blotchy and pink. Like an allergic reaction." Dave indicates. "Interesting." Alex mumbles. "Okay, let's take out this cleaver." Dave explains. "What!" Alex shouts, shocked. "That's just gross and wrong." Alex covers his eyes. "Holy!" "What is it bloody and gross?!" Alex demands. "It's fake." Dave assured. "What?" Alex opens his eyes. "The large meat cleavers are shaped to make it look like they are lodged into their heads. But they're actually fake." Dave continues. "So the cause of death was clearly not stabbed with a meat cleaver."
EVAN'S LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: Kyle enters his late brother's room. His eyes still red and puffy from crying. Jennie walks in without a care in the world. "Nothing really out of place" she whispers to herself. Kyle examines every little detail in the room. The dresser draw, nigh stand, bed, walls, floor. He finds nothing. Jennie and Kyle then head into the bathroom. "There's something." Jennie nods towards the floor. A cup sits sideways on the floor, with a small amount of color tinted water dripping out. "This has to be significant." Kyle sniffles. "It doesn't look like water. It has a weird violet shade." "Poison, maybe?" Kyle suggest. "Possibly." Jennie replies. The tension between the 2 is thick. "Maybe he drank this, passed out, and then was stabbed with the cleaver." Kyle thinks out loud. "Sure, whatever." Jennie grumbles. They walk out of his room.
PAIGE'S LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: The breakfast room is flooded with light, light water from a stream. Greg, Winter, and Kallista all enter, covering their eyes from the golden rays of the sun pouring in through the glass doors. "Look at this." Greg nudges Kallista, acting inconspicuous to Winter. A glass cup is shattered on the floor, with a odd colored milk pouring out. "I doubt they make black-berry milk." Kallista half jokes. Kallista then uses a napkin to cover it and slide it under the table as Winter examines the door. "This one has a broken lock. Interesting, right?" They both nod and begin to examine the lock as she does. "That's just about it." Winter finishes. "Let's head back."
THE CRIME SCENE: Sami and Katie walk around the pool of blood cloaking the marble floors. "I hate blood." Sami confesses. "Me too." Katie adds. "But I don't think this is blood." Katie continues. "It doesn't look thick enough, and it's too purple. Not exactly a blood color." "That's true, but you saw the blood streaming from the cut in their heads." Katie points out. "Maybe that's not what killed them."Sami insist. "We'll just have to wait and see." Katie retorts.
"You all seemed to have finished your findings. So now you have 1 hour to discuss what you have learned from your investigations." Thomas quickly exits after his line. Sami, Greg, and Alex are joined by Kallista, Dave, Kyle and Katie. "So me and Dave went to the morgue. We learned something very crucial. The cleavers in their heads were fake. They were just like those Halloween cleavers kids put into their heads!" Alex explains to his group. "Their skin was also very pink, like a reaction of some sorts." Dave adds. "Wow, that's good. Me and Katie were at the crime scene and we discovered, well, we're pretty sure the blood was fake. It wasn't thick enough and was too purple." Sami describes. "Well, it MIGHT be fake. We're not completely sure." Katie shoots back. "At Paige's last known whereabouts, there was a broken glass with an odd colored milk. Maybe poison." Greg explains. "Yeah." Kallista supports. "I think I found poison at Evan's last known whereabouts, there was an odd tinted water in a cup that seemed to be dropped on the floor." Kyle tells his group. "Same with Paige." Kallista adds.
"Wow. 7 against 2." Jennie pouts. "This isn't even worth it. Nothing was at Paige's last known whereabouts. NOTHING." "Same with Evan! It seemed like nothing was out of place!" Jennie lied. "We gotta solve the riddle or we are so dead." Winter finishes, and they go join the rest of the guest.
"RIDDLE TIME!" Thomas shouts, and the guest gather around him, waiting to hear the words of wisdom. "Up, up, and away. Fields as white as snow. From there you shall find a clue, that shows you where to go. This will be quiet a performance, a truly lovely show!" The guest don't wait a minute. 'Wait! Before you go, take these safety scissors, one color for each of you." Red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple, pink, and black safety scissors lay on a tray in Thomas' hands. They all grab one, and dash off.
6 guest run up stairs. Many of them already panting. Dave, Kyle, Alex, Jenni and Winter all run into the bedrooms of the maids. The maids carpets are white. "White as snow." Winter whispers to Jennie. They begin to throw things and tare the room apart. Dressers pushed down, sheets stripped, lamps crashed. They run into the bathroom, and destroy everything in sight like a hurricane. No luck. Outside, Katie, Sami, Kallista and Greg are running way beyond the manor and up a large hill. "White field of flowers!" Katie pants as they see the hill coating with white, blooming daisies. "Whats...That?" Greg pants. Sami trailing far in the back, Kallista not far behind Katie. A large object sits on top of the hill.
A wooden frame, hanging 9 burlap body bags. "Oh lord, what's inside." Greg heaves. At this time, Kallista has caught up to Greg and Katie. Each body bag color matches the color of their safety scissors. Kallista rips down the black bag, while Katie pulls purple, and Greg rips the blue. "Behead what is inside." Katie reads the note on the outside. "Feels kinda light for a body." Kallista points out. They unzip-per the bag, and find giant stuffed animals inside. "What?" Greg almost laughs. They take the safety scissors and begin to cut the neck of the fluff filled toys. Sami has reached the top, and does the same with her orange bag. Far in the distance, you can see Winter and Dave sprinting to the hill.
Greg finishes his animal first, followed by Sami. A compass with a note on the back is placed inside the neck. "NES." Sami questions. Kallista now joins them. "N=North, S=South, E=East." Kallista explains. "Everything but west!" They line up their compasses with west and take off. "Ugh!" Katie sighs, still trying to rip the head off. Winter and Dave have just begun reading the cards on the body bag. Jennie, Alex, and Kyle now begin to sprint up the hill.
Kallista now the fastest, runs ahead of Sami and Greg, who are barreling down the hill. They end up near the back of the manor. The house creates shade with the shadow covering them. A large, ebony box sits infront them. They begin to rip and tear at the box until it burst up. Katie is now running towards them. Too late. The bell rings, signalling the guests to return to the great room, while the other 3 discover the answer to the riddle. "Poison!" Sami expresses. 3 bottles of red-violet toxins sit in the crate. 2 are empty, one is full. Each one labeled. "PAIGE," "EVAN" and "KALLISTA." Kallista lets out a gasp. Shocked. "The killer was planning on killing me too." Kallista exclaims. "Can that part PLEASE just be kept to ourselves?" Kallista pleads. They nod their heads, wide-eyed at the truth they just uncovered.
"Kallista, Greg, and Sami! Congratulations on solving the riddle!" Thomas boast. "You all may discuss with who you please." Thomas leaves, and the guest form 2 groups. Winter and Jennie sit alone in the study. "The note said 'Behead what is inside' but then the bell went off, and I didn't have time to open it." Winter confesses. "We just have to go with what we know." Jennie starts. "Which is nothing." Winter finishes. "Good luck" and the 2 hug.
The other group seems to be elated. "We did it!" "We finally beat Winter and Jennie!" shouts of joy erupt from the group. "So what did you guys find?!" Alex questions, smiling. "2 empty bottles of poison." Greg tells them. "One labeled 'EVAN' another labeled 'PAIGE'." "I just want my brother to have justice, as well as Paige, Walt and Olivia." Kyle sighs. They all nod. "Let's get ready." Sami suggest. They get up and go to their rooms.
Each guest is taken into the study one by one to state their case. Kallista, Greg and Sami look confident. Dave, Kyle, Katie and Alex looks ready. Winter and Jennie have a look of pure fear on them. The following are the accusations of each guest.
Alex believes Winter is the killer
Dave thinks Kyle is the killer
Greg has suspected Alex to be the killer
Jennie considers Kallista is the killer
Kallista believes Alex is the killer
Katie supposes Jennie is the killer
Kyle supposes Greg is the killer
Sami thinks Kallista is the killer
Winter believes Katie is the killer
A pineapple chicken and rice meal sits at the guest seats. Red wine is poured into each glass. The table is decorated with beautiful accents. The guest are just as luxurious. Gowns and tuxedo's fill the room. They all sit down, putting their napkins on their laps. Thomas walks in as soon as they are all seated. "Cutting to the chase, I see." Dave points out. "The killer believe one of you has worked 'double duty' to crack this case. Kallista!" Thomas emphasized her name. She smiles shyly, and blushes. "No longer scared anymore." Thomas smiles at her. "Let's hear how she perfectly matched this murder."
"Paige was in the breakfast room, finishing her glass of milk. Evan was in his bathroom, rinsing his mouth of toothpaste. However, they didn't realize that both of their liquids were filled with poison! They each colapsed, dropping their drinks, and died instantly. However, to make it less obvious, I bought fake blood and fake cleavers and tied them together, to make it seem as if they were struck with the large butcher's knife. I had a 3rd bottle with "Kallista's" name on it. I never got to use it, for she had a bottle of water instead of drinking from the kitchen tap. 2 times the fun was still enough! I then hid the bottles of poison behind the back of the building, where Kallsita, Greg and Sami later found it. Until next time, your killer!"
Tears roll down Kyle's face, and Katie hugs her friend. "Kallista is already spared, as many of you will be as well. But 2 or more scared cards sit somewhere in these envelopes." Thomas states. He then hands out the cards to each guest and begins to ask them to open their cards. "Please begin, Winter."
Winter breathes heavily. She shakes, and her eyes are filled with water. She jiggles the card out of the envelope, and in script ebony, SPARED is written on the card. "Wow." Alex gasps. The rest of the guests are speachless, as is Winter. She then begins to cry, happy she is spared. Dave and Katie are also spared. "Alexander, you are next." Alex takes a breath, and opens his card with a swift movement. "You've gotta be kidding." He flips it over, and the blood reads; SCARED. "He shouldn't be scared!" Sami protest. Sami and Greg are called next, and are both spared. "Jennie, you now." Jennie is expecting what is inside. She opens it, and sure enough, crimson red letters are spelled out to make the word: SCARED. "Kyle, last but not least." He rips it open, and is spared. "My apologies to Jennie and Alex, good luck to you all." Some of the guest begin to eat, but most have lost their appetite. "Surprised you're spared." Alex spits at Winter. "Most likely the killer." Kallista suggest. Many of the guest agree in shouts. "Just shut-up and eat!" Jennie shouts above everyone. They do so.
BOOM! A large explosion wakes the guest around 3:10am. "What the hell!" Kyle shouts. The guest rush out of their rooms, panicked and sleep deprived. The fire alarm goes off, and smoke seems to be pouring from one of the guest rooms. The door is blown to smithereens, and a look inside shows Jennie's burnt and charred body laying limp on the floor.
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