《Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery》Whodunnit? A Manor Of Mystery ~ High Die-ve
13 every day guest checked into Rue Manor. What they didn't know, was that they would be playing a diabolical game of life and death. Every day, one guest will be killed. It is then the job of the remaining guests to solve the crime. The guest with the worst assumption is then the next to go. The twist, the killer is amongst them!
And last time...
"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" 4 short, high-pitched beeps awaken the guest. Their alarms were set to 10am. Jennie, Kallista, and Katie each already are enjoying a bowl of cereal and milk in the breakfast room. Kyle and Evan discuss matters over a chess game. Paige, Dave and Greg freshen-up in their bathrooms. Alex has slept through his alarm. Winter has decided to rest outside, lounging by the pool.
"Walt, seems as if you wanted to get in an early swim!" Winter says to him. "Walt?" "GUYS!" Winter screams. Jennie, Kallista, Katie, Kyle, and Evan run out to join Winter. "Oh my gosh." Evan gasps. Walt's body lay cold and lifeless in his aquatic grave.
At this time, the remaining 11 guest have run outside. They stare in horror at Walt's dead body floating in the pool. His lips are blue, as well as the tips of his fingers. Winter buries her face in her hands, Greg look confused, and Kyle stares with horror. "My dear guest, it seems the killer has struck again. Another mystery, another day." Thomas, the manor butler booms. "You may gather with who you would like, and then decide which area you would prefer to investigate. The morgue, where his body be laid to rest, his last known whereabouts; his bedroom. Finally the crime scene, here at the pool. Please, discuss." Thomas exits the outdoor space, the 2 maids following. The guest form groups, slightly different from last time.
Winter and Dave, who had just lost Walt of their "team" have now gained Kallista and Jennie. "Me and Winter did really well at the last known whereabouts last time" Jennie says, with a hint of arrogance in her voice. "Therefore, we should go again." Winter nods in agreement. "I'd like to take the Morgue." Kallista states. "It's not an option, I'm taking the morgue." she says, this time more firmly. "So I'll get the crime scene" David finishes, the group's decision made.
Katie, Kyle and Evan sit around a patio table. Each of them sitting nervously, scared for the next murder. "So I guess Kallista is with them?" Kyle says, confused. "I guess so." Evan answers. "We still have enough people to get all the information from each area." Katie states. "So Kyle, how about you take the crime scene. Katie, you take the last known whereabouts, and I'll take the morgue." Evan suggest. They three nod, look at each other, and head back inside.
Paige, Sami, Greg, and Alex sit in red leather swiveling chairs in the study. "I'm just so glad it wasn't me" Sami expresses. "Let's try to figure out where each of us should go to" Alex puts fourth. "I'd like the Morgue" Sami claims. "Me too" Paige chimes in. " "I'll take the crime scene, and Alex, are you okay with the last known whereabouts?" Greg asks. "Sure, whatever" Alex replies.
"Alright, my guests, I hope you all have made a smart choice on where you would like to conduct your investigation." Thomas begins. "Who here would like to view Walt's body in the morgue?" Kallista, Evan, Sami and Paige rise from their seats and follow Tina, one of the maids. "How about the whereabouts?" Winter, Jennie, Katie and Alex rise and follow Gina up the grand, gold detailed steps, where just yesterday Olivia took her final bow. "Those who would like the crime scene, please, escort yourselves to the backyard." Thomas turns on his heels and exits the room. Dave, Kyle and Greg lead themselves outside.
THE MORGUE: A slap of silver. That's what the morgue feels like when you first enter. State of the art equipment sit around a silver bench, and atop a steel table, is Walt's body. Kallista, Evan, Sami and Paige all circle the table. "I've never seen a dead body before I got here" whispers Sami, frightened. "Well, I have. It doesn't bother me." Kallista retorts. Sami, taken back by her comment, steps to the side and lets her get closer to the dead corpse. "He's very cold." Evan exclaims. "He was in water you idiot." Kallista snaps. "It's weird, could hitting the water that hard make your abdomen bleed?" Paige questions. "No. Paige is right, that's not normal." The guest take a closer look into his stomach and find a small, silver needle. "A needle?" Sami asks. "It seems to be broken though." Evan points out. "This could have been what killed him." Kallista finishes the thought that was on everyone's mind.
THE LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: Winter and Jennie enter Walt's bedroom first, door already open. Katie and Alex follow, more cautiously. Something already is out of the ordinary. "Why do all our rooms have carpeting, and his have hardwood floors?" Katie questions. "That cannot be right. This is a big clue." Alex continues. "Well, there was before we got here. Look!" Near the edges of the wall, are small shredded pieces of the red crimson carpeting that usually coats the suite floors. "The killer must have ripped it out." Winter suggest. The guest continue to explore the room. Alex and Katie enter the bathroom, Winter inspects the clothes closet and dresser, while Jennie looks at the bed area. She stares at the alarm clock on the dark-wood night stand. It still flashes "7:13 AM" even though it is well past 11. It then flashes and says "GET" followed by another flash, and another word; "OUT." Jennie says nothing, and instead acts inconspicuous. She opens the night stand draw, looks behind the pillows, though she knows she has what she needs. The four guest then notice the balcony across the entrance. "The framing is completely cut out!" Katie shouts. "Maybe he fell over?" Alex suggest to the guest. "He didn't just die by falling 2 stories down." Winter points out. "The riddle should help us with the rest."
THE CRIME SCENE: The water of the pool, now flat and still, looks beautiful. However, the guest dare to take a dip in the place where one of their own died. "There's like nothing here." Dave states. "Kyle, do you see anything?" Greg directs his question towards Kyle. "I see water." He states, dully. "Wait, what's that in the water?" "Blood?" The guest move closer to the pool. "It's definitely blood, but would Walt really bleed out from falling?" Dave's rhetorical question leaves them all wondering the same thing. How did Walt die?
I see you all have conducted a thorough investigation of Walt's death. Feel free to share with your group any information you please. "So we noticed blood in the pool. I figured, you don't just bleed out from falling 2 floors into a pool." Dave explains. "Yes, and we noticed a small needle, that seemed to be broken inside his lower torso." Kallista adds. "The railing for the little terrace was broken off." "Which is probably where Walt fell from" Jennie and Winter state. "Hmm..."
"So Katie, what did you discover?" asks Evan. "The floor was completely bare! There was no carpeting like the rest of the rooms. Also, the iron railing that surround the balcony was cut off. I think Walt might have fallen from there." "Good eye. At the morgue, there was a needle in is abdomen. It looked really sharp, it could've been what killed him." Evan states towards his group. "Interesting, the crime scene was a bust, just some blood, I guess to be expected." The group then heads to the great room.
The final group sits outside under the grand balcony. "Me and Paige went to the morgue, and there seemed to be a needle of some sorts jabbed into his stomach." "We believe that was the murder weapon, or at least connected to it." Paige and Sami tell their group. "At the crime scene, there was blood in the pool, I found that weird because he fell." Greg explains. "But now it makes sense, with the information from the morgue." "In Walt's room, the carpet was completely torn off, as well at the metal framing to the balcony. I think he fell from there." "I think we have a lot of information" Greg finishes.
"Your ideas of how Walt passes must be like a blizzard of snow, coating the thoughts in your mind." Thomas rejoins the guest. "However, the killer has left a riddle to clear your mind." He begins to read off of a card; "2-3, now empty. Fur is red. Walt is dead. 4x4, what could be more? Twist and turn. You'll soon learn. Soaking wet, your killer!" Thomas finishes the creepy note, and the guest instantly dash, in every which-way direction.
Evan and Kyle run about the pool area. "4x4 is 16, and there are 16 lounge chairs!" He exclaims. They turn over each chair and push aside every china flower pot. Nothing. "God damn!" Kyle shouts. Meanwhile, Katie and Paige run around the study. "Math text books!" Paige's realization has them both running for the math shelve. "Keep looking" "There are over 100 math books!" Katie sighs. -1 would be the basement floor!" Dave tells to Winter, Kallista and Jennie. Greg, Alex and Sami overhear there brilliant idea and begin to run down the curving steps with them. They then notice a red, plush carpet with odd, dark red stains all over the surface. Dave, whispering to his group while inspecting the carpet, tells them another brilliant idea.
"4x4 is 16, there are 16 suites in the house. We have to get upstairs." he finishes in a low voice. However Winter and Jennie are already out of the room, Greg not close behind. "Way to blend in!" Dave says sarcastically. Dave and Kallista dash, joined by Sami and Alex. However they are too far behind to reach the two who have already made it up the steps. "Twist and turn? Like a doorknob!" Jennie realizes. Jennie and Winter run to Walt's room, out of pure instinct and turn the door knob. A loud bell rings, signalling the guest who have not discovered the clue to return to the great room. They slightly open the door, and twist the knob again, to find a small, lethal dart shoot out from within the doorknob. "We just solved the murder." Winter smirks.
The guest form their separate groups once again. Some groups look worried, others look confident. "So, what was it?" Dave asks, smiling with pride that his team solved the riddle. "A dart." Jennie and Winter reply together. "That's it, That's ALL the information you're going to give us?" Kallista frowns. "Figure it out, it's not that difficult." Winter shoot back. "Wow." Dave grumbles. Winter and Jennie have just completely back-stabbed their team.
Katie, Kyle and Evan sit, puzzled. "Maybe I could just go ask Kallista?" "No. We're done with her." Evan spits. "I'll try to warm up to Jennie then." Kyle stands from his chair in the study and walks into the great room where Jennie and her group are gathered. "Jennie can we talk?" "In a second." She brushes him off. "Ok..." he waits. "Can you maybe give us like privacy? Gosh." Jennie glares. "Alrighty." Kyle walks out, with no more information that he'd walked in with.
A slight breeze picks up outside. It's almost 6:00. Paige, Sami, Greg and Alex surround a table, taking notes on a piece of paper. "It had to be a dart. It was a tip of a dart at the morgue." Paige states. "Yes, but we still don't know where it came from." "And it's not like Jennie will be giving us information any time soon." "We just might have to accept this could be our last night here."
"Guest of Rue Manor!" Thomas' voice echos. "It is time to prepare you case to state to the killer. Please, go to your rooms and ready yourselves." "Just great" Sami sighs. They each head up the stairs and walk into their rooms. The guest have packed many evening wears and dress in only the finest of clothes. Long, silky gowns for the ladies, tuxedo's for the men. They each put on finishing touches and grab their notes, unscramble their ideas, and head out. It is time for state your case.
The guest each head into the study, one following another. They all know that 2 of the guest hold the most crucial piece of evidence that could make or break their case. They then finish with their accusations.
Alex believes Kallista is the killer
Dave thinks Winter is the killer
Evan thinks Jennie is the killer
Greg has suspected Paige to be the killer
Jennie considers Kallista is the killer
Kallista believes Alex is the killer
Katie supposes Kallista is the killer
Kyle supposes Alex is the killer
Paige conceives Jennie is the killer
Sami thinks Kallista is the killer
Winter believes Dave is the killer
When they each finish, they head into the grand dining room and prepare for a night of worry and anxiousness. Each seat has a name card, telling the guest where to be seated. The 6 remaining ladies are told to sit on one side, while the 5 remaining gentleman sit on the other. "What, do they think we are going to make out?" Greg attempts to lighten the mood. Some chuckle, others stare blankly in fear of what could be there last night alive. Thomas comes out, handing each person a plate of lobster, and a small side of shrimp. Chardonnay sits in the center of the table. Thomas then begins to speak, drawing the guest attention to him.
"Good evening, everyone." "Good evening, Thomas" the guest reply. "The killer has informed that more math will be required tonight. For all things shall be multiplied by 2." The maids bring each guest another lobster, another side of shrimp, and another bottle of Chardonnay. "What?" Sami says, puzzled. "Let us continue, it seems some of you were able to solve this murder swimmingly!" His eyes move to Winter and Jennie. "While others, drowned hopelessly. Congratulations to... Jennie and Winter!" They both smile and look around. No one is shocked, everyone is angry. "Two people?" Alex questions to Thomas. "That must be the whole 'everything will be multiplied by 2' business" Kallista explains. "We shall now here of how Walt dove to his death.
"Walt was an early riser. He set his alarm at 7:10, and got out of bed to turn off the alarm at 7:13. However, he didn't realize he had just turned on a deadly message. The clock then blinked 'GET OUT.' In the digital, neon letters. He was terrified of this note, and ran to the door, trying to twist the knob. When it turned, a lethal dart shot out from inside the knob and punctured deep into his stomach." "Crap." Greg sulks. The guest gasp at yet another masterminded plan. "The killer then entered the room, and cut off the balcony railing, so he or she could throw Walt off into he pool. However, the blood stains on the carpeting would make it all to obvious, so he removed the red carpet and stashed it in the basement. Until next time, your killer.
Thomas holds a stack of nine, neatly folded, gold envelopes. They shimmer under the chandelier lighting. "As you would understand, since there were 2 guest who were found to be marvelous detectives, that means 4 guests will be receiving scared cards." "Not cool." Alex rolls his eyes. Some guest look horrified, for they could be the next one to go. Thomas then places the glimmering cards in front of each guest, except for Winter and Jennie, for they have already been spared.
"Greg, please start us off." He flips over his envelope, shows the crowd, and is reviled to be spared. "Kathrine." Thomas tips his head towards Katie. She is scared. Dave, Sami and Kyle open their cards, with a look of dread on their faces. They are spared for the night, and breath a loud sigh of relief. "Paige, please." She stares at her card like it's a gun. She slowly opens it, concentrating deeply. Then wails as red liquid spells the word: SCARED on her card. The same dreaded fate is stated for Evan. "Oh god, bro." Kyle pats his brothers back, trying to comfort him. "Alexander, your card" He opens it. SPARED. "Isn't it just lovely how things work out, Jennie?!" Kallista scoffs. She cuts her envelope open. The crimson water splattered on the card: SCARED.
"My apologies, I was not informed until recently that the killer would be doing double the cards tonight." Thomas does a small bow, than exits. "Piece of crap!" Kallista spits at Jennie. "Little bitch." she mumbles. "Wait, does double the cards mean double the murders?" Evan asks, shivering. "I never thought of that." Katie answers, eyes struck with fear. "Let's go to our rooms for some sleep." Greg suggest. "So you can kill us?" Dave grumbles.
The guest sleep soundlessly through the night. No screams or shrills, no crashes or explosions. Silence. Too much silence.
The guest each awake in their pajamas. "Goodness I'm so tired." Paige yawns. "Yeah, I hardly got any sleep." Katie continues. "I'm just happy we are all still alive." Evan exclaims. "Wait, Kallista?" The 3 jump up, suddenly aware of Kallista's absence. All the other guest are in the study but her. "She's dead I know it!" Paige sobs. "Wait!" Alex exclaims. "There she is!" Kallista walks down the stairway, yawning with her arms raised. "What?" she itches. "We thought you were dead!" Winter half-jokes. "I'm sure you'd like that." she points to everyone but Dave. "One second, I just left my milk in the breakfast room." Paige excuses herself. "Yeah we should all go get ready and do whatever it is for the morning." Alex slowly gets up, the guest following.
They return the great room ballroom floor around 1:20pm. They all were classy, but casual clothing. One by one they walk down the steps. And then freeze. Waiting for them at the bottom is a gift, but I don't believe they would like to keep this present.
With a large meat cleaver sticking out of the two victims heads, Paige and Evan sit at the bottom of the staircase, hands tied behind their back together, flooded by blood.
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