《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Misdoing


Going to school, in a new week, I felt odd the air seemed very peaceful, a little too quiet to appreciate, it was like the calm before the storm.

The students appeared to be minding their own business when any other time they're sticking their nose in matters that do not concern them. Passing through the hall, I once saw Annabeth, but she didn't even spare me a look.

The teachers, they stayed the same, giving lots of homework and assignments.

My day went surprisingly well, no name-calling, no throwing punches, from the students. The teachers, however, didn't abide by this, Mrs Dodds made erase all my yesterday's homework, and Mr Tantalus publicly called me out for eating in class. Just because he can't eat within school premises doesn't mean that he can stop other people from eating.

Walking out of the school building, I focused on Rachel's vision, it still wasn't finished, and her quirk is never wrong, I guess I'll have to see everything unfold, maybe it isn't even going to happen now, probably it was years ago, or it may come years later.

Too lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that the parking lot was empty, except for one car alongside three heavy bikes.

The car's windows were tinted black, so I couldn't see who exactly was in the car. The car door, suddenly, opened and out stepped Luke Castellan, he seemed to mutter things under his breath, most probably curses, seeing as nothing decent comes out his mouth. Following Luke's lead Calypso and Leo also trudged out.

They made swift strides towards me, I only paid attention to them, not noticing the other people to my back and sides.

Someone grabbed my arms, and another person held my head in a headlock. They were too quick for me to comprehend, so the only thing that came to mind was to struggle.

As I wriggled, I didn't realize that my head had, somehow, made its way to the offender's nose, making their nose break on effect.

They staggered back, and I swerved my body narrowly to see Piper severely clasping her nose, to stop the blood flow.

Piper cursed. Something flashed in her eyes, she looked straight at me, and before I could comprehend it, she uppercut me, hard. By the time the black spots left my eyes, she had already prepared another punch, aiming at my stomach.

I went rigid, to my prior lax body, I had felt immense panic. It was only a matter of seconds before I felt a barricade of punches and kicks all over my body, mainly on my belly.

It was only a while later that the harsh treatment stopped, but for me, it felt nothing less than an eternity. Still, lost in my thoughts, I was, pushed into the boot of a car.

I tried to control my panicked breathing while checking for any sign of blood on my pants or underwear.

Relief flooded my brain when I couldn't feel any wet patch. The car came to a sudden stop, the hood opened, and the boot's good opened. Light engulfed the space and Annabeth blindfolded and cuffed both my legs and arms, with no give to them, for any movement.

With no warning, I was, carried on someone's shoulder, they took brisk strides, trying to catch up to the already fading footsteps.

The person carrying me came to an unexpected stop and pushed me off his back, making me fall on my back.


A hand reached and tore through the blindfold, blinding me for a while. A couple of difficult blinks later, I somewhat adjusted to the harsh lighting in the warehouse, judging by the wooden floors and ceiling.

Thalia stepped forward, tying Percy to a chair, that had gone unnoticed by him, up until now. She went a little further back, assessing the knots on the rope. Quick as she was, Thalia had taken something out of her pocket. It glinted under the lighting if it weren't for that Percy would never have seen it.

Slipping it on, she flexed her fingers, till now Percy seemed oblivious to the fact that it wasn't a ring, and could potentially hurt a lot.

The realization only settled when the brass knuckles had made contact with his cheekbone, whipping his already tilted head to the side.

Percy looked up dazed right when another punch came, followed by another, then a third. He had lost count, and it didn't seem like Thalia was going to stop, but when she did, it was because her 'Death to Barbie' shirt had blood dotted on it. While Percy stayed silent on the first, it was hard to say that for the rest. If it weren't for Thalias continuous hits, he would have screamed his throat hoarse.

Breathing heavily, Thalia motioned Percy towards the group, " Go at him... Teach him a lesson."

With that, she stepped back still panting. Calypso who had gotten closer to the chair quickly undid the knots on the rope, which made Percy sag, seeing as he was not in a stable state of mind.

Calypso glanced back at the other, Leo, catching his girlfriend's discomfort at what to do, said, "Push him to the side and take the chair away."

As Calypso did that, the others huddled overhead Percy's bruised body. Thalia having just recovered also joined them. "So..., " Frank nervously began, "Are we just gonna leave him here or roughen him up even more?"

Frank always felt like what they did to Percy was a little much, and he didn't deserve it, but for the sake of his friends, he didn't say much.

Discreetly, Hazel elbowed her boyfriend on his side.

"Oh, my Gods, Frank-eye, I didn't know you had it in you, I'm proud, " Leo said, wiping a fake tear from his eye, right before Annabeth smacked the back of his head, making him wince.

"Come on, let's knock you out, for good, " Luke murmured, standing up from his crouch.

He flicked his index and middle finger towards Percy, a signal for the rest to approach.

Jason carefully kicked Percy's lifeless body, so he was flipped over at an odd angle. Jason and the rest cringed seeing the bruising, on his face, Thalia wore a proud smirk on her face like the marring was prideful, in some way.

It was Annabeth, who kicked his back first, the rest followed right after. Later when they had their fun, the group left, leaving Percy who coughed up blood.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It was raining when Percy reached home. He got home drenched, expecting Kronos to take care of him.

Staggering into the living room, he found bottles of whiskey and vodka littered on the floor. He looked towards the kitchen where Kronos sat on a chair, with his back to Percy.

"K-Kronos, " Percy called out, nervously, stepping towards him.


Kronos corrected his slouched posture and looked back, with a menacing smile adorning his face. "You-hic-'re hic back, " he drawled, hiccuping, before giggling.

Red flashed, in Kronos' eyes, he couldn't stop himself when he said, "Where -hic- were you?... -hic- No, stop d-hic-on't answer that -hic-, I'll tell you -hic- exactly where you -hic- were, you were who-hic-ring around, with that -hic- Connor kid, am I right? You spent the whole afternoon -hic- with him, acting like a -hic- slut, he probably paid you -hic- as well, and you, you enjoyed -hic- every second might as well have had a gang bang -hic- with those friends of -hic- his."

"Kronos no, no you've got it all wrong, you know Luke... " Percy blubbered, about what happened, sobbing.

All the while, he walked closer to the intoxicated Kronos, who was burning with rage. His hands clenched the half-empty bottle of whiskey, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP... SHUT UP, STOP GODDAMN LYING TO ME."

He flung the bottle aimlessly, landing on Percy's left shoulder. The force of the bottle made him lose him his balance and fall against the kitchen cabinets.

Percy looked up in shock, not expecting something like this to happen. "Kronos wh-what are you d-doing, " he sputtered.

Being held in a chokehold, he was dragged by his throat to the hallway, by which the front door met the living room. Slammed onto the wide, full-body mirror, it cracked under the impact of the force of the hit.

Percy struggled, he reached his hands and tried slapping Kronos, to get him out of his trance. He collapsed as Kronos let go, curling into a ball, crying. Before he knew it, he was picked up and hurled across the hallway, near the L-shaped sofa, with the wall in between the gallery and lounge.

It came to no one's surprise, that he was seeing black spots in his eyes, and had caught a severe migraine. With the pain of his injuries, blurred vision, and headache, it wasn't all that shocking that he blacked out.

Kronos in the same state as before, drunk and angry, also passed out.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It was a little past noon when Kronos came to consciousness. He stood up and looked around, trying to remember last night, in the far corner he could see black hair.

His head pounded and within a second he could remember, everything that happened last night. With a horrified shriek, he sank to his knees, praying that what happened wasn't like that and it was just a nightmare. With hastes, still, on his knees, he crawled to Percy, checking over and under for any bleeding, scooping him up, Kronos took Percy to a spare room near.

Dialing his assistant, Atlas, Kronos instructed him to call Dr Apollo, for a check-up.

"Why, Kronos, bro are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Percy isn't."

"He's still around. I thought you'd get bored of him."

"Don't you ever say that again, and call the doctor, goddamnit."

Without waiting for any further questions, he hung up.

In under thirty minutes, both Apollo and Atlas were at the door, letting themselves in, knowing it was an emergency.

Apollo made quick work assessing Percy's injuries, mindful of any area that had any heavy bruises. He threw a harsh glare towards Kronos, through the mirror, on the side table, saying, " What have you done to him? His whole spinal cord is injured, the tail bone seemed broken, but I can't say much, and what is up with those horrible bruises on his face."

Kronos felt awful he looked down guiltily, realizing his mistake, he felt anxious waiting for the ultrasound.

Still wallowing in his sorrows, Dr Apollo brought him out of his thoughts, "Percy's womb is healthy to have survived all that, and still not have lost the baby. The fetus was still too small to get any injury, so consider yourself lucky."

Leon's frightened up at that, hope dormant in him, he silently promised himself to beg for Percy's forgiveness.

"Be sure to call me to the house or come to my clinic, for the ultrasound at the beginning of the third month."

"Percy will be there."

And with that Kronos, escorted Apollo and Atlas out, going back to the guest room, cuddling up next to Percy, knowing how much the younger loved to cuddle.

His last thoughts revolved around Percy waking up tomorrow.



It's me, Affaf, again.

How are you??

I can not stress the word sorry, enough times to like truly express how ashamed I am of myself for not updating, so I'm only going to say it once These past few months have been hard and, to be honest, kind of stressful for me.

First, my school reopened, and we had not studied sh*t in our online classes, and frankly my school wasn't even following the proper protocols. Moving on, the local government hadn't even gotten air of any of this, but whatever so, turns out my brother is a carrier, and the next thing we know is that we all have corona. Thank God, we all made it out fine. After this, I had been feeling very down.

Anyway, as time passes, my mood continues like this. Christmas goes by so so quickly, that, I had no time to even look at my phone. Initially, I wanted this out by Christmas Eve, then it was New Year's, and I delayed it till then. A while later, I realize, that, if I don't update, I'll just be indirectly discontinuing because of me losing motivation. And so, here is this masterpiece, it was fun to write, and I enjoyed it. Also, it is by far the longest chapter at 2.2 k words. I did not acknowledge the fact that we have 1.56 k reads on this. 1.56 k reads oh God that is so crazy, for all the people who voted and read my fanfic, thank you, it makes me super happy, and I love you all. Again, so sorry, I will try to get an upload schedule, sooner or later.

A few things I wanted to mention before leaving is that Percy is a transgender male, and he is very fertile, unlike most people who get them a month later, he receives them after 18 days. Another thing is that he and Kronos have been dating since he was 13 and Kronos was 19. I know the large age gap and it's kind of weird and gross, but I wanted that.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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