《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Misdoing's Aftermath


I could feel someone spooning me, their breath on my neck as they cuddled their head closer on to my back. I still couldn't remember what was happening, trying to rack my brain, I heard a mumble of, "Percy, are you awake, yet?"

Hearing Kronos voice brought back the day before yesterday's memories. I looked down to my stomach, with a small voice, I said, "My baby... My baby, " gradually my voice rose higher until I was hysterical, "My BABY, MY BABY... What have you done to my baby? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IT? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

With that, I pushed Kronos off the bed, within seconds, Kronos sat up looking alert, whipping his head around, for any source of danger.

He looked towards me and seemingly relaxed, "Percy, it's okay, you're fine, nothing happened. Dr Apollo said you were doing fairly well."

Kronos had made his way around the bed to my side. He went in for a hug, too upset I once again stood up and tried to push him away, but this time black spots clouded my vision, and I nearly fell, before that could happen Kronos had already caught both my arms.

Just the touch of him, on my arms, felt revolting, I wanted to move away from him, get away from the killer of my unborn child. It went past my realization that I had been wailing since I felt him touch me again, alongside this Kronos hugged me forcefully.

I tried to hit him, scratch him, just anything to get far away, Kronos just held me closer whispering murmurings of assurance and apologies, rocking me back and forth.

I did whatever I could to harm him as he did me. However, Kronos was having none of it and held me closer. Another squeeze and my ribs would crack, Kronos had me in a vice-like grip, resembling a python, encasing its next victim.


Too occupied in thrashing, I had not taken note of the fact that my foot had somehow reached up to Kronos' forehead, and hit him.

He stumbled back, hit the corner of the dressing table, and fell, with me in his grasp. I took no time to shoot towards the door and out in the living room, heading towards the kitchen to grab a knife.

"Oww, Fuc- Percy get back here, Percy!" followed by a string of curses and stumbling.

A knife in my hand, I went back, cornering Kronos against the wall, the tip of the knife pressing into his upper shoulder, right next to the armpit.

Kronos looked down at me shocked, Luke I couldn't believe that I could do something parallel to what I'm doing now. "Per- wh-what are you doing..." Kronos asked, trailing off, leaving it off as more of a sentence than a question.

I looked at him blankly, digging the knife deeper into his shoulder blade.

His face contorted into a frown, he opened his mouth wide as if to shout, then gone, the frown disappeared, the gaping mouth was like it never existed.

I looked up to him, seeing panic morph his face. Blinded by rage and grief, I did not hesitate to push the knife into Kronos' shoulder bone, further, being mindful of the heart, I placed it on the armpit.


His mouth formed an 'O', at the next jab, it seemed that the knife had finally damaged the body part.

The bell rang.

Knife still lodged into Kronos' armpit I turned towards the door, no thought ran through me when I inserted two inches of the silverware into Kronos' underarm. His mouth opened in silent horror, as to what I had done.

Loud shouts came from the hallway, their yells of Kronos' name, giant shadows loomed on the corridor, Hyperion and Oceanus stepped into the light.

Startled, I pulled out the nestled knife, Oceanus looked downright murderous, the water bodies in the room started churning, through my peripheral vision I could see, a water bottle explode. Hyperion's had his hands twitching and the lights, and lamps in the room fluctuated and flickered.

A two feet big water fist grabbed me from the back, the knife falling to the floor, the first threw me back towards the opposite wall. I landed with an 'oomph'.

Without me holding him up, Kronos fell, eyes still wide and not blinking, but making rapid movements. Hyperion suddenly increased the intensity of the light, rendering it too difficult to see.

I closed my eyes, trying to think of the largest water stream, finding one I started to gather all the water available. The room had gone quiet, except for small choking sounds. A something hit me, as I opened my eyes to see Oceanus all red like his blood was trying to escape his body.

Seeing him like that made me lose concentration, and just like that Oceanus went back to normal, his face was horror-stricken, he looked at me terrified.

Not knowing what happened, I looked down at the small discarded object, that was flung at me, to make me see what I was doing.

One of the lights in the room fused, two seconds before its glass lamp broke, another light followed, the same for the lamp. The same happened for all the lights and their lamps.

With the lights out, the wires were exposed, but I paid them no mind, looking at Oceanus and Hyperion. I squinted as I saw Oceanus and Hyperion, look towards each other and make a hardly subtle nod.

My knees twitched with all the activities of the day. I felt a zap on both my legs and suddenly they were pulled out from underneath me, making me go down on both knees. My arms flew up as if I were Superman, I chuckled on the inside, but as fast as the wires on my legs came, my arms went behind my back, like I was wearing handcuffs to go jail.

I guess throwing your arms up in the air, makes it easier to be tied.

Looking up again I saw that Oceanus and Kronos weren't in the room anymore, Hyperion had his arms extended in front of him, his eyes shut close, forming crow feet, from the sheer amount of concentration. Slowly he opened his eyes and backed out from the room to the hallways, leaving me kneeling in the corner, with my hands tied to my back.

It wasn't until 15 minutes later that I felt the wires lose their tension. I untangled my arms from the cords and stood up, heading towards the main entrance door.


Looking around, I took in my surroundings, feeling empty and hollow, the fact of Kronos not being here finally settling. So far, I had given little to no thought of Kronos' brothers taking him away. With the acceptance of the reality, that I was currently living in. I broke down in the center of the parlor where I had sat down, by the front door, too exhausted.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I groaned as I woke up and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Without moving my neck I observed the room, it was dark the little amount of light coming was from under the door.

From under the crevice, I could make out two silhouettes heading this way, and less than two seconds later, Oceanus and Hyperion were in the room. The room instantly heated, it felt warm, the type you could lost in and never come back, the room held an air of freshness, like the ocean breeze, different from Percy's aura.

Ocean's looked awful, his hair unkempt, ocean blue eyes, misty, with large eye bags underneath. Hyperion looked much better with his red-ish, auburn hair, slicked back into a ponytail, bright eyes still shining under the low lighting.

Hyperion opened his mouth, probably to say something stupid because his eyes had that mischievous gleam, but before he could say anything, Oceanus said, "So... I see you're still with Percy."

"Yeah, obviously, why else would he be in my house, " I said, getting defensive about my relationship with Percy.

"He's dangerous, could potentially hurt you, more than this, break up with him if you must."

Oceanus said it so indifferently, it made me mad. I mean, how could he say that Percy was pregnant with my child, upon my wishes.

"He was unstable."

"What do mean he was unstable, next time he injures you to death, what are you going to say?!, " his voice rose towards the end.

"There won't be a next time."

"You say that, but you don't know. You remember what mom did, right? Even if you were the youngest you still have to remember what mom did, it's scarred in all of our memories."

He was testing my patience now, I had put up with his constant bothering and it was getting to my head. So, I went with a calmer reply, "Percy is not like mom, he's different. She was always a temperamental woman, it stuck with her after being a victim as well."

"Who's to say Percy isn't the same. Look I'm your eldest sibling it's my job to look after you."

"Percy isn't like that, he's kinder, softer, and he loves me."

"People can easily be manipulated, and mom had her irritable moments, but any other time she was the same as you described Percy."


Breathing heavily, I relaxed my tense body, my chest still heaving up and down. Oceanus looked taken aback, his eyes wide, mouth holding an O shape, his eyes holding a question that couldn't be asked.

He opened his mouth, "You know he can blood bend, I have been trying for a decade and I can't, if he can do that with little to no experience in using his quirk, imagine how powerful he'll be once his whole power is unlocked."

He scratched the back of his head, eyes downcast, "Anyway, the doctor's gonna be here in a little while, just hang in there, Hyperion will help you if something happens, So, I'm going to leave you two to talk," between all this he couldn't maintain an eye contact, eyes either on the floor or the edge of the bed.

Oceanus awkwardly strode over to the door with one last look over his shoulder, he left, leaving the room with a fresh scent to it.

Hyperion looked over at him and said, "So tell me more about what you've been up to, talk to any of our other siblings lately?"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It had been a little over two days since Kronos had left his own house. Still recovering from the wound, he had some progress. Kronos could now stretch his arm, without being overwhelmed by pain.

His stay was hospitable, to say the least, Oceanus had apologized and expressed his guilt through his actions. Hyperion had left, two hours short of the present.

It was mid-afternoon when he received a phone call, ignoring Oceanus' pondering eyes, Kronos ran to the door, grabbing a random key and he was out of the house.



It's me, Affaf, again.

How are you??

So... This was quite eventful, eh? Anyway, who do you think called Kronos?? Now, this was supposed to go up last week but, I have a valid reason, you know how Wattpad has these revision histories, and if you want to see your old draft or a draft you haven't saved, you just click one with the closest time to when you wrote, yeah, and so sometimes I don't save my draft cause I don't have time. I did that, closed the app without a second thought, and like an hour or two later I came to write more to see that there was no chapter, leave aside the revision history, and this was the day I was supposed to post the chapter, and this may seem like a lie but it's not. I also had to rewrite the whole thing from Kronos' POV, the rest I had saved in my notes.

I also got tagged twice, so, would you want separate updates for each or can I do it in the same update? Further, I have no Wattpad friends, so it would be nice if you guys want to be tagged, I'll tag you if you leave a comment about being tagged.

One last thing before I leave, should I change my cover cause I found a great cover from deviant art, it's like Titan Era Kronos and Rhea, but Rhea looks like Percy, with green eyes and black wavy hair. There are also two lions surrounding them. Should I or should I not?

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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