《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Forgotten Vision


I was exhausted, being woken up by a feverish, furious, and wet Rachel, in the middle of the night, was not what I planned for a Friday night.

Rachel had run away from home because she and her parents argued about sending her to Clarion Academy, which is an only girl finishing school.

Rachel had been sent to her room after she threw a hairbrush, which narrowly missed her mom.

Still frantic, Rachel packed up some clothes and left, having little trustworthy friends, she came to our house.

While I nursed her fever, she told me the whole story, me being the emotional mess, cried rather than comforting her.

When her temperature went down a little, I gave her some food. Midway through her eating, I carefully explained to her of me expecting, on which she screeched and started rambling on about how she would be the best aunt and spoil her niece or nephew.

I gave Rachel her usual room whenever she comes for sleepovers. Rachel promptly fell asleep, telling by the loud snores. I fell asleep as well, just in my bed.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I woke up to the smell of something burning. I went over to the kitchen, where I saw Rachel arguing with Kronos, with her hands on her hips.

On the stove, were slightly charred pancakes, that looked just about ready to start burning. Grabbing the pan off the stove, I quickly put it under cold, running tap water, getting rid of the gathering smoke.

Turning back, I see Kronos and Rachel looking at me, a little guilty. I sighed before calmly asking, "What was the problem?"

"Rachel started it, " Kronos stated like it was a matter of fact.

"Did not, dumbo, " Rachel said, her eyes wide and glaring at Kronos.

Rachel and Kronos have hated each other ever since Kronos threatened that I couldn't meet Rachel and she threw a blue hairbrush at his eye.

"I don't care, just, please stop, it's giving me a headache."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, come let's get you a paracetamol capsule, " Kronos quickly apologized and said, while plastering a nasty scowl, on his face, for Rachel to see.


After a little while, Rachel asked for forgiveness and proposed that we go shopping for baby clothes and shopping in general.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Rachel and had a lot of fun whilst shopping. I saw so many cute things, for instance, I saw a lovely seal plushie, that I just had to buy. There were so many bodysuits, that would look adorable on any baby.

At home, the first thing I did was show Kronos all the stuff I bought for our future baby, he didn't seem very interested, but I knew he liked most of the things.

While Kronos worked, Rachel and I watched Brave. Merida, for me, kind of resembles Rachel's personality.

Around dinner time, when I went into the kitchen, there was barely anything lying in the pantry that I could cook. I could feel myself getting cranky, so I whined to Kronos about it, and he ordered take out from chipotle.

After having dinner, I started to clean the plates, just as Kronos came and hugged me from the back, while he kissed my neck, making me moan.

Right after I moaned, Rachel yelled, "You know, I'm in the next room, and I can hear you." At this Kronos barked out a laugh and I blushed darker than Rachel's hair.

Rachel watched us come out of the kitchen and wiggled her eyebrows, suggestively, on which I hid my head in Kronos' shirt.

"You should get a boyfriend, then maybe you'll stop coming here."

I gaped at Kronos, before smacking his arm, and then trying to calm down a proceeding Rachel, who was coming to thoroughly rough Kronos up, which isn't possible seeing the muscle and size difference.

Midway Rachel's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fell limp, on the floor, a green most flowed out of her mouth. It wasn't a common occurrence, but I knew what was happening, Rachel sees visions, whether good or bad or from the past or future, almost like an oracle.

"Help me, lay her down on the couch. Kronos! Be quick."

As soon as we picked Rachel up, she started choking. If we didn't lay her down straight, she would have passed out. Once she was straight wafts of green mist came out of her mouth, extensively.


A little while after, she woke up from her previous state and looked around as if confused, "I can't remember, why can't I remember?" she whispered, lowly, barely audible.

"Remember what, " I questioned.

"My vision I can't remember it, it was very crucial, something about someone's safety."

Rachel looked very panicky, a style that didn't suit her. I grew immensely worried, staring at my best friend's condition.

"Why don't you check home, you can make sure everything's okay there as well."

"Yeah, yeah, you're probably right, I should check home, just to be sure."

Rachel hurried over to the kitchen, where the landline sat, dialing in her house's number, she waited. A minute or two later, she groaned, frustrated, and mumbled, "Arghh... They're not picking up."

"Let's try your phone, maybe they're not at home, " I suggested.

"Okay, good idea."

Picking up her phone, Rachel went on emergency contacts and pressed in her dad's mobile number. She called, waiting for an answer when no one picked up, she rashly tugged at her curly hair, before moving on to her mom. A few rings later, and there was no response, from the other side.

"I think I should check home, can someone drive me there?"

"Yes, I'll call Grover, and if there's anything wrong, I'll be here for you."

Rachel looked up, teary-eyed, muffling a sob she hugged me. Muttering a small, "Thank you, " she started to gather her things.

"Come, let's get you home. Once you reach, I want you to call me immediately. Then when you find your parents call me again." Rachel nodded in response.

One hug later, she left, and I headed inside. Kronos stood in the kitchen, holding a bottle of vodka. "Hey, I thought you promised not to drink, anymore."

"I don't, I'll, only, drink one."

I went closer, to him just to smell the stench of alcohol that made my stomach churn and nausea arise.

I hobbled over to the toilet, barely containing my barf. I gagged out the remnants of my lunch, belching profusely.

Wiping the spit and rinsing my mouth, I stepped towards Kronos who wore a concerned expression.

Caressing my stomach, I asked, "Kronos, how long after, will I have a baby bump?"

"So, you're telling me this here, " he said, patting my belly, " isn't a bump."

A whine of 'Kronos' left my mouth, which was followed by, "I'm serious."

Kronos chuckled, it was refreshing, honestly, to see his mood change into a teasing, playful one from his usual sour attitude.

Kronos came forward and embraced me. We stayed like that until the landline rang. I ran to pick, guessing it'd be Rachel, responding to the call, I heard Rachel's relieved voice, saying, "Hello!"

"Hello, Rach is everything fine?"

"Yeah, they're okay and safe. Mom and Dad went out and didn't take their phones along with them."

Hearing this, soothed the burning question in my mind. "Well, that's fantastic, it seems you're a little busy right now, " I said judging, by the overlap of different voices.

"Bye, take care, and tell your parents I said hi."

"Bye, Percy, you take care as well, " was the answer I got before she hung up.

I looked over at Kronos, who seemed to have heard the entire conversation, I approached him and laid my head on his chest. Kronos cupped my bottom and asked, "Do you want to do it today?"

"No, I'm too tired." Kronos nodded and with that both, Kronos and I retired to our bedroom to sleep.



It's me, Affaf, again.

How are you?

I've been trying to post this, since the 4th and it wouldn't post. I hope you enjoyed it and please do not hesitate to tell me what you like, dislike or want to see. The girl/woman in the media is what I presume, Rachel's mother would look like, I don't remember any reference to Rachel's mother's and father's visual, in the book. I don't know what else to say in this Author's Note.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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