《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》A Baby Brother


Kronos had changed, a good change, this change had taken place ever since the news of my successful conception.

After taking the many pregnancy tests, Kronos had brought me from the pharmacy, Kronos had also called Doctor Apollo, the doctor who had previously informed us of my fertility, who also confirmed the pregnancy.

Kronos had also assigned Grover as my full-time bodyguard, Grover was to follow me everywhere, from school to home and anywhere in between. My bullies didn't take him seriously, probably because of his limp and occasional crutches, but I've seen him fight and boy, he's fast. He may walk slow, despite that you should see Grover run when he sees enchiladas.

Luke and the rest of the bullies have been keeping their distance, but it won't be for long.

My school days are comparatively better than before, firstly, because of Kronos getting me a hall pass for every class, secondly, if the lesson gets too tedious I imagine the life in my stomach, would it be a girl or a boy, thirdly I merely get hurt from my bullies. These things are the only upside in my school day.

When I come home from school, it's mostly to the sight of Kronos reading a book about how to deal with a pregnant lady or how to care for a newborn.

Kronos spends the whole day with me and my raging hormones, preferring to work at night. If we aren't cuddling or eating, Kronos and I look at baby clothing, accessories, and toys, even going as far as to preorder some of the items.

Kronos seems so happy about the baby, every night before I go to sleep, Kronos rests his head on my stomach, gently caressing it, before starting to talk to my stomach, his ideology being the baby can hear us.


Sometimes I find myself, unconsciously stroking my lower abdomen.

As of now, Kronos and I were cuddling while watching Ariel. Near the end of the movie, the bell rang, I go to check, only to see a tall boy, dressed in childish clothing.

The boy squealed and scrambled over to hug and pick me up. Surprised by the sudden invasion, I squawked before shouting out a panicked Kronos, over my shoulder.

Muffled thuds and footsteps were heard before a distressed and hysteric looking Kronos came out.

Kronos quickly pushed the guy, making him fall to the ground, with me on top of him. Using his shock to my advantage, I swiftly got up and stumbled over to Kronos, who was very close to beating the boy up.

The guy whimpered but asked, in a loud, but surprisingly soft voice, "You is big brother, Percy?"

"Uhh, yes, yes, my name is Percy. Would you mind telling me your name?"

"Yayyy!! I am Tyson, Percy is Tyson's big brother."

This was very confusing, as far as I was concerned I was the youngest.

Sensing my incoherent state, Tyson further explained, "When daddy died, I lived with mommy. Then bad people came and took mommy away, saying I live with another mommy. Yesterday Tyson sawed your picture and asked new mommy who you was, mommy said you were Tyson's older brother. This paper says that Percy is Tyson's big brother, " he said, shoving a closed envelope in my hand.

"Why don't you come in Tyson, we'll see together if I'm your brother or not, hm?" Through my peripheral vision, I could see Kronos glaring at me, but I paid him no mind, leading Tyson to the lounge.

Tyson kept rambling about how brother and Tyson would have fun and play, all through the hall.


"So, Tyson how did you find me?"

"Tyson's girlfriend Ella is very smart, she went through archives, " he said, nodding.

"Would you like something to eat, Tyson?"

"Tyson likes peanut butter."

"Kronos, could you please get us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"Kronos grumbled a bit but obeyed.

"Can you show me those papers that you were talking about, earlier?"

"Yeah, here. See Percy is my brother."

And weirdly enough, there was my name in the sibling's section, my eyes roamed over the papers and landed on the parent's block, where the father's name was Poseidon.

Even though he was a couple of months younger than me, I vowed silently to always protect him.

When Kronos came back with the sandwiches, I told him the happy news, on which he didn't seem that happy, but was still supportive.

Tyson sloppily ate his food, peanut butter and jelly getting all around his face and somehow his hair.

Getting my wallet, I headed out with Tyson, Kronos staying back because he had a lot of work.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tyson didn't seem to get out much, so he enjoyed it. It was nearly dinner time when we went back, eating dinner I insisted for Tyson to stay.

On which he seemed reluctant, but he didn't want to disappoint me, so he stayed for the night. Showing him to a spare bedroom, I called it a night and also went to bed.

Although Tyson was a little weird, I still enjoyed my day with him.



It's me Affaf, again.

How are you??

Sorry for the really short chapter, I had no clue of what to do in this one. Even though I have one of my favorite characters of all time, Tyson, I'm not that happy with it, like writing it was so boring. I procrastinated a lot on this chapter, I kept delaying writing it for four days and when I started writing I couldn't write after the first paragraph, so I took two more days to brainstorm it. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it. In the media, at the top, imagine Percy as one of those fan arts. I couldn't find a good, buff, and young Kronos, so visualize the man a lot more muscular and less like a scrawny teen.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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