《Notes From a Broken Heart》Christians


No such thing as a perfect christan. I'm broken and tired. Anxiety, depression and ADD follows me like a shadow.

I'm not perfect, far from it. Christians make mistakes, we'll mess up, but we try again. We're loved by a Mighty, loving, forgiving God, without Him, I wouldn't be here right now. He saved me, Jesus died for my sins, your sins. I've never met someone who would die a terrible, terrible death for me. That's what I call love. He didn't have to do that, He could've just got up and walked away, but He didn't. I admire Him for that.

I'm a messed up person, I've done some good/bad stuff. I'm broken and have been beaten down. But I have a loving family, that are just as broken as I am. They love me, and I love them. I want to share that love with everyone I meet. Jesus saved me, loves me, forgives me. I'm going to try and do the same.

A church is just a hospital for sick people. We're all sick and broken, but with His love and grace, we can be whole again.


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