《Notes From a Broken Heart》Bestfriend


We met at church

You and I weren't the same, but we were best friends. I never had a friend like you, you were different, I liked that.

I didn't want to, but I moved away and didn't talk to you until a year later. Gosh, I cried for months missing you. I wish I told you that, but it seemed pathetic at the time.

We re-connected and talked until we passed out, that was a good hour of sleep till I had to get up for school, haha.

You and I did projects on my channel, it got some pretty great comments and views. We were great partners and friends.

Then. You changed. You had a new friend, she was toxic and it seemed like it rubbed off on you. We never had any arguments, ever, until that one day.

It hurt to say goodbye, it really, really did. But you changed. You weren't my best friend anymore, I didn't know you.

When I found out the news, that.. You died, my heart broke in two. Not even two, pieces, million pieces that cut into my chest. You were the only one to not survive the car crash. What hurt worse, was I didn't know if you were in heaven, I don't know if I'll ever see you again. Ever.

I loved and still love you, you were a great, amazing friend. I don't know what happened to the person I knew before, but I'm happy I got to spend years making memories with you. Thank you for being there when I cried, when I laughed, everything. I won't forget you, I meant it when I said you were the best friend I could've ever asked for.

Goodbye Jojo. 💔.


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