《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 18


I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing.

"It's 6 in the morning Lin, turn that off!" Vanessa groaned. As I reached over to check the caller ID I was immediately concerned .

"Sara! Is everything alright?"

"He was here. Lin. I. Help. Please. He was-"

"Who was there? Sara, talk to me?" I said, now genuinely worried. V sat right next to me, listening to our conversation with an alarmed look on her face.

"Steve. He was here. He left a note." She sobbed through the phone in complete panic. I immediately put the phone on speaker and started putting on some clothes. V did the same.

"Sara, listen carefully. You need to close the windows and lock the door, okay? I am on my way right now, I will be there in 5 minutes." She let out a sound that seemed to be a confirmation. "I'm going to hang up now. Just sit tight and I'll be there."

By now I was dressed and ran towards the hall to grab my keys. "Stay here with the boys." I told Vanessa as she followed me out of our bedroom.

"I'll immediately call Camilla." She said, I nodded. "And Lin, be careful, okay?"

"I will." With that I rushed out of our apartment. I drove as quickly to Sara's place as possible and jumped out of the car as soon as I arrived. I ran up

the stairs and knocked on her door.

"Sara! It's me, Lin. I'm here." I heard the sound of a lock opening and the door slowly started moving.

"Lin?" Said a pair of eyes peeking out from behind the door.

"Shh it's okay now." She opened the door further and I stepped inside. I could see the distress written over her face, so I gently grabbed her hands.


"Shh, It's okay. Just take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

"I woke up and walked towards the living room and on the window I saw this note and it said...and I, it was-"

"Hey hey easy now, what note?" She handed me a small yellow sticky note.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Where did you find this?"

"It hang on the outer side of the window above the fire escape. He must have climbed up the fire escape at night. He was here Lin!? Why wasn't he arrested!" She cried.

"I know, I know. V is going after it as we speak. Where is Evie?"

"She's still asleep."

"I'll wake her up. Pack some bags with some clothes, you guys are staying with us until he's arrested."

She nodded and seemed a bit relieved. I walked up to Evie's bedroom and softly opened her door. I took a minute to take her sight in. This little girl had been through more in her 5 years in this world than most adults go through in their entire life. I wiped away the tears that were blooming in my eyes and walked up to her.

"Sweetheart, It's uncle Lin. It's time to wake up." I spoke softly as I shook her shoulder. As she looked up at my, seeming confused, I continued: "You and your mom are going to have a sleepover at our place." That seemed to make her a little excited. Sara walked in with a bag.

"You can just keep your pj's on." She said. "We'll have some breakfast over at Lin's place, alright?"

"Is there something wrong?" She asked, her voice soft. Sara and I looked at each other. This kid wasn't stupid.


"No sweetheart, everything's fine." I assured her.

20 minutes later we walked through our front door. I had texted Vanessa, letting her know Sara and Evie would be staying over. She didn't even know exactly what had happened, but she understood that they weren't safe there. As Sara prepared some breakfast for herself and Evie, I took V apart.

"He climbed up her fire escape at night and stuck this on the outside of her window." I showed her the note. She was just as appalled as I was. "Why hasn't he been arrested yet?"

"I called Camilla. She said they had tried, but the cops were being ridiculously uncooperative. They talked about 'a lack of evidence', this will definitely help the case."

"If they don't arrest him now I'll do it myself." I said, highly annoyed. A smile crept up Vanessa face.

"Well, at least they're here and safe now."

I sighed. "I wanted to talk to you about that. He can probably guess she's here. What if he comes here, I don't want to put the boys in danger. I mean, letting her stay there wasn't an option, but how are we gonna make sure we keep ourselves safe."

"Just keep the doors and windows locked at all times. It's not ideal, but he'll probably get arrested today."

I nodded, but was still unsure about all of this.

"I'm gonna call Camilla."

"Okay, I'll talk to Sara." She nodded.

Back in the living room, I updated Sara.

"So, they're gonna arrest him today?"

"Very likely, yes."

She sighed. "That's the same thing they said yesterday."

"No, this time it's for real. We have prove that he's an immediate threat."

"What's gonna happen after that."

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think we'll get a court date and a psychologist will talk to Evie." She had a dreadful look in her eyes. "Hey, you're not alone in this. You guys are gonna stay here until he's arrested and me and Vanessa will be here every step of the way."

She nodded. Just then V walked in.

"I just got off the phone with Camilla and I have good news. They're arresting him now!"

"Oh my god!" Sara yelled out. She ran up to Vanessa and hugged her tightly. I walked up to the two of them and put my hand on Sara's shoulder. She turned to me and I engulfed her in a warm hug. The room was suddenly filled with relief.

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