《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 17


Sara was inconsolable. Of course she was, how could she not be. She was also furious. I had never seen her like that, yet it didn't surprise me. You could hurt her, abuse her, but touch her child and you're dead. After half an hour of what seemed to be an endless amount of crying she pulled herself together and got down to businesses. She wiped away her tears and started pacing around.

"We should contact a lawyer, immediately." She stated. This was where Vanessa jumped in.

"I know a woman from college, she's specialized in case like these. I'll call her right away."

Sara and I nodded, both agreeing that was a good idea. As V left the room, Sara brought up an important point.

"What are we gonna do about Steve. It's a Friday, so normally I would drop her off tomorrow." She sighed and shook her head. Her face filled with disgust and disbelief. I put a supportive hand on her shoulder.

"V is contacting a lawyer right now. Maybe they'll arrest him today." I said.

"And what if they don't." She said, slightly raising her voice. I could sense she was starting to panic.

"We will make up an excuse as to why she can't go this weekend." I told her, as calmly as possible. She nodded, but still seemed fairly unconvinced.

It stayed quiet for a while.

"I'm tired Lin. I'm so so tired." She said softly.

"Oh sweetheart, I-"

"I'm tired of him, Lin! I thought he was gone. I thought I was done with him! This is all my fault. If I testified 6 years ago he would be in jail right now and he would never have been to able to...to..god!"

She couldn't even get the words out of her mouth. I held her in front of me and put my hands on her shoulders.


"Sara, listen to me." I told her firmly. "There is only one person that's responsible for this and it's Steve. You cannot start blaming yourself for this. You need to be strong. For yourself and for Evie."

She broke down crying and I pulled her into a hug. She cried into my shoulder as I held her tightly.

"I don't know how to be strong." She sobbed. I sighed.

"You don't always have to be strong. It's okay to break down every once in a while. You have me and Vanessa and we'll guide you through this, both of you. We're always here for you. You could show up at our door at 3 in the morning and we'll be there for you."

Sara started crying harder now, so I just held her tighter. Just then V walked in. I could see she needed a second to compose herself, as she took the sight of Sara and me in. She walked up to us and gently places a hand on her back.

"I have good news. Why don't we all settle down." Sara nodded and sat down on the couch.

"So, the woman I called, her name is Camilla, she is specialized in cases like these. She's a friend from college and we managed to stay in touch. She would love to represent you and she has asked to meet up."

"Today?" I asked.

"She's downtown in her office and has no meetings today so she told us we're free to drop by any time we like." V said.

"Wait, does that mean he could get arrested today?" Sara asked hopeful.

"That's definitely possible. I'm not entirely sure how things like this go, but I'm sure Camilla will be able to answer all of your questions."


Sara started smiling a bit, she seemed relieved. I felt relieved too. I knew Camilla and I knew she was an incredible woman and an incredible lawyer.


Two hours later and we were sitting in her office. The only sound coming from Sara's leg bouncing up and down nervously. Camilla walked in and greeted us politely. We all stood up to give her a hand.

"Oh sit down you guys!" She said smiling. I spoke up.

"We want to thank you for being able to have us over so soon. We're really grateful."

"I'm more than happy to help out! So Sara, Vanessa has already filled me in on the situation. I want to let you know that this man will end up in prison. I can guarantee you that. There are a few difficulties along the way that can influence the time he gets. I'm afraid we'll need Evie to testify."

Sara sighed. "I was really hoping we could, you know, shield her from all of this." She said quietly.

"I understand and I wish there was another option, but there really isn't. You should now that they treat these things very seriously. An experienced child psychologist we'll talk to her in a friendly environment. She won't have to go to a police station to be questioned by some cops."

It stayed silent. Sara seemed out of it.

"Sweetheart, does that put your mind at ease for a bit." V said softly, while placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess so. I just want him gone. I just-" She was trying very hard to suppress her imminent tears.

"It's okay." Camilla said gently. "You don't have to be ashamed of your emotions. This is heavy stuff. If you need a break just let me now."

"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? We can get something to drink if you want to?" I told her.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine."

She sounded far from fine, bur I could see she just wanted to get this over with. I couldn't blame her. Vanessa and I exchanged a quick glance to check in with each other and our own emotions. The look in our eyes said it all: we weren't doing great either, but we couldn't worry about that now. We had to focus on Sara.

We discussed what needed to be discussed. Camilla would immediately contact the authorities and request for Steve to be arrested. That definitely put Sara's mind at ease. After the meeting we all picked Evie up from my parent's place and drove home. Sara couldn't possibly be alone right now, so she would stay at our place.

It was evening and V and I were laying in bed. She was reading on her kindle.

"Why did he come back?" I spoke up.


"Why did he come back in Sara's life. Why did he want to enter Evie's life?"

"Well considering what happened, I think we know what his intentions were."

"Do you really think he came back just so he could, you know-" I couldn't get the words out.

"It wouldn't surprise me. He's a psychopath."

I shook my head in disbelief. Vanessa noticed my distress.

"Hey, we'll get rid of him. For good this time. He'll get arrested and put in jail." She said. I nodded.

If only it would be that simple....

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