《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 19


(TW* This chapter talks really heavily about child abuse and sexual abuse. I can imagine some people who have experienced something like this might want to read over it. If you are currently experiencing something like this please get help! My DM's are open if you need help or just want to talk.)

The psychologist was a young woman named Natalie. She had a kind and warm look in her face. Now that Steve has been arrested the proces continued and it was time for Evie to talk talk to a psychologist. All of us had been dreading this moment, hoping we wouldn't have to submit Evie to all of this, but it turns out we didn't have a choice. We had talked to her on the phone and she had explained what was going to happen. She would talk to Evie in a private area. We would be able to listen to the conversation through a microphone connected to a speaker in a different room.

"And you must be Evie." Natalie said, turning towards the girl after she had said hello to me, Vanessa and Sara. Evie nodded, seeming a little unsure. We had explained what was going to happen to a certain extent, but had left the details out hoping to make this a bit better for her. Although she didn't look scared or upset, she definitely understood something was wrong.

After Natalie explained some last things we were guided towards a homey looking room. It was carefully decorated to make people feel comfortable. I could see it put Sara's mind a bit at ease. All of us sat down to fill in some last forms before it was time for the adults to leave. We said goodbye to Evie and we were guided to a different room.


The sound of the conversation came through a tiny speaker as we sat around a table. It started light. The psychologist asked questions about school and her friends. And then she carefully shifted the subject towards her dad.

"What has it been like to meet your dad."

"It was okay. A bit strange."

Sara stared at the speaker nervously.

"I can imagine that. Do you like spending the weekends at his place?"

"I do, I can eat lot of candy!"

"That's nice. Are there also times you don't like something your dad does. Does he sometimes do things that make you feel uncomfortable?"

I looked down, dreading what was about to come.


"What does he do that you don't like?"

"At night when he tucks me in he sometimes touches me."

Sara had started crying now.

"Can you tell me where he touches you?"

"Down there." She said, hesitantly.

I put a supportive hand on Sara's back, silently wondering whether it made a difference.

"And how often has that happened."

"A few times."

"How does that make you feel?"

"He always says it's normal, but I don't like it. It hurts."

"I understand that. I heard you talked to uncle Lin about it?"

"Daddy said I couldn't tell my mom so I thought I would tell tio."

"That is very smart of you. Would you still want to see your daddy?"

"Not if he does that." She answered honestly. "It scares me."

It fell quiet for a moment.

"But I still like him!"

"I'm sure you do. He's still your dad. But you know he's not allowed to do that."

I pictured Evie nodding silently. They wrapped the conversation up and we were guided towards the room. Sara made sure to wipe her tears away before entering. As we walked in I could see Evie. She looked a little frazzled, but not all too upset. Sara immediately ran up to her and pulled he in for a warm hug. Me and Vanessa stood next to her.


The psychologist understood all of the emotions involved and told us that we could go home. We thanked her and headed to our apartment.

That night as the kids were all in bed we sat around the table. Sara stayed with us that night. She sat in front of me and looked numb.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I carefully asked her.

"I don't know what to say." Her voice sounded far away.

"This was the first time you heard it coming from her, wasn't it?" She softly nodded. I shook my head. "I'm so sorry."

I wish I had something better to say, but I didn't. As heartbroken and appalled as I was the first time I heard that story come out of her mouth, my feelings were nothing compared to what a mother feels.

It stayed quiet for a moment.

"What's gonna happen now?" Sara spoke up, sounding exhausted. Vanessa jumped in.

"Camilla will schedule a court date. We now have Evie's testimony on tape. I think you, me and Lin will have to testify in court, but I'm sure she'll explain everything later on."

I could see Sara was still deeply uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was put her mind at ease.

"Hey, this is the last time we'll have to do this. After this it'll be over, I promise."

"It has to be." She stated coldly. "Because I don't know how much more of this I can take."

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