《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》Rap Battle Numero Uno



"So, what've you been doing lately?"

Lin looks to Tommy, who stands across the circle of people that have gathered around you and Lin. "Well," Says Lin, in the animated voice that has drawn the dozen or so inhabitants of the club to our proximity. "If you really want to know-"

He is cut off by Tommy's cell phone alarm going off. "Aye," Tommy says, "Time to hit the stage." The whole crowd drifts closer to the stage as the lights center on Tommy and three other guys, all holding microphones.

"Yo yo yo WHAT is up you guys this is K-T here with UTK as the rhyme, C-Jack as the rhythm, and Shockwave as the beat." As each man is introduced, they step forward, first a curly haired man with glasses, then, a tall man with dark eyes, and then a man with long golden hair.

You can feel Lin's heart beating with excitement as Shockwave begins to spit a slow, but heavy beat into his mic. Tommy (or "K-T") takes a moment to flirt with the crowd. He can directly identify nearly everyone in the club, which gives you some idea of the audience. You can guess that the same fifteen or so people come here each week.

Your attention is drawn back to the stage as K-T says, "And we have a couple newbies with us tonight, including my new friend." A spot light hits Lin and follows him as he makes his way onstage. The crowd closes in the space he used to occupy and you push your way closer to the stage.

Lin stands awkwardly as he's handed a mic, the crowd buzzes with anticipation. "Aye, what's your name man?" C-Jack says. Lin fumbles with the mic, "Uh it's Lin. Lin-Manuel Miranda." K-T laughs, "Boy that's a mouthful. Aight everybody give L-Man a hand." The crowd claps and cheers.

You see Lin's eyes scan the crowd. When he find you, he smiles and gives you a little wave. You wave back and see him gathering himself, standing straighter and smiling even wider, taking in the crowd.

"So here's the deal guys. Freestyle Love Supreme has been thinking of adding a new member. I think L-Man gots what it takes, but the boys here are a little skeptical. I think we all know what that calls for..."


The crowd erupts around you. K-T motions to Shockwave saying, "Lets change it up a bit." Shockwave nods and switches beats to something a bit more fast pace, it sounds almost similar to something Lin has written. The lights illuminate Lin and Tommy and the crowd quiets. Tommy makes a dramatic sweep of the crowd with his eyes before saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, you coulda been anywhere in the world tonight but you're here with FreeStyle Love Supreme, are you ready for a rap battle?"

Everyone shoves closer to the stage, laughing and screaming, as a glass bowl filled with strips of paper is brought on stage. Tommy continues, "Now I know most of you guys have seen this before, but I'm going to explain for the newbies. This," K-T motions to the bowl and the crowd cheers, "is the fish bowl. A collection of words compiled by yours truly. As a word is drawn, the rapper must use it in their verse. You stumble over a line or let the rhythm go flat, you out, feel me."

You see Lin go pale as someone shoves him further into the light. "For this battle," K-T says, "I'll go first and let the newbie get a chance to see how it's done. Then, the newbie will face off against our very own freestyle champion, UTK. If he can hold his own, he's in. If not? Well, you catch my drift."

Lin's face has lost all its color. You push your way to the edge of the stage and try to catch his eye. When you do, you smile, and he smiles nervously back. You send him a thumbs up, not sure what else to offer. Before Lin can respond, Tommy has started:

"Alright alright now that's what I'm talking about

This newbies got flow

But can he really spit it out

Who knows so let's go see what he's heard

While we let C-Jack pull back the first word."

C-Jack pulls a strip of paper and reads it in a deep, booming voice to the audience: "Bacon"

"The first words im takin' is bacon

Making lyrics with my mouth

The whole crowd is shaking..."



"Don't mean to boast

But my name's K-T and baby I'm the most

The ghost, haunting the club

Spicy like the spice mix you'd rub on the roast."


"But tonight's not about

The bars I can spit.

It's about if my homie can shape up if he's gonna quit.

The time has come

soon'a switch off my spot light and

I'm done

Tuna the mic over to my man, L-Man Miranda"

Lin pulls a strand of his long hair behind his ear and puts the mic to his lips and begins:

"Hey y'all good morning

this is L-Man Miranda

Making my debut

At Kool Katz and I, uh

Never run with these dogs before

But I'm a pit bull, down on all fours

Spit fire verses till I leave ya wanting some more."

Members of the crowd mutter to eachother, not sure what to make of Lin, as UTK introduces himself:

"Aye this UTK

Straight from LA

Bout to lay a verse

My rhymes a curse

Make ya disperse

Back where ya come from

There's a fire in these bars,

While ya trippin on your words

I'll leave you calling na-na-na-911."

While the crowd cheers, Lin nods to C-Jack and the man pulls a word out of the bowl:


Lin takes a breath, then starts:

"Ya say your bars are hot but that's not a right a way

Prepare to feel the heat or prepare to fly away

Ya think this guys hot as a jalapeño pepper?

Im better,

Hotter than flaming carbones, ya see

Wait till ya hear: Peter Pipers pickin a pickled peck of me."

There is a collective "ooohh..." from the crowd.

UTK glares at C-Jack over his glasses and C-Jack shrugs, pulling him a word: "Baggage"

"Lin-Manuel, oh well, guess who came to play,


Hold the mic closer to your mouth

And then maybe you'll spit fire like you say

How am I supposed to hold my own

When the little one can't hold his own mic

That's right

Before you drop bombs, you gotta drop that Mexican immigrant baggage

If you're so bilingual, Como se dice "savage?"

The "Oooohh." from the crowd is even louder this time as Lin's face burns bright red, but when his eyes meet yours, they are not full of fear. C-Jack calls the next word:


As Lin faces his opponent, his hands cease trembling, time stands still as he raises the mic to his lips:

"First of all, let's get this one thing straight

Im a U.S. citizen, born and raised now

Land of the free

Let that reverberate

Apologize, and maybe we can wipe clean the slate


Can you criticize the way I hold a mic


Can you scandalize the way I spit my thing

Take off your nickel ring, flip the coin, hit this chance up

Flow so low, bro you're not So Co, you're So-so

I bet you can't sing in the glee club

Obviously your belt is so weak, you can't even hold your own pants up."

The audience is practically rioting in adoration of Lin. C-Jack is smiling and nodding his head, shrugging to UTK as he calls the next word:


UTK looks nervous, he's sweating and he avoids Lin's eyes as he says:

"Yo, yo, yo,

Check this rhyme,

You can have your verses,

I'll have mine,

Tearing you apart somewhere down the line,

You're getting offended by my speech

Welcome to America

That's my freedom.

Are you deaf?

Here's the sign,

Sign language,

This language will be your resolution,

Leave you without words, disol- disolushon... diso..."

UTK fumbles his words, the crowd goes silent. You see Lin smile and step towards the frazzled UTK. Taking a breath, Lin picks up where UTK so obviously left off:

"You're out here talking


I'm a Puerto Rican demon

You're just americano dreaming

Yo, you want to learn something

About seeding and reapin?

Sit down, close your mouth for once, try to listen

You're off from LA mr Hot Stuff

Spittin weak stuff

Ima take a week off

From spitting fire, let UTK off

Easy on this one

Sweating, hands shaking, face red, you're done!

Ya think your brighter than the son

Im calling bull crap on that one

You're so dull

Choked on 'disillusion'

This is my restitution

This is your resolution

Im writing my declaration of ripping this up

Rewriting your history of mistakes and slip ups

Uh oh

Mi Hermano

Looks like your Times up,

This the end, You've come in second

L-Man's número uno!

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