《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》The Klub


Slowly, you separate. His eyes are red and puffy, his nose pink from the cold. You reach up and pinch the tip of his nose and he smiles. You hug him once more, and feel that he's shivering slightly in the cold. You pull him close and walk, together, through the park.

When you arrive at the apartment, you shut the door and turn to the shivering man. You wrap your arms around him and pull him into a full-body embrace, kissing his nose and smiling. He looks bothered. "What?" You say. He frowns, "When's your birthday?" You look away and brush your hair behind your ear, "Uh, its today, actually." Lin looks at you in complete disbelief and horror, "Today? (Y/n), why didn't you tell me your birthday was today?" You continue to avoid his eyes as you say, "It's not that important. It's just like any other day. I haven't celebrated it since I was like, 13."

"(Y/n)," Lin says, wide eyed, "Do you know what that means?." You shake your head, but you don't like the kiddish look in his eyes. "We have got to do something special for your birthday. Like, a huge party!" "Lin," You say, "We don't have any friends." "Oh," Lin says, "right. Well, we could go out clubbing!" "Lin," You say, "neither of us drink... or dance..." "Oh," Says Lin, his face falling. "Hey," You say, reaching into your pocket, "Its Saturday. We could try out this place."

You hand him the business card Tommy had given Lin earlier. Lin cocks an eyebrow, "Kool Katz? Isn't that the student sponsored 'club' across from the performing arts building?" You shrug, "Never been there." Lin looks at you and smiles, "First time for me too."


You stretch up on the toes and press your lips to his philtrum, "We'll make it a date." He swells with joy, "When can we leave?" You giggle and press him away, "I've got to put something on, I can't go in sweat pants. And you need a coat."

In thirty minutes, you've done your hair and put on your favorite outfit, and Lin has successfully written the first three words of the song when Phillip Hamilton dies. Lin sits stewing on the couch with the lap top when you walk out of the bedroom. You put your hand on his shoulder and he looks up at you, smiling when he does. "You're doing a good job," You say, "Im proud of you."

Walking quickly through the crisp, cool air, you and Lin hop from one pool of lamp light to the other as the sun slips behind the edge of the earth. You walk up to the small, brick building nestled between a dance studio and a maintenance building. The neon lights on the facade of the establishment buzz lazily as you place your hand on the door handle. Lin pushed the door open and holds it, allowing a rush of warm air out. You walk foreword, into the red dank, room, trap music fills your ears. Fifteen or twenty people, the entirety of the building's population, turn to look at Lin and you.

For a moment there is only silence, then Tommy is waving you over, "Hey! It's Lin! And... you!" Lin slides easily into Tommy's group. You, not so easily. You hover beside Lin for a moment before walking over to the bar. The bartender is a hunky black man wearing a small white apron. "I.D.?" He says, loud, voice booming. "I, uh." You didn't bring your backpack. The man laughs, "You didn't really think I served alcohol, did you? Ha! Classic. Here," He hands you a Shirley temple, "On the house." You smile, blushing slightly, "Thankyou."


You listen to the music a moment, and turn around in your barstool to watch Lin hitting it off with Tommy and his friends. You smile, because it's good to see Lin relaxing, he's always so stressed with-"

You hear a whistle beside you and you turn to see that a woman with a blonde pixie cut now occupies the barstool next to you. She smacks fragrant pink gum in her mouth as she says, "How are you so pretty?" Your tongue is tied, but you manage, "I, uh." "Strong silent type?" She says, snorting, "Well this place is a drag, and I wanna see what you can do with that mouth. Why don't we go get freaky?"

"Excuse, me?"

You turn to see that one red hot Puerto Rican is now standing behind you, a living hurricane of rage, "(Y/n) isn't going anywhere," He growls, "If they're in the mood, it won't be with some skank that's whistling because she has nothing to say."

"Aye! Relax, dude!"

"Que, relax?" Says Lin, in a dry, deadly tone, "Get out."

The chick holds up her hands, grabs her jacket off the counter and swaggers out of the club. You turn to see everyone is staring at you and Lin, the music stopped. Lin turns you to face him, "Are you okay?" You look into his large brown eyes, full of concern, a stark contrast from his previously poisonous posture, "I'm fine." He smiles, bends down, and kisses you. You kiss him back.


There is a collective swoon from the crowd. You jump back from Lin, remembering that everyone is watching. Tommy starts clapping saying, "Aye, let's hear it for Lin and (Y/n)!" Everyone starts cheering for you and Lin. Lin slips an arm around your waist and pulls you close to him, where you remain for the rest of the night.

Well, at least until Freestyle Love Supreme takes the stage...

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