《In The Shadows (Star Trek TOS/AOS)》Part 13


Gwen had her head in a circuit panel, she was on one of those rolling boards that mechanics use when looking under cars. Out of nowhere someone violently pulled her out from under the panel, "James I know it's you," she said climbing up to look around the bridge. "Computer who is on the bridge?" "There is only one person on the bridge Lieutenant Gweynneth Congdon-Williams," "Thats funny. Oh well," she dismissed it as a slip of her foot and got back to work. This time when she reached for her PPAD it wasn't there only, well it was but it was at her feet. Mindless she accepted that she must of put it there. While humming to Don't Stop Believing the music suddenly cut out and she was dragged from under the panel again. Looking around the room something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. A ghostly white figure with dark hair hanging over it's head and blood shot eyes. Not taking any chances Gwen shriek loud enough for the whole ship to hear her and she raced to the turbo lift abandoning her stuff and got out of there.

She ran as fast as she could through the corridors when she ran into James, Spock, Bones and Scotty who had all heard her screams. "Gwen did you hear that scream?" "It was me doofus so yeah of course I.." she paused seeing the figure peer out from around the corner behind the four men. Shrieking again she tried bolting not wanting to look back, but James had a firm grip on her hand trying to stop her from running as the figure came closer to them, "JUST TURN AROUND!" Gwen yelled at the men trying to make a break for it away from the figure. The men caught a brief glimpse of someone dressed in white with long dark hair just disappear in front of them. "Holy moly no wonder lassie wanted to run," Scotty gasped as Gwen hid her face not to see it, "Gwen what happened?" "I was on the bridge while working on a panel and I got pulled out from underneath." She started off clear but as she got further in she panicked more and her words became undistinguishable from one another. "Gwen breathe and tell us slowly. Hey focus on me and take deep breath's," "Okay. I was working on the bridge in a panel on one of those wheeled boards. Out of nowhere I get pulled out from underneath, at first I thought it was you then the computer said I was the only person on the bridge. Thinking it to be an accident I got back to work, then my PADD got moved from my side to my feet. I thought I just didn't remember putting there then I got yanked out again only I looked up to see that shadow and I shrieked," "We know that part lassie I'm surprised the Romulans didn't hear you," "Oh haha Scotty."


she said, still trying to catch her breath from the shock.

Still skeptical they pulled the cctv footage and it confirmed Gwen's story but it also showed something sinister. That fiend was still following Gwen around the ship. And was standing right behind her, "BOO!" the figure yelled grabbing Gwen's waist. She turned to come face to face with a mirror image, "CAYLA!" She yelled not in a good tone, "I was wondering when I would next see you Gilly other when you were in a coma? Say something Gilly," Gwen just slapped her sister and began yelling at her, "CAYLA HOW COULD YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD FOR THREE YEARS. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO OUR PROMISE, SISTERS BY CHANCE FRIENDS BY CHOICE. FRIENDS ESPECIALLY SISTERS TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING. I THOUGHT FOR THREE YEARS I HAD KILLED YOU," "Gilly I'm," Gwen cut her off, "ONLY MY SISTER CALLS ME GILLY AND SHE HAS BEEN DEAD FOR THREE YEARS. YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. MY SISTER IS DEAD!" She yelled, going to strike Cayla again, "Gwen calm down, match my breathing. In and out," "NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!" she yelled again, snatching the small photo frame from Cayla. It was a photo hand drawn of Gwen and Cayla hugging each other with the words 'Once A Twin Always A Twin' then 'Sisters By Chance Friends By Choice' along the bottom written in calligraphy. James knew it meant so much to Gwen, so much so no one else could touch it, "Do you remember when we made it we used the drawing from a photo of us on the island?" "Me and Cayla made this and it was a promise she broke." with all the force of her rage behind her Gwen launched the frame into the circuit panel when it smashed and ruined the photo. "CAYLA IS DEAD. MY TWIN IS DEAD. YOU MIGHT LOOK LIKE HER BUT YOU WILL EVER BE MY TWIN. CAYLA WOULD NEVER BREAK OUR PROMISE! YOU DID. YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME, YOU HEAR ME YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!" Gwen's yelling attracted the attention of the rest of the crew. She didn't notice she had to shove through the crowds to get to her quarters. Cayla was frantically trying to save the photo frame but it was already engulfed in the flames. "Cayla just leave it, it's too far gone. This is really out of character for Gwen," "You don't have to tell me twice," "No as in she wouldn't even pinch someone only if it was absolutely necessary. This is really out of character, either something isn't right with Gwen or there's something you or her isn't telling us." they noticed Cayla biting her lip as this secret would ruin her.


Cayla decided to go after Gwen despite Bones and Jim saying it wasn't a good idea. "Gwen you had it ease you were the twin with the looks and the talent I was a nobody," "NO you weren't you had your beauty, your charm, you were even smarter than me but you still had to pass my talents as yours. You took what was special about me and passed it as your own. You are Cayla Williams the famous musician and dancer I'm just her twin with the name no one can pronounce let alone spell. you got to tour the world as the famous popstar and I was stuck in Port Isaac having to keep your secret. Can't you just expect that you robbed my future, my chances. Why am I not surprised i saw you flirting with my fiancé, i worked hard to build myself a life from the ground up. I am not letting you come in like a wrecking ball. Either you get up on that stage and tell the truth or I do it won't be hard," Cayla gritted her teeth knowing that that wasn't the end of this. Little did she know Gwen had live streamed it to their shared vlog channel. It blew up quickly as who would a celebrity called out for using her twins talent.

Gwen went to get a drink at the Halo Bar when dozens were asking if the video was true and for more detail. This was her chance. "Yes it is. She was always the favourite twin to everyone we met. She was cool and popular where i was just cayla's sister, cayla had everything she was funny, charismatic, smart even got the better looks where as i was stuck with acne and braces. All I had was my artistic abilities, drawing, painting, music, singing, dance, acting. But what Cayla had didn't satisfy the craving for popularity so she stole one of my song demos and portrayed it as just singing for fun. She also used my dance videos as her own. Hell she even used my art abilities as her own. She can't sing a note to save her life. The witch had everything but she still wanted more, she robbed me of a different future. While she was off 'performing' with my voice to royalty and huge crowds worldwide I was stuck in Port Issac writing new music for her. So yeah it is true i gave her the ultimatum but she didn't follow through," crowds were shocked but listened intently to the rest of her story, "I left town for the academy for a reason. To escape from under Cayla's thumb, I wrote and produced my own music under the name Gwen Congdon, not Gweynneth Williams which was the name I was portarted under in the spotlight. I built a life for myself here on the Enterprise and in Star Fleet but Cayla comes in like a wrecking ball and the witch even has the nerve to flirt with my fiancé saying why end up married to the loser twin. I just can't take it anymore playing the perfect sister of a fake superstar."

with that secret of her chest and Cayla permanently humiliated Gwen actually began to actually smile. This time without that shadow in her eyes. James who knew exactly what happened and took this as a good sign that she was doing better. "Go on Gwen give us a song," "If you insist. How about angel of darkness?" "Yeah do it."


💎Luna "Angel of Darkness" MLP FIM PMV💎

"So you like singing about darkness?" "All my life I've been in darkness I guess I still need to work my hand at other ventures," she laughed while downing another drink, "Hey what about. An oldie but a goody Hex Girl and Earth Wind and Fire?" her friends nodded picking up their instruments.

💎Hex Girls from scooby doo witch's ghost💎

"Damn she has a beautiful clear voice," "Yeah she does and I'm the lucky one," Kirk chuckled catching eye contact


with Gwen who had the biggest smile he'd ever seen. The stage lights just worked for her, "Hey beautiful," he said taking the mic from her, "You sing?" "Lord no I can but I don't like it," "For me?" She gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Fine do you know A Whole New World?" "Yeah from the two Aladdins who doesn't know them."

💎Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott- A Whole New World (from Aladdin) (Official Video)💎

They were laughing as they left the stage almost leaving a line of karaoke. "What do you say?" He asked nudging her in the shoulder, "Say what?" "We do this at our wedding?" "Yeah this was actually really fun and the others are enjoying it. I can't believe we already have most of the planning done what a month in?" "It makes sense to do it all in one go so we can enjoy ourselves right the way up to the wedding," he leaned down to kiss her, "Oy Jon!" She started speaking in her mother tongue to a fellow Cornishman who understood to an extent, "Gwen could you teach me? I only know how to listen not to speak," "Sure meet me in the holo deck tomorrow I'll show you the kav (caves) I learnt to talk in. Did you know I am one of few who Cornish is there first language?" "No I didn't good thing I asked you then. So do you speak Cornish in private?" "Yeah he doesn't understand but I write in Cornish. I also write in my journal as it's literally the best security feature. Speaking of which can you read Cornish?" "Yeah I need practice but I can," "In that case you will like this," she brought out a blue notepad, "What is it exactly?" "I used to sit on the dock with my keugh (grandad) I would dornskrifa (roughly translates to 'write them by hand') for him," "Now you've lost me?" "Never mind Jim tell you later."

Later that evening Gwen was writing again in her journal and looked up by habit said in her mother tongue, 'Be careful don't burn yourself,' he clearly didn't understand her that was clear when he singed his sleeve on the stove, "Thats what I said, be careful don't burn yourself," she laughed rolling his shirt sleeve up and pulling his arm under the tap. With his other hand he grabbed her journal, "You are a good drawer," "Yeah come on put my journal down," "No relax I can't read it. I was wondering we have shore leave coming up two weeks if I remember correctly. I was wondering if you want to see my home town?" "Yeah actually I've never been to America I went to the British academy but yeah. I bet they've never met a Cornish girl," "No they haven't your accent is thicker than theres even though you haven't been to Cornwall in a while," "Easy when I disappear to the holo deck I play a simulation of my home town language and all. Thats why my accent gets thicker after I disappear. Now my secrets up," "I'm glad you told me. I can't wait for you to meet my folks."

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